briansunter / logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai

A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq
MIT License
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Is there anyway to route the plugin to a privateGPT instance hosted locally on the same computer or on a local network? #130

Open toxicfeet opened 7 months ago

toxicfeet commented 7 months ago

I love the idea of using this plugin on an offline LLM instead of giving my data to the cloud. Are there any suggestions on where to look in this code and other resources to kludge something together to use privateGPT instead of openAI?

I didn't see anyone else asking this and hope this is the right spot to ask it.

BradKML commented 5 months ago

Seconded but for something like Oobabooga (or Ollama once they get on windows)... or stronger integration with GPT4All if their limits can be tolerated. Not sure about LocalChat and Local AI Same applies to

Green-Sky commented 3 months ago

llama.cpp's server provides a more or less openai compatible api, so making the api url configurable might be all thats needed.