brianzinn / react-babylonjs

React for Babylon 3D engine
812 stars 102 forks source link

Static site 👍 #195

Closed benallfree closed 2 years ago

benallfree commented 2 years ago

Hey @brianzinn ok this is a big update and I'm feeling really great about this path. We're using gatsby and dumping storybook.


All that functionality lives in the /devtools folder, while /packages contains Babylon-specific stuff. I would like it very much if we could incubate the @devtools packages in this repo until we feel like they are robust enough to put into a separate monorepo and publish on npm. Thanks for this opportunity to make something really nice!

To test:

rm -rf node_modules
yarn workspaces build # this will build all packages in the correct order
cd packages/static
rm -rf .cache && yarn start

Then go to packages/static/content and edit the mdx files and supporting tsx files to your heart's content. Every .tsx demo must be free-standing, and it is included in the mdx using:

[devtool:MyDemo.tsx] which should reside in the same folder.


To develop:

Go into any /devtools package and do yarn build && yarn watch. That will pick up changes and rebuild the js dist folders. You may need to restart the static site depending on the changes.

benallfree commented 2 years ago

Good to merge 👍

I am going to keep going in a new branch to work out topic sorting and navigation.

benallfree commented 2 years ago

Ok now gtg for realz 🙄

brianzinn commented 2 years ago

love it!! super excited.