brickviking / night-hawk

Nighthawk is a tribute to one of the most playable and contagious games ever written—Paradroid by Andrew Braybrook. Feel the excitement as you battle through hordes of droids to gain your object of removing all droids on the level.
2 stars 0 forks source link

General Discussion. (Previously "This is a test") #1

Open jsno8192 opened 3 years ago

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Testing to see what this function does.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

I get an email. I suspect I get a notification too on github.

On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 at 16:31, jsno8192 wrote:

Testing to see what this function does.

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brickviking commented 3 years ago

Yay. Welcome to the issue reporter. Now you have access to this, you should be able to read them off here instead of me shoveling into CurrentProgress and pointing you to it. I'll still keep that going while we have issues, but this can be the primary place where individual issues can get addressed. I'll use the CurrentProgress as a catchall document.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Do you want me to report new bugs and fixed bugs here ?

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Yah, might as well. read prev comment.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

When I edit file, I can't work out how to create the ids and then have my comments/actions displayed. I assume I don't have full access.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Have you run an initial git clone yet? is in that.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Not yet. I'm still getting up to speed.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Okay. When you're ready, go grab git, do "git clone"

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago


brickviking commented 3 years ago

I did a little digging to find out why cmake "does things twice", it's because cmake copies two sets of source; first the nighthawk files get copied to build/CMakeFiles/nighthawk.dir and then nighthawk_ned files get copied to build/CMakeFiles/nighthawk_ned.dir, even though there's only two or three different files involved. That's why your duplication is occurring. It's something we can presumably work our way around, though I don't know cmake enough to say how. One of the reasons the old makefile system (crusty though it is) seems to work, as it dep-checks and only builds what it has to, because everything's in the same place. But it's not very robust for multiple platforms (i.e. FreeBSD, Solaris)

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Thanks Eric for rearranging the file structure :)

I'll put 4.0alpha up in the next few days. I'm pretty happy with game now. I have completed all levels up to Tobruk. I think the game is more playable than it's ever been.

Once I upload 4.0alpha, what I would like to do is duplicate it to 4.1dev.

4.0alpha is then frozen (no more code changes.. except for essential ones reported by testers, and this will be a case by case basis. It really has to be critical bug for a code change).

4.1dev then becomes the playground for development (go nuts ! :) )

When 4.1dev is approaching release state, repeat process with 4.1alpha (ie: it's code becomes frozen and rigorously tested - see guidance in MAINTAINERS.README-, and duplicated to 4.2dev etc).

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Regarding CMake, it's the way I've defined the script and this comes down to my inexperience with CMake). When I become more experienced with CMake (or a CMake guru enters the project), the script will become improved. I can't find any examples of projects that are exactly like ours, so it's a bit of trial and error at the moment.

I still would like ned to be a non-default tool in 4.0. ned isn't consumer grade yet. It needs many months of work to bring it up to a standard for general consumption.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E

nighthawk-4.0dev_17OCT20_1.tar.xz emailed to you.

For the past few days, I played the Nighthawk fleet all the way up to Tobruk. During that time, I did some minor tweaking with the droid collision detection and door collision detection to make the game more playable. Plus you last minute mouse lock change.

So that is it now. Bar a serious bug report from an alpha tester, I'm freezing the files in this version. I'll play the game level from start to finish again. If no bugs found (I'm not expecting any), I'll do what I said above and upload it onto git. Then, it's into its alpha testing stage.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E

I have made the vimeo movie. About to upload to vimeo.

Could you modify this page, so that it indicates that v2.2, and v2.3 are deprecated versions, and 4.0 will be released soon:

When I release this video to the general public, people will see the sourceforge web site in the video. If we don't change the above page, they might then download v2.3 thinking it's the version in the video. 2.3 will not compile for them, and this will be a bad start to 4.0's promotion.

