brianzinn / react-babylonjs

React for Babylon 3D engine
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WebGPU Support #283

Closed zhangyahan closed 1 month ago

zhangyahan commented 1 year ago as mentioned here, support webgpu. If the author's time does not allow, i want pull a request.

brianzinn commented 1 year ago

hi @zhangyahan - would definitely accept a PR! cheers.

buuhvprojects commented 6 months ago

have it support to webgpu?

brianzinn commented 3 months ago

i have a PR #315 - looking for any feedback on the design. there was a community PR #289 . If you have any feedback between the 2 different ways. Thanks.

buuhvprojects commented 2 months ago

@brianzinn in my opinion your PR is better cause it include more features e its prepared for fallbacks e errors

brianzinn commented 1 month ago

closing. Available in v-next via <WebGPUEngine ... /> and <FallbackEngine ../>.