briansunter / logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai

A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq
MIT License
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Show a loader when the AI is generating content #99

Open kavir10 opened 1 year ago

kavir10 commented 1 year ago

When using the Cmd+J shortcut or when using the gpt-block command, show a loader to indicate to the user that the AI is working.

briansunter commented 1 year ago

Hey @kavir10, would using the GPT popup with a continue command suit your use case? That should be the same as gpt-block

kavir10 commented 1 year ago

I prefer the Cmd+J shortcut for gpt-block because it is quicker. But when I don’t receive any system feedback that the AI is running, then I wonder if I used the shortcut properly and may run it again.

After using Obsidian's plugin for GPT3, I got used to the loader.

taariy commented 1 year ago

Dear @briansunter please add a loader icon at the cursor location for "ctrl+j" to improve the slow load time with gpt-4. This would provide very much needed real-time feedback on the load process and enhance the user experience hugly. Thanks for your work.