Cheers J

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E,

Vimeo video available:

Could you embed this video on the source forge page with a news flash about 4.0's near future release:

Cheers :)


jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Another demonstration video. This one is playing Zaxon level:

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E

I went ahead and uploaded nighthawk 4.0 into the repos. Plus some demo videos and archives. The directory names and structure is a suggestion. Arrange how you see fit.

As a first time git user, I think it's pretty good. Although, when I was coding 4.0, CVS's can get in the way of things a bit if you are coding by yourself. It takes extra brain power to drive CVS's.

All we need to do now is fix up source-forge web site as detailed above.


jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E

Doing some man page reading and then some googling, git doesn't seem to allow mutual exclusion when checking out files (eg: we are both able to edit the same file simultaneously and git does not deal with that - like other CVSs do). stackoverflow wisdom suggests the only way around his is to "talk to your co-developers first" before editting a file. Is this correct ?

Note: I've created a ./attic/git_learning directory. I'm having a bit of a play with git to "get to know it" more.


jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

E, could you do a change to the ./attic/git_learning/ file (eg: add a comment to it). So that I can use the git pull command for the first time.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

You can use the git pull command now. I've tweaked, and I'd like to know if I got anything wrong.

On Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 16:19, Jason Nunn wrote:

E, could you do a change to the ./attic/git_learning/ file (eg: add a comment to it). So that I can use the git pull command for the first time.

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jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Very good :). Now, I've done a modification. Now your turn again :)

The git commands seem to be a bit clunky and inconsistent ??

I've been working in a directory called ~jsno/proj/git and when I cloned this repos, it put a nice "night-hawk" source tree in it as I expected. When I did a 'git pull', it then decided to put the tree in to ~jsno/proj/git ???. Hmm, very messy now.

Then, I make a change and run "git commit -a" and then "git push night-hawk". Then it comes up with an error. So then, I have to run "git push --set-upstream master"

So it's very inconsistent. According to a few tutorials online, it should be simpler than this.

Maybe it's a keyboard/chair error ? LOL :P

Also, I tell the local repos that I am globally jsno8192 and this info is saved in ~.gitconfig, but it keeps on asking for my username ?

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Here we go. First one's a brand new user setting up a remote repo, in this case, night-hawk.

Creating clone from remote repository

user@host:/home/viking/src/c++ $ git clone
user@host:/home/viking/src/c++ $ cd night-hawk/attic/git-learning/
user@host:/home/viking/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git-learning $  vim
....make some changes.....
user@host: ..... $ git commit -m "New commit message for changes"
user@host: ..... $ git push
(other users make changes)
user@host: night-hawk $ git pull

Now, an example from my own host machine where I had already created night-hawk from the "git clone some-remote-repo-name." command.. Here, you had made changes and pushed them to the repo with "git push". Now, I "pull" those changes down.

Pulling down changes in remote repository

viking@fatty:4 ~$ cd src/c++/night-hawk
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk$ git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 2), reused 5 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
   c468f3c..b8deccd  master     -> origin/master
Updating c468f3c..b8deccd
 attic/git_learning/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk$ cd attic/git_learning
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$

I went and edited again. I then committed those to the local git repo.

git commit and git log

The "git commit" command takes what files you feed it as a "commit set", and puts it into the git repository from the files stored on the disk; it adds the commit message you provide in the -m "commit message". If you don't provide a commit message with -m, your editor will then open, where you can put a one-liner commit message into the top line. You can check what previous commits were made with the "git log" command.

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$ git commit -m "Added more stuff, modified some stuff"

Pushing local changes to remote repo

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$ git push
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 632 bytes | 632.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 5 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects.
   b8deccd..f916113  master -> master
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$

No need to mention project names. Each project "knows" what its own name is called, and knows what its parent (if it has one) is called (i.e. where I cloned from). Note, I did not use a repo name after finishing with the "git clone reponame" instruction.

cd anywhere into the project directory (in this case, night-hawk) and simply use "git pull", "git commit -m ...", "git push". They'll all use the details stored when you initially make the project directory with "git clone somereponame", and that gets stored inside project-name/.git/.

