briatte / dsr

Introduction to Data Science with R (Sciences Po, Paris, 2023)
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Under-covered topics #20

Closed briatte closed 1 year ago

briatte commented 1 year ago

For an advanced version of the course, some notes on the stuff that were excluded due to time constraints:

  1. Data manipulation (would deserve an extra session)
  2. Surveys
    • Labelled data (treated in passing; related to the point above re: factors)
    • Survey weights
  3. Databases: SQL etc. (with passing mention of big data)
  4. APIs and Web scraping
  5. Models -- Logit beyond logit: ordered logit, multinomial logit
  6. Models -- panel data, FE/RE, standard error corrections
  7. Models -- mixed models
  8. CVS -- Git/GitHub
  9. Dynamic documents -- R Markdown, Quarto
  10. Networks (data, viz, models)
  11. Text (this time covering e.g. topic models)
  12. JavaScript visualization libraries

So, basically, this advanced course could be, over 12 sessions:

(Still no space for JS libraries, fair enough.)

This neglects PCA-style stuff and ML, which should probably be its own project, centered on tidymodels, covering random forests, gradient-boosted trees, etc.

briatte commented 1 year ago

Moved to