briatte / ggnet

Network visualization with ggplot2
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Does not plot due to error "cannot find arrow() function" #11

Closed schmidtchristoph closed 8 years ago

schmidtchristoph commented 8 years ago

Dear François,

thank you for the really nice network plotting function. Unfortunately the code broke during one of the last commits so that plotting does not work anymore. The following example is taken from the examples listed in the ggnet2 documentation and produces the error:

start R library(ggnet)

x <- 10 ndyads <- x * (x - 1) density <- x / ndyads m <- matrix(0, nrow = x, ncol = x) dimnames(m) <- list(letters[ 1:x ], letters[ 1:x ]) m[ row(m) != col(m) ] <- runif(ndyads) < density m

random undirected network

n <- network::network(m, directed = FALSE) n

ggnet2(n, label = TRUE)

I cloned your repository, fixed this and other problems and will submit a pull request.

Best, Christoph

briatte commented 8 years ago

Hi @schmidtchristoph

Thanks for the issue report and pull request.

The error is due to your version of ggplot2, which is probably the CRAN one. Install the forthcoming version of ggplot2 to get rid of the error:


That version should land on CRAN in the near future.