Each project you clone using git, will end up with its own .git/ directory at the top of the project tree. Don't delete that directory, as it contains the git history for the project. It's usually best to leave these files alone and don't modify them directly, though you can read them fine.

Now, I'll change over to another git project I made for my list program. It has a separate .git from night-hawk's .git, so the objects are different.

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk$ cd ../../c/list/
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c/list$ git pull
Already up to date.                               # means no changes to download
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c/list$

The git diff command

Now, the changes you commented out in, I could have retrieved from git log and git diff. I'll throw an example back up in for you to explore.

A git diff command diffs from zero up to two commit hashes.

git diff (between HEAD and files-on-disk)

HEAD is the last-saved state of the repository. Differences between all the files currently on disk and where HEAD is, can be shown as below with a "git diff" command.

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/$ git diff
diff --git a/nighthawk-4.0/src/defs.h b/nighthawk-4.0/src/defs.h
index 1def304..63217a9 100644
--- a/nighthawk-4.0/src/defs.h
+++ b/nighthawk-4.0/src/defs.h
@@ -73,10 +73,18 @@
 #define SCR_ASPECT_43  (4.0 / 3.0)  /*JN, 04SEP20*/
 #define SCR_ASPECT_43_TOLERANCE 0.01
+#ifdef BUILD_NED
+#define WINDOW_SIZE_X 1600  /*For screen size discovery. JN, 05SEP20*/
+#define WINDOW_SIZE_Y 900
+#define SCREEN_SIZE_X  640
+#define SCREEN_SIZE_Y  480
+#ifndef BUILD_NED
 #define WINDOW_SIZE_X 800  /*For screen size discovery. JN, 05SEP20*/
 #define WINDOW_SIZE_Y 600
 #define SCREEN_SIZE_X  320
-#define SCREEN_SIZE_Y  200
+#define SCREEN_SIZE_Y  240
 #define SPRITE_SIZE_X  32

Retrieving the most recent git hash

You use the "git rev-parse somebranch" when you want the latest hash ID for that branch (the HEAD pointer). If no branch you specify, no hash you will get. Most git repos have either master or main as primary branch names.

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$ git rev-parse master

This is the hash where HEAD points to.

git diff between git commit and HEAD

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$ git diff 0a707b6fc9cfeb22cd4d68452542ff00afe9422e
diff --git a/attic/git_learning/ b/attic/git_learning/
index d69ee27..529e75b 100644
--- a/attic/git_learning/
+++ b/attic/git_learning/
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
        This is a test.
+        It is a perfectly acceptable test. It has no issues and
+        should compile perfectly fine in most modern compilers.
+        Here's an example compile line for the GNU Compiler Project
+       Compile: g++ -O2
+       Mod'ed to use c++ stdlib (I've never liked it though. JN, 26OCT20)
-#include <stdio.h>
+#include <iostream> // JN, 26OCT20
+using namespace std; // You never used to need this declaration. it's a bit like python now. JN, 26OCT20
viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$

git diff between two hashes

If you provide two different hashes, you'll get the differences between the files stored with those hashes.

viking@fatty:4 ~/src/c++/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$ git diff 0a707b6fc9cfeb22cd4d68452542ff00af b8deccd031d7d50bbdb00688bbe6cc10d3ff04b1
diff --git a/attic/git_learning/ b/attic/git_learning/
index d69ee27..45ed731 100644
--- a/attic/git_learning/
+++ b/attic/git_learning/
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
        This is a test.
+       Compile: g++ -O2
+       Mod'ed to use c++ stdlib (I've never liked it though. JN, 26OCT20)
-#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <stdio>
+//#include <stdlib>
+#include <iostream> // JN, 26OCT20
+using namespace std; // You never used to need this declaration. it's a bit like python now. JN, 26OCT20

 class A
@@ -12,12 +20,14 @@ public:

-       printf("Init A\n");
+       cout << "Init A" << endl; // JN, 26OCT20
+//     printf("Init A\n");

 void A::print_hello(void)
-       printf("Hello A\n");
+       cout << "Hello A" << endl; // JN, 26OCT20
+//     printf("Hello A\n");


I hope that helps you out. I did not discuss branches, that's best explained by other resources. You can certainly find a lot of these resources on Youtube, but there's reasonable text resources available for the NBN-chall...ahem, bandwidth challenged too.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tips. Yeah, that's how I'm expecting it to work, but it's not :(. I'm running git version 2.17.1.

