brianuuu / AutoController_swsh

Automation for various tasks in Pokemon Sword & Shield and other Pokemon games on Nintendo Switch
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More Consistent Soft Resets #3

Open Spade013 opened 3 years ago

Spade013 commented 3 years ago

I've noticed a problem with the soft resets in some of the programs and my Switch. Sometimes it would take a bit longer for the Switch to bring up the menu for you to pick the user profile. This would cause the program to get out of sync from the switch. To fix this issue, I changed line 140 on the Auto3DaySkipper program from 50 to 150 and line 37 on the PurpleBeamFinder program from 50 to 150. This adds a small bit of time for the profile selector to come up and select the profile I'm using.

This adds a small bit of time to the overall performance of the program, but it makes it more consistent. I haven't had a need to use all of the programs in the AutoController program, so I'm not sure if this fix can apply to anything other than these 2.

brianuuu commented 3 years ago

How many profiles do you have on your switch? Adding 100 would add about 3-4 seconds and that's quite a lot I feel like it would be better as a local change

Spade013 commented 3 years ago

I have 2 profiles. 1 USA profile and 1 Japanese profile. The USA profile uses the Mii as profile picture and the Japanese profile uses a regular default picture, but the letters are Japanese.

I mainly posted this to help with other people who may be having this issue themselves.