brianzinn / react-babylonjs

React for Babylon 3D engine
809 stars 102 forks source link

This repo should be marked as "not usable". #319

Closed hannahroksanne closed 1 month ago

hannahroksanne commented 1 month ago

The docs are sooo bad. Its like...

Oh you need to see that other file? Check out the CodeSandbox.

Oh here's an example where we do some off the wall BS that abstracts how you would actually do the thing.

There is just... no consideration that the reader doesn't know what the author knows.

This is crazy. At first, I noticed the fractured docs and determined I could just figure it out and then contribute to improving them.

But I was wrong. I've spent almost 2 weeks spinning my wheels on this and I am thinking I was better off using Three. -_-


brianzinn commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback! For the sandbox the file ScaledModelWithProgress.tsx should be included with the template or put inline. The actual file is in the repo, so it's an easy fix. I will add that I'm getting paid exactly 0$ to work on this repository in my spare time, so you can imagine how nice it feels to be told all of your work and work from other constributors is "not usable"! 😄

The example with instancing is just meant to show an example. An InstancedMesh will reduce draw calls, which is an optimization technique used in the real-world. This is the most negative feedback actually that I have had in ~5 years and there are approximately 10K downloads/month of the library. In that regard I will take your comments with a grain of salt.

I have spent more time actually on the docs than the code 😆 The original examples were in storybook and the community feedback via issues was that there wasn't enough explanation of especially some of the custom features or the conventions (like how Materials are attached to Meshes). So, the docs were rewritten from the ground up last year and included links to Code Sandbox for editing. I tried to base the documentation around a newcomer with zero knowledge. Unfortunately, besides a broken playground and an example that to me seems perfectly OK then there's not really enough constructive feedback to make improvements to help the next stuck person.

There's a big learning curve to picking up on 3D libraries - There's not a huge difference in syntax between how this and R3R work. Either way a good understanding of the underlying 3D library will be needed with or without a renderer.

From your profile it looks like you may be new to programming. I would encourage you to take the time to ask for help instead of criticizing in a way that doesn't seem very constructive. There's no reason to spend 2 weeks spinning wheels - the community is really helpful. Babylon.js has a forum supported by Microsoft employees and lot of volunteers that genuinely want to help. Plus there is a discord, stackoverflow, etc. I think you will have less frustration and get a lot more out of programming just by asking for more help. Cheers.