brianzinn / react-babylonjs

React for Babylon 3D engine
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Get reference to imported model and Babylon methods #317

Closed debashis66 closed 1 month ago

debashis66 commented 2 months ago


I imported a model using the example

import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; import '@babylonjs/loaders'; import { Vector3 } from 'babylonjs'; import { Engine, Scene, ArcRotateCamera, HemisphericLight, Model } from 'react-babylonjs';

const App = () => (


export default App;

I want to get a reference to the imported model (or AbstractMesh) to derive its boundingInfo [using mesh.getBoundingInfo()]. Also any example to use other methods such to setAbsolutePosition, addRotation on the mesh ?

This will allow me to transform the imported model (reposition, rotate) using Babylon API. I can do this with the imperative approach, but how to access these methods using the declarative approach

brianzinn commented 2 months ago

You have options to get a reference to the model. I don't think "onCreated" callback will work. There is a forward ref on <Model ../> and I modified the original example to use that ( so you can:

const LookAtModel: FC<LookAtModelProps> = ({ lookAtPosition, position, id }) => {
  let baseUrl = ''

  const modelRef = useRef<AbstractMesh | null>(null)

  const onModelLoaded = (model: ILoadedModel) => {
    console.log('model loaded:', model);

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('current:', modelRef.current);
    if (modelRef.current) {
  }, [lookAtPosition])

  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<box name="fallback" position={position} />}>

On a mesh, you can call methods declaratively (ie:, such as like this:

        setPivotMatrix={[Matrix.Translation(-props.scaleTo, 0, 0)]}
        setPreTransformMatrix={[Matrix.Translation(-props.scaleTo / 2, 0, 0)]}

That doesn't translate well with Model, due to async nature. You can try it though using that syntax. The array will be spread out and passed as args. I think you can pass in an object with props matching argument names and that will work as well. Keep in mind that "addRotation" will be called every time a render happens if you don't memoize the method/callback.

Also, you don't need to import ArcRotateCamera or HemisphericLight. Those are host elements, so you can remove those imports and just do <arcRotateCamera .../> and it will just work. You do need to import Engine, Scene, Model and only a couple of other components, since they are not host elements.

edit: You may find it easier to use a hook directly as well and skip using <Model ../>. There is not much going on in that component

brianzinn commented 1 month ago

closing from inactivity. if above doesn't help or you have more questions feel free to re-open.