briatte / srqm

An introductory statistics course for social scientists, using Stata
49 stars 17 forks source link error #1

Closed joelgombin closed 10 years ago

joelgombin commented 11 years ago

In the file, I encounter an error with Linux/Stata 12 at line 34. The problem seems to be with the c() instruction :

c(update_query) undefined

briatte commented 11 years ago

It's a Mac and Windows-only command. This little fix should work.

joelgombin commented 11 years ago

Great, thanks!

briatte commented 11 years ago

I have:

The error mentioned should be gone, but it's worth checking out.

joelgombin commented 11 years ago

Works just fine on my Ubuntu.

briatte commented 11 years ago

Would you mind posting the output of the adopath command on your machine? I'm curious to know what the library paths are on Unix. If you have downloaded the last version of the course, type srqm to get the same.

joelgombin commented 11 years ago

srqm gives :

Date: 18 Aug 2013 15:43:34
Software: Stata 12
OS: Unix 
Computer: PC (64-bit x86-64)
Working directory: /media/Data/Dropbox/cours Statistical reasoning/srqm
Stata directories:
  [1]  (UPDATES)   "/usr/local/stata12/ado/updates/"
  [2]  (BASE)      "/usr/local/stata12/ado/base/"
  [3]  (SITE)      "/usr/local/ado/"
  [4]              "."
  [5]  (PERSONAL)  "~/ado/personal/"
  [6]  (PLUS)      "~/ado/plus/"
  [7]  (OLDPLACE)  "~/ado/"
  [8]              "/media/Data/Dropbox/cours Statistical reasoning/srqm/setup"
Course material:
  folders:  code data
  datasets: ess2008 gss0012 nhis2009 qog2013 wvs2000
  packages: lookfor_all, fre, ... (16 packages)
briatte commented 11 years ago

Alright. That means that I should rewrite the 'microlab fix' to make it work on all systems. It takes a bit of code, which has just been added to the utilities. The behaviour is now:

This fixes issue #2. The course utilities are now entirely deployed. I'll add a bit more to the draft code, guide and slides this month, and leave it as such for some time. I'll keep an eye on pull requests :)

joelgombin commented 11 years ago

Out of curiosity, I reran on my Ubuntu today. Got several problems:

joelgombin commented 11 years ago

When running a second time, though, everything seems fine (no error message).

briatte commented 11 years ago

Okay, these are three distinct issues as far as I can tell:

I'll run some tests tomorrow and publish a patched version that works on the Sciences Po admin-restricted machines.

briatte commented 10 years ago

Alright, version 4.5 is the patch that should close this issue:

Assuming that the course setup has been run last week, the command to apply the patch with srqm_get this week is:

srqm_get srqm_link.ado srqm_pkgs.ado

Add to the arguments to also fix the title in that do-file.

(Note: the course utilities have a version number principally because of these issues at installation. Every year has required its own patch and version bump so far. The current code should work well because it will fall back to a local install if everything goes to hell.)

joelgombin commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks a mil!

I believe the clarify issue was indeed server-side and circumstancial.

Just a sidenote: the patch shouldn't be run in the same (admin) session as the first run, otherwise it just doesn't work (I didn't bother understanding why).

briatte commented 10 years ago

So, did it work? :)

joelgombin commented 10 years ago

Yes !

briatte commented 10 years ago
