briansunter / logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai

A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq
MIT License
700 stars 65 forks source link

I dont see any prompt on the windows version #97

Closed BettyNutz closed 1 year ago

BettyNutz commented 1 year ago

Obviously there is no cmd button (to press cmd+g) on Windows version of logseq, but I'm on the latest version - with your plugin installed and i dont see the popup as you show in your demo. Im prob just doing something retarded. but it'll be great to get the summery function going. i can type in /gpt that the end of a question and it seems to work ...but no popup like you show

hope you can help

briansunter commented 1 year ago

I think it's the windows key on windows. You can customize it in the settings too. I could potentially have it use ctrl on windows if the windows key is inconvenient. Let me know if that works

BettyNutz commented 1 year ago

To customize: do i add something in the settings in the json or if its just in general settings under keyboard shortcuts. If so, whats it called the command in others (see image)?

This is such a stupid question. sorry. Windows 10 has xbox game bar mapped to win+g key.

Appreciate your help

briansunter commented 1 year ago

Under the plugin settings you can change it from mod+g to something like ctrl + g

BettyNutz commented 1 year ago

its in the latest update! thanks
