brianzhouzc / RocketBot

An automated Pokémon Go Bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BOT not catching any pokemons #618

Closed starktony1 closed 8 years ago

starktony1 commented 8 years ago

Please help BOT is NOt catching any pokemons. Yes there are pokemons in that area(i manually checked 19 Lures also). Manually i can catch pokemons. Force Unbann does no help


thuantocode commented 8 years ago

At the moment i'm guessing pokemon are rarely spawning at pokestops now and as the bots are based on going from pokestop to pokestop there's hardly anything to catch. Could be an anti-bot mechanism, or could be something wrong with pokemon not spawning at the moment. One thing we need is verification that there is a pokemon at a pokestop but the bot just can't see it.

Edit: sorry just saw you said you've manually checked. Seems both the bot and Pokevision can't see the pokemon at pokestops anymore.

YupHesback commented 8 years ago

Its your location your in San fran and your near the peirs. I can tell by the pokestops

Dark-Developer commented 8 years ago

Niantic removed the ability to throw balls as soon as the battle starts. Need to look into a new way to catch them now.

deadbambi commented 8 years ago

yeah Im having the same problem now too, but heres the weird thing Im almost level 29, it just started about an hour ago not collecting pokemons, but Im running another bot for my wife and she is only level 12 atm and its still collecting pokemons as Im writing this

beaujanglez727 commented 8 years ago

Level 31 Bot is in dallas area - caught 3 pokemon in the last hour. Also not getting any items from stops. Just changed locations having trouble getting forced unbanned now.

thuantocode commented 8 years ago

Minimum time for get_map_objects is now 5s. See

Solution for now is to ensure at least 5s between the GetMapObjects calls.

starktony1 commented 8 years ago

@MagicMoogle I tried to change settings manually (Im no programmer) but it didnt work . I searched that code and replaced previous values with new values

eGeeked commented 8 years ago

@starktony1 were you looking in Payload.cs?

thuantocode commented 8 years ago

Simplest way is to stick an await Task.Delay(5000); line before before the return statement in the GetMapObject method in Client.cs. This has drastically reduced xp/hr and pokemon/hr but it is working again. Optimally we would remember when we last made the call and wait till then +5.

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

thx for that :)

ymlai87416 commented 8 years ago

@MagicMoogle thanks alot

Epic81 commented 8 years ago

how do you edit the file? I downloaded visual studios and sandy cs file editor. I go to my downloads folder and sub folder pokemon_go_hacks but nothing comes up. The program Pokemon_Go_Rocket and all its files are there. How do I open the file for editing? Thanks in advance.

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

edit with notepad++ compile with visual studio 2015

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Hey sorry for the dumb question but where is GetMapObject in Client.cs when it loads Visual Studios? I can't find it and also if you could tell me where the Return Statement will be that would be nice. Thanks!

bozoweed commented 8 years ago


        await _httpClient.PostProtoPayload<Request, GetMapObjectsResponse>($"https://{_apiUrl}/rpc", mapRequest);

line ~ 320

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

I don't see any of that on line 320. Mines says new Request.Types.SettingsGuid line 322 is Guid = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("4a2e9bc330dae60e7b74fc85b98868ab4700802e") What am I doing wrong?

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

look around this ligne or just presse ctlr+f

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I see "New" thats what got highlighted..

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

OH line 327 has what you posted, what do I need to do on that line?

bozoweed commented 8 years ago
await Task.Delay(6000);

            await _httpClient.PostProtoPayload<Request, GetMapObjectsResponse>($"https://{_apiUrl}/rpc", mapRequest);
Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

I see, so whats the difference with Task.Delay(5000); and Task.Delay(6000);

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

or you a dev ? --' 5000= 5 second before take return and pokemon spawn in 5 seconde so i have add 1 sec for have more chance to catch one

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

No, I'm not a dev lol.. Also, so this is going to catch me pokemon but just not as fast as it did before?

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

yes cause niantic have make a couldown of 5 second before spawning

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Also, just Ctrl-S will make this work or do I is there anything else I have to do.I have the bot pinned to my task bar so do I need to go through the entire CTRL f5 thing again? Or is this instantly going to take place.

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

I'm still catching nothing so I think I might need to do something else to have it take place..

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

whtf ? it's a release not source code x) the edit must be in source and compiled

for the timer i working on it for seen the best timer

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Bozoweed, do you think you could help me out with this? Nothing has changed sense I added that code in, so idk :( @bozoweed

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

i will do an updatte now i try it if it's work perfectly i will upload it then you onli must download my update and all must be okey i can't do any more

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Okay, do you have skype by any chance?

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

for now the bot say to me pokemon/hour 110 ^^

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Wait how!

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

I did what you said, I put that code in, but nothing changed!

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

yes i got it but i don't give it sorry

deadbambi commented 8 years ago

thanks bozoweed, it'd be much appreciated if you could just upload a new build

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Okay, so how can you help me with this? What should I do..

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

i will past the link for the updated source when it's okey

Epic81 commented 8 years ago

@bozoweed can you upload your modified verison? Thanks for your help.

animesugoi commented 8 years ago

Ty bozoweed waiting for new release from u then

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Updated source? Like the code updated were I can run the program like you?

starktony1 commented 8 years ago

@DetectiveSquirrel please Fix this

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

if you want the release porograme waite juste 5 minuste more cause i got a bad connection ^^

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Bozo, are you talking to me? Is this new program going to work?SO CONFUSED

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

first i upload the source updated after i update the programe is for everyone

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Okay, so I will be catching pokemon then right..?

starktony1 commented 8 years ago

@Ethan943 you are way too excited , let bozo do the work :p

bozoweed commented 8 years ago

after my update yes you can ^^ i just try to maque it stable

Ethan943 commented 8 years ago

Dude im so confused right now lol.. @starktony1

Epic81 commented 8 years ago

@Ethan943 chill bro he's going to release the source code first then upload a stable version for everyone to just download and run.

starktony1 commented 8 years ago

@Ethan943 they update the BOT to make it work , OFC it will make you catch pokemon . Let Bozo work , Sip a bear and Sit back .