brick / money

A money and currency library for PHP
MIT License
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json serialization #65

Closed gmhafiz closed 1 year ago

gmhafiz commented 1 year ago

Using laravel, it can automatically serialize array or object into json. For example

class IndexController extends Controller
  public function index()
    return ['amount' => 0.1, 'currency' => 'AUD'];



However, if laravel is returning brick/money, it returns an empty object:

class IndexController extends Controller
  public function index()
    return new Money::of(0.1,'AUD');



How do you make it to serialize into {"amount":0.1,"currency":"AUD"} response instead?

Other way I can think of is to implement JsonSerializable and implement jsonSerialize() function:

final class Money extends AbstractMoney implements JsonSerializable

    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return [
            'amount' => $this->getAmount()->toFloat(),
            'currency' => $this->getCurrency()->getCurrencyCode(),

As for test:

public function testJSONSerialize(): void
    $money = Money::of('5.50', 'USD');
    $got = $money->jsonSerialize();

    $expected = [
        'amount' => 5.50,
        'currency' => 'USD'

    $this->assertEquals($expected, $got);

Also it needed ext-json in composer

"require": {
    "ext-json": "*"
gmhafiz commented 1 year ago

I realize there is a PR which will allow ourselves to implement JsonSerializable interface.

Let me know if you want to have a built-in jsonSerialize() or just let the library user to implement this ourselves. If this ever gets implemented, need to let library users to know that it is a breaking change.

BenMorel commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the feature request.

JsonSerializable support has been added in version 0.7.0!