brichard19 / BitCrack

A tool for cracking Bitcoin private keys
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compute_30 error while compiling on RTX 2080 and ubuntu 20.04 #376

Open mirameshs opened 1 year ago

mirameshs commented 1 year ago

there is an error while I was compiling on RTX 2080 and Ubuntu 20.04. the command I used : sudo make BUILD_CUDA=1

can you help me how to solve and compile the code? I have searched for this error and found something. for example, someone suggested remote compute_30 in one of the files. Of course, this solution was not for this project but it was for a project similar to vanitysearch. I think this problem also exists on RTX 3090 and any high-level GPUs.

thanks in advance

OlivierGaland commented 1 year ago


I hardly remember having similar problem, if it can help you can try to modify your Makefile.

In my case :

--- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS=-O2 -std=c++11

CUDA variables

-COMPUTE_CAP=30 +COMPUTE_CAP=86 NVCC=nvcc NVCCFLAGS=-std=c++11 -gencode=arch=compute_${COMPUTECAP},code=\"sm${COMPUTE_CAP}\" -Xptxas="-v" -Xcompiler "${CXXFLAGS}" CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda

Note that you need to find the compute capacity of your GPU, I have a 3060Ti which is CC 86. It seems the CC is 75 for a 2080 Ti

Another thing to look is maybe the nvidia software you installed on your computer, this error may me think you installed a recent one that does not handle anymore CC 30 GPU, I got an issue with other tools (on windows) of this kind (having to use cuda 10.2 instead of 12.x), but I cannot help on this one. btw 30 is not linked to 30xx series, it's very old graphics cards like 7xx serie ...

mirameshs commented 1 year ago

thank you. You are great and please let me know how much is your benchmark with 3060Ti?

OlivierGaland commented 1 year ago

I have around 890 MKeys/s with a 3060Ti.

Vladislav3377 commented 3 months ago

Salaam alaikum to everyone! Hello everyone! Bitcoin is a scam! On March 19, 2024, 865 bitcoins were sold on the exchange at a price of $8,000! On other exchanges the price was $70,000! Let's create a community and sequentially select the private key of the largest bts address! And when we find it, Bitcoin will collapse! Thanks in advance everyone!