brichard19 / BitCrack

A tool for cracking Bitcoin private keys
MIT License
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Just a proposal for faster bruteforcing #150

Open sqsezs opened 5 years ago

sqsezs commented 5 years ago

Hello, what if the search gets a wordlist. I mean, if we have a wordlist with 4 digits created with crunch for every possibility for 0123456789ABCDEF, and we divide all of the digits in the private number on a components 4 digits long. First will cycle at the end, when it does the second will change with one row, when the second one cycle the third pars with 4 digits will cycle. 0000...000014F2 when this four cycle all possibilities it goes to 0000...00010001. If we do this, in a clear math, you could crack almost any bitcoin wallet in a month with 200Mkeys/s. This is a way around … no need to wait 100 years to crack a private key, it still checks every possibility, it still wont miss anything, but will be at least 4 times faster. if the digits are 3, it may be even faster, just because the possibilities from 000 to FFF are much less. Think about it. what do you think of my idea?

voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@sqsezs @SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins @TheRealLordFractal @hamnaz Thanks to you all for this hard work and sharing. You guys are all experts and I unfortunately don't have that much skills. But I'm just wondering and thinking that there should be a modification of this project to brute force certain wallet addresses instead random ones?

Efficiency: _It takes 0.0032457721 seconds for this progam to brute force a single Bitcoin address. However, through multiprocessing.Process() a concurrent process is created for every CPU your computer has. So this program can brute force addresses at a speed of 0.0032457721 ÷ cpucount() seconds.

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife thank you kindly...and you're welcome...

Plutus is written in Python and way to slow for a succesful brute force. Actually written in C is mandatory.

There is something in between Python and C and that's Java...

See link you can take one of the two "Hamnaz" BTC addresses lists as an input and the system will search for those addresses.

I spoke with the dev for an upgrade to C...but in the near future that will not come...

But you can give it a try...and this Java script is way faster than the Python script...


voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins Ok. thanks a lot. I'll give it a try.

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife you're welcome...

voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife you're welcome...

By the way, I tried every single path and every update or settings change which may cause this error but no success. Error: Unable to access jarfile GuessPrivateKey.jar

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife git clone cd GuessPrivateKey wget java -jar GuessPrivateKey.jar 1 yourlist.txt random

where 1 is the amount of threads you want to have and yourlist.txt the desired BTC addresses list

and ouf course you have to installed Java like our friend @dem10 mentioned before...


voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife git clone cd GuessPrivateKey wget java -jar GuessPrivateKey.jar 1 yourlist.txt random

where 1 is the amount of threads you want to have and yourlist.txt the desired BTC addresses list

and ouf course you have to installed Java like our friend @dem10 mentioned before...


It's working now, thanks again. Only wget made problems and took some time till I updated it to the latest version. But the strange thing is, I have 42k addresses in the list and only "6 addresses imported" :)

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife nice to hear...that's strange...I and Hamnaz uploaded several files with BTC addresses...I see they are all gone...I will upload again the BTC addresses list of BTC 0.01 and higher you can apply it directly with GuessPrivateKey...they about nearly 9 million addresses...

When I've uploaded the file I will quote the download link here...


SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@sqsezs @TheRealLordFractal @voyagerlife @hamnaz @dem10 @bill32767

Guys do you noticed that all the links to the "Hamnaz" files are gone...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@dem10 That's correct dem10 flag -Xmx for large files...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife here is a newly created upload link to the Hamnaz files regarding BTC addresses 0.01 BTC and up about nearly 9 million...maybe it's necessary to apply flag -Xmx at the end of the command to apply this large file...

When this version doesn't work on your system I will upload also a 4 million version...


SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago


Thnx dem10!

hamnaz commented 5 years ago

13 march, i filtered more address, prepairing for hex, uploading start in few min, wait for collect

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife Here is a 4 million version...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@hamnaz I will upload again to the anonfile servers...

voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins @dem10 Thank you I totally forgot this hint. But -Xmx didn't apply, I put it to the end of command line and between other flags too.

C:\Windows\System32\GuessPrivateKey>java -jar GuessPrivateKey.jar 3 bit.txt -Xmx1024m random Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant GuessKeyThread.CHOICE.-Xmx1024m at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source) at GuessKeyThread$CHOICE.valueOf( at GuessPrivateKey.main(

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife try the nearly 9 million version first without -Xmx flag...when it doesn't work with -Xmx flag...

Otherwise the uploaded 4 million version...first without -Xmx flag and otherwise with -Xmx flag...

@dem10 thnx for your contribution...


SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@sqsezs @TheRealLordFractal @voyagerlife @hamnaz @bill32767 @dem10 @TheRealLordFractal

Guys time for a good glass red wine...after a week hard work...;-)

Cheers fellows...

voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife try the nearly 9 million version first without -Xmx flag...when it doesn't work with -Xmx flag...

Otherwise the uploaded 4 million version...first without -Xmx flag and otherwise with -Xmx flag...

@dem10 thnx for your contribution...


@SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins I tried all the recommendations but with -Xmx flag I'm getting the same error. It works without -Xmx but imports only 6 addresses. With a smaller address text file no success either. Anyway, I opened an issue on the author's repository. Enjoy your red wine ;-)

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@sqsezs @TheRealLordFractal @voyagerlife @hamnaz @bill32767 @dem10

In the future we will all met as millionaires or even billionaires...;-)

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife only import 6 addresses also with the xaa file (4 million)...really strange...

guessprivatekey guessprivatekey1

By the way SLF4J are harmless...

hamnaz commented 5 years ago

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@hamnaz gonna down- and upload now to anonfile server...

Do you also have a version of BTC 0.01 and higher for our friend @dem10 ...;-)

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@sqsezs @TheRealLordFractal @voyagerlife @hamnaz @bill32767 @dem10

Guys the updated Hamnaz files...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@sqsezs @TheRealLordFractal @voyagerlife @hamnaz @bill32767 @dem10


SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife Try this one...

voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

@SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins I found the problem :) It was importing the wrong bit.txt file.. would you recommend cmd or git bash to use?

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife nice to hear...both are you have a choice...;-)

Ahhh the bit.txt file the dev included in the repo...

git bash is more Linux like...

hamnaz commented 5 years ago

xaa file 18793 duplicate lines

hamnaz commented 5 years ago

xaa file duplicate removed , and sorted A-Z uploding to server

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@hamnaz great...I will re-upload it with the anonfile server...

hamnaz commented 5 years ago

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@dem10 thnx for the contribution...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@hamnaz I will down- and upload now...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago


Here the 4 million BTC addresses file...filtered by Hamnaz...

voyagerlife commented 5 years ago

Guys, do you also get different performance from graphics card on bitcrack after a restart? A few days ago the avarage was 73Mk/s and after my last restart it's about 57Mk/s Tried to boost the card with asus gpu tweak as much as possible but there is no difference :-/

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@voyagerlife Hamnaz's new list is more "chunky" than the previous one...;-)

TheRealLordFractal commented 5 years ago

I am noticing that too, I noticed his old list had alot of swept address's I wonder if they have used our utils to sweep them lol.. Also @SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins did you try the old 1625 keys I uploaded for wallets before july 2014

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@TheRealLordFractal The 1626 list I haven't tried yet...I will catch up this later...first having a fancy dinner with Misses Nakamoto...;-)

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@TheRealLordFractal applying it now...maybe after the dinner I've won the jackpot...;-)

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

Dinner was great...BTC wallet is now 0.2 BTC less...

Dilemma sex with misses or grabbing some BTC...;-)

hamnaz commented 5 years ago

make brainflayer workable with gpu brainflayer dev refuse for upgrade to gpu

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@hamnaz I agree...we need that update (I know why he want not do that...;-))

Maybe Jean Luc wants to fork this...

prodnet commented 5 years ago

From what I understand, there is no possibility to modify Brainflayer to run on the GPU, and anyway the performances would be similar to the CPU version ...

In BitCrack, missing a very interesting option : brainwallet dictionary attack! It seems like nobody is able to implement it in Bitcrack or VanitySearch .....

OSoup commented 5 years ago

I use this for brainwallet dictionary attack, but is slow.

prodnet commented 5 years ago

I was talking about a GPU version ...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

A GPU version of Brainflayer is possible...Ryan is a WhiteHat...and he nows that a GPU version of Brainflayer would be a threat to Bitcoin...

prodnet commented 5 years ago

If it were possible, do not you think someone would have done it already?

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

@prodnet it is possible and it will come...give time some time...

SatoshiNakamotoBitcoins commented 5 years ago

What a race of Bottas in Melbourne...