brianzhouzc / RocketBot

An automated Pokémon Go Bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
564 stars 315 forks source link

Geonames #820

Open AntonNel opened 8 years ago

AntonNel commented 8 years ago

I know this is of minor concern, but the reason for it showing an error most of the time:

<status message="the daily limit of 30000 credits for pokemongobot has been exceeded. Please throttle your requests or use the commercial service." value="18"/>
brianzhouzc commented 8 years ago

Yeah, we hit 30,000 usage everyday pretty fast :D

BillOatman commented 8 years ago

I just comment out these lines. Making an unnecessary web service call (twice) just wastes time in my opinion.

            //    ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.DarkGray, "Country: " + CallAPI("country", lat2.Replace(',', '.'), longit2.Replace(',', '.')));
            //    ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.DarkGray, "Area: " + CallAPI("place", lat2.Replace(',', '.'), longit2.Replace(',', '.')));
            //catch (Exception)
            //    ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.DarkGray, "Unable to get Country/Place");