brichard19 / BitCrack

A tool for cracking Bitcoin private keys
MIT License
677 stars 449 forks source link

Random function on BitCrack: Real or Not? #287

Open gitbug-com opened 3 years ago

gitbug-com commented 3 years ago

Found this mod:

Looks like fine, but not found any comments about this mode. Have who tested this programm?

RastaDollo commented 3 years ago

It's Pikachu random mod

gitbug-com commented 3 years ago

need same random, who can make made this in to BitCrack? i can pay $$$

RastaDollo commented 3 years ago Work version

gitbug-com commented 3 years ago

this random keyspace need random private key, can see example here

How It Works
Private keys are generated randomly to create a 32 byte hexidecimal string using the cryptographically secure os.urandom() function.

The private keys are converted into their respective public keys using the starkbank-ecdsa Python module. Then the public keys are converted into their Bitcoin wallet addresses using the binascii and hashlib standard libraries.

A pre-calculated database of every P2PKH Bitcoin address with a positive balance is included in this project. The generated address is searched within the database, and if it is found that the address has a balance, then the private key, public key and wallet address are saved to the text file plutus.txt on the user's hard drive.

This program also utilizes multiprocessing through the multiprocessing.Process() function in order to make concurrent calculations.
RastaDollo commented 3 years ago

I think it's the same thing. Bitcrack with -r function generates starting points randomly But bitcrack use GPU

gitbug-com commented 3 years ago - generate random key and not use keyspace scan

lelicopter commented 1 month ago Work version

No, its broken version: Try: cuBitCrack.exe --keyspace 1:100 1PitScNLyp2HCygzadCh7FveTnfmpPbfp8 And random mode: cuBitCrack.exe -r --keyspace 1:100 1PitScNLyp2HCygzadCh7FveTnfmpPbfp8 You won't get a PK with random mode.