I've re-cloned it to start again:

cd ~/proj/git ls -la total 48 drwxrwxr-x 8 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 21:40 . drwxrwxr-x 12 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 14:19 .. drwxrwxr-x 5 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 21:38 attic -rw-rw-r-- 1 jsno jsno 9878 Oct 26 21:38 drwxrwxr-x 8 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 23:02 .git drwxrwxr-x 5 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 21:38 nighthawk-4.0 drwxrwxr-x 2 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 21:38 nighthawk-4.1dev drwxrwxr-x 6 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 21:38 old_versions drwxrwxr-x 2 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 21:38 promotional -rw-rw-r-- 1 jsno jsno 1910 Oct 26 21:38

rm -r * git init git config git clone

Everything is nice again:

ls -la total 16 drwxrwxr-x 4 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 27 13:34 . drwxrwxr-x 12 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 26 14:19 .. drwxrwxr-x 8 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 27 13:34 .git drwxrwxr-x 8 jsno jsno 4096 Oct 27 13:35 night-hawk

So, I've modified and commit it:

git commit -a

jsno@stans:~/proj/git/night-hawk/attic/git_learning$ git push Username for '': jsno8192 Password for '': Counting objects: 5, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 531 bytes | 531.00 KiB/s, done. Total 5 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects. To f916113..730490a master -> master

It keeps on asking for my username. I've specified it globally and locally. I don't understand that.

I'll try to upgrade git on my broken mint distribution now to see if that works.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

My Linux install on my notebook is busted. apt is broken :(

Could you do another modification to, and I'll repeat my steps to see if there is an inconsistency.

I want to upgrade this notebook, but I'll do it after 4.0 becomes beta.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Hm. Have you added a ssh key to your github account? I created a key, added it to my own keyring, exported it to a keyfile and uploaded that to github. Github have instructions on how to do this.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

While I'm tempted to ask what you did to break debian again, I'll refrain and simply let you know that I've tidied up the verbosity of to help you out.


On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 16:36, Jason Nunn wrote:

My Linux install on my notebook is busted 👍 apt is broken :(

Could you do another modification to, and I'll repeat my steps to see if there is an inconsistency.

I want to upgrade this notebook, but I'll do it after 4.0 becomes beta.

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jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

The Mint Linux on this notebook is getting on a bit now and it's become unsupported.

Okay, read up on keys/certificates etc

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Using git's public/private key feature has fixed it. Thanks :)

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Still busted :(

git commit -a [master e145518] modified: attic/git_learning/ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

git push Username for '': Password for '': remote: No anonymous write access. fatal: Authentication failed for ''

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

There is still some spookyness at a distance, but I think my upgrade will fix this.

Meanwhile, I'll move on and do those small updates to 4.0.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

I've done a git pull, so I'll start doing my fixes. I'll do them atomically for git practice.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

2 down, 4 to go. I'll do the rest tomorrow. Hands off the source tree until I've finished :)

PS/ I like it how you click on the file comment, and it shows you a diff off the commit. Very nice Mr Torvalds :)

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Close window bug fixed. 4 down, 3 to go.

