brianwebb01 / hexagonal-laravel-experiment

Experimentation with hexagonal architecture for Laravel / PHP
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Any updates for Laravel 5 #7

Open EHLOVader opened 9 years ago

EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

Is there any reason this wouldn't work with Laravel 5 as is? I think that it will but could see some benefit from validation through Requests and possibly route model binding?

Would these or other new things fit into the hexagonal structure? am I confused?

ilumos commented 9 years ago

I too am interested in this, having not yet looked at how Laravel 5 "decides" you should structure your app.

EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

I found this looking at Indatus/blacksmith

I also found that in Laravel5 folders have moved as well as some other minor changes in the classes on some things.

I would like to investigate those changes through blacksmith and the templates provided there and also find a way to append routes and inject route model binding with their tool.

Hopefully the route model binding and the new request validation aren't too far out of scope of hexagon structure. I would like start using it in future projects but don't think I want to lose those from my workflow. On May 9, 2015 10:59 AM, "ilumos" wrote:

I too am interested in this, having not yet looked at how Laravel 5 "decides" you should structure your app.

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EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

Read up more on things, I see why binding isn't a thing. The use of repositories makes sense too. Would be interested if Requests would be useful still.

EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

Still interested in making this work for Laravel 5. Moving things around I believe I was able to make it happen. However I am still curious if FormRequest could fit in, or any ValidatesWhenResolved holds a place in hexagonal architecture.

I think the ability for FormRequests to handle forbidden and authentication related errors is a strong feature that isn't explicitly handled in these examples. It also seems to be a direct replacement for previous validation techniques like ardent.