brianzinn / react-babylonjs

React for Babylon 3D engine
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"Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite" Typescript error when used with Chakra-UI #248

Closed mikecann closed 1 year ago

mikecann commented 1 year ago

As the title suggests you get typescript errors when you try to combine react-babylonjs with Chakra-UI.

I suspect that this is a common issue with React Fibre when combined with complex UI frameworks. See these other issues from similar libs:

I honestly dont know what you can do about it. Its really annoying as I was looking forward to using ract-babylon but there is no way we can refactor out chakra at this stage.

If this is not fixable feel free to close.

brianzinn commented 1 year ago

Can you share your code that causes this error? I have, for example, a Box export, but I am happy to remove it as it's unneeded and maybe even confusing, but perhaps you have something else - looks like may be a globals conflict...

mikecann commented 1 year ago

Hmm I just had a shot at trying to make it fail but I failed:

It seems to work fine.. I guess the issue is my end then, some combination of my dependencies + builder... sigh

brianzinn commented 1 year ago

Sometimes codesandbox is more forgiving than VS Code. Can still be an issue here.