One thing I like about git, it doesn't pollute the source tree with .* directories. Very nice Mr Torvalds :)

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Semaphore in misc.c changed from unnamed to named for OS/X compatibility. 5 down, 2 to go.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Replaced trans_terminated.8 fx due to possible IP violation. It's not as good as the old one, but oh well. Set install path to /usr/local. This concludes the changes I want to do for 4.0. I'll recontact the alpha testers for them to look at.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E

Is it possible to hide the developmental branches in the source tree from the public ? (eg: we can access them, but the public can not). At the moment, a user has to pull down the entire source tree (eg: the videos, attic etc). They should only be able to suck down either nighthawk-4.0, nighthawk-4.1 or one of the frozen archives.

wotnot has offered to proof the README file. I have agreed :)

I'm waiting on Phil's response to my OS/X changes.

If the above responses pass, I think it's time to set 4.0 to stable, tar it up and copy it to sourceforge. We don't have the enough users to do BETA testing (by vision of 20 testers LOL). So we'll just set 4.0 to stable and then carry on with 4.1dev :)

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Hiding directories

Regarding "hiding" the older versions, it seems the only way to do this effectively is to create a new repository called something like "nighthawk-legacy", and put everything earlier than 4.0alpha into it.

There is a way I can do this, it'll mean cloning the original gitlab instance (which has no 4.0 stuff), creating nighthawk-legacy here, adding that as an upstream to the gitlab-sourced tree, and going from there. That way I get to retain whatever changelogs were stored as part of the 2.x/3.0 development. I don't get the buglist, but I can pull that from Sourceforge easily enough.

I'll get to on that shortly, might even make this something I do this weekend.

Paradroid levels

Meanwhile, I'm nicely advanced into mapping all the existing Paradroid levels, though I've struck a few snags revolving around the fact that Nighthawk assumes there's a maximum of one console and/or one powerbay on a level. Several Paradroid levels have multiples of both, causing some head scratching moments when I couldn't get a console to activate because I wasn't standing at the last one defined. I know this has been discussed quite some time ago back in 2.x days, though I have yet to dig back into the 2.x filetree to see.

Changes to text docs (README)

The changes that wotnot made I could have sworn I made much the same changes myself and even committed them to the tree. I only wish I could find the changes I made. Still, someone did it, and now it's committed, so I'm happy. I've got a little more to do regarding m-dashes and the like, but it's really only nip-and-tuck now.

I had thought to invite wotnot over to this forum so he could provide commentary here too, but it seems like the existing situation is working fine. I was basically aiming at one place to post comments, rather than two. I must admit this is where github seems to fall short, unless I simply haven't found how to create the forum section.

At the moment, the best solution I've got for "general chat" is this issue post here, which I can pin to the top so everyone sees it.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

I had the funny feeling that would be the case. How about this suggestion: Use your sourceforge website to store tar balls: Baseline Nighthawk versions, developmental stuff etc (all the other "stuff"). Have git as the primary (bleeding edge) repos for the nighthawk source tree. I know that a baseline is simply a hashtag in git, but I am old fashioned :). I like having a tarball I can download (this can be sourceforge's job).

It would be easy to make multiple power bays and consoles. Put it as a suggestion and it can go in :)

I showed my boss the vimeo videos of the game I made last month. His suggestion: make certain floor objects explode and disappear when you shoot at them :)

With the README file, you put in some special characters (or your editor did) and I thought it may have been git corrupting the file or processing it (it didn't occur to me it was your editor). So, I editted the README and removed the special characters. Sorry about that. If I had known, I would have asked you. Yes, giantclambake (as he likes to be called) did similar changes to you. GCB is watching. Maybe one day he will join the group :)

I think this issues post area is pretty good. I set the sort button to display most recent, and that solves the problem of loosing posts (and missing them).

I've given my Apple buddy 2 days to test Nighthawk 4.0 changes. I am going to freeze it this weekend. Once I do this, you can do your git repos cleanup, and have 4.1dev by itself in the git repos.

I'm back at work now :(


brickviking commented 3 years ago

README gremlins

Hm. I figured that a Unicode mdash would have been safe enough in 2020 for just about everybody except the Unicode-challenged. Only twin on my Xorg is not Unicode-aware. Otherwise the only place I can't view the full Unicode spread