briatte / srqm

An introductory statistics course for social scientists, using Stata
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Ten years after — v2.0 #31

Open briatte opened 3 years ago

briatte commented 3 years ago

This course is now roughly 10 13 years old (first run: Fall 2010). The pretty dirty repo history shows it. It's time to think of version 2.0, although version 1.0 never got its release tag (release tags did not even exist when we started).

And perhaps even more importantly, but (perhaps, even) more time-consumingly:

Additional do-files

My many TODO files from 2017, (especially) 2018, 2019, 2020 have suggestions of extra do-files to create — shorter ones, ones that cover extra stuff beyond the scope of the course (e.g. merging, panel data).

I also have some very short "demo" do-files that I use in the first hour, as recaps of the previous session + introduction to the second hour of the current one.

Use that as an opportunity to…

Bonus do-files (which will move out some stuff from the main ones, and will cover some intermediate/advanced topics):

  1. xtra01-pca -- plot a map + demo PCA (see below)
  2. xtra02-merge -- download additional data from online + merge
  3. xtra03-svy -- survey weights: WVS 99-04
  4. xtra04-bootstrap -- survey weights: NHIS 2017 (repeat?) + bootstrap
  5. xtra05-export -- export descriptive stats with estout
  6. xtra06-tests -- survey weights: ESS 2008 (repeat?) + other association tests with ranks
  7. xtra07-ts -- QOG time series with (extract of) 2023 edition? (serial correlation)
  8. xtra08-panels -- robust and clustered SEs, fixed and random effects with QOG time series
  9. xtra09-export -- export regression results with estout
  10. xtra10-logit -- AUC/ROC, predicted probabilities, ordinal logit, multinomial (?)
  11. xtra11-mfx -- marginal effects, bootstrap (already there at end, remove)
  12. xtra12-count -- survey weights: GSS + neg binomial, count, Poisson etc.?

PCA example:

pca popgrowth-safewater
scoreplot, ms(i) mlab(country)
// note: tried using `kountry` to convert country names, failed so far
// demo arch effect, no strong 2nd dimension
pca lexp-safewater

Leaves out:

Beyond teaching

I once considered publishing the Stata Guide, but publishing a Stata Guide, even though some publishers would take it, sounds bizarre in 2021. R is the current standard, with Julia and Python probably coming next or along.