brianzhouzc / RocketBot

An automated Pokémon Go Bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
564 stars 315 forks source link

WtF? #689

Open user8285 opened 8 years ago

user8285 commented 8 years ago

Transfer does not work at all. Annoying as hell doing it manually. Is there a fix for transfers? It seems like every time a new feature is added or update comes out we run into more bugs and features not working. Can we concentrate on fixing the stuff that is broken before we continue adding more stuff to the bot.

brianzhouzc commented 8 years ago

you provided no useful information for me to solve the error or bug. stop being mad if you have nothing to contribute to this project.

user8285 commented 8 years ago

@1461748123 1st of all, outstanding job on your creation. Its not perfect but it definitely is getting closer! I'm not mad, just annoyed. Specifically in windows mode with your current version.. Transfers of pokemon do not work. And it's obvious that there are several other users with the same issue and the issue has not been addressed as of yet. The issue is Transfers of pokemon. It doesn't matter what option you put for transfer i.e. CP, duplicate, IV etc,etc. Nothing transfers. I managed to edit the readsettings.cs file and edited the maxPokemonsOnInventory = 40 this setting transfers all pokemon regardless of specification if there are 40 or more in the inventory. By default it was 220 and even with 220 plus pokemons captured it still wasn't transferring. Lastly my contribution to this project is simply informing the developer what works and what doesn't. This feedback of course is vital. without the community's feedback this project would be garbage. So... how the fuck have I not been contributing? No hard feelings! bot on bro, bot on!

soshimozi commented 8 years ago

1st of all it's not @1461748123 creation. Shoulders of giants. This was code forked from Necromonicon and then enhanced by DetectiveSquirrel. @1461748123 was a contributor who I guess DS gave the repo to (you can transfer ownership in git). Finally Necromonicon based his off the great Protos that were created by AeonLucid. There is an npm and nuget package in fact for POGOProtos that many of the bots are using. Shoulders of giants, shoulders of giants. The most respect goes to the subredit group who cracked the packets in the first place. The rest of us are all johnny come lately's.

brianzhouzc commented 8 years ago

I will look into the issue, thanks for @soshimozi 's explanation :D

wsalim1610 commented 8 years ago

I still don't understand which version are you referring to. There is no readsettings.cs in our project. There is also no maxPokemonsOnInventory as far as I know. Are you sure you are not mixed up with some other bots?