briatte / dsr

Introduction to Data Science with R (Sciences Po, Paris, 2023)
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Which World Bank data package? #21

Closed briatte closed 1 year ago

briatte commented 1 year ago by @vincentarelbundock (current choice) by @jpiburn (more dependencies) also by @jpiburn (unreleased?)

Does one of them also allow to download WB shapefiles?

vincentarelbundock commented 1 year ago

No shapefiles in WDI, unfortunately.

briatte commented 1 year ago

@vincentarelbundock Thanks. I'm not even sure I want to stick with WB shapefiles -- they don't seem to react well to st_transform.

briatte commented 1 year ago

Keeping WDI for now because of the latest argument (not in the online docs, but definitely there), which is handy to get the most recent nonmissing value of an indicator.

(wbstats has more dependencies but all of them are tidyverse, so that's not an issue.)

briatte commented 1 year ago

Sticking with WDI unless @gshs-ornl adds extra features that might come in handy.