brichard19 / BitCrack

A tool for cracking Bitcoin private keys
MIT License
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Search x coordinate instead bitcoin address. #225

Open archy-one opened 4 years ago

archy-one commented 4 years ago

Hello, would it be possible for someone to modify the program so that instead of searching for the bitcoin address he searches for the public key (compressed) in its hexadecimal form without the prefix (02 or 03).

Example: we know that for private key N°1 (1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH) the compressed public address corresponds to: 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 I would like BitCrack to search for this public key without the prefix 02 at the start (basically it searches for the X coordinate only)

My goal here is not to find the private key of an address but to search (try ^^) to find a correlation between private key and public key. I know that at the moment of today certain think that it is impossible (and they are certainly right) but I would like all the same to carry out certain research and that is why I will need to modify the program. Unfortunately my skills in C ++ and even in python for that matter leave something to be desired. Thank you in advance for the help you could give me or any external link not too complicated to implement. Thank you

sqsezs commented 4 years ago

This could be interesting, if there is a correlation the keyspace between the public and private key may be possible to be calculated too, in which this program will be the ultimate weapon to crack private keys. right now the database of the private keys done through Crunch is about 530 Petabytes of information in *.txt files... if possible to shrink the keyspace given ... we are possible to shrink the database for the specific key to a couple of terabytes and my laptop has 8 TB of storage... lets say it that way if we have the x coordinate and we implement the keyspace shrink option... it is possible to crack a private key in a matter of minutes.

The idea is worth to be implemented.

Also i was thinking about a tool that can reverse the process of creating public key from private key. it is not just about the possible words or coordinates... i know there is a way and i will comment again after i figure it out and if possible to find a way to do it in a reasonable time period like few hours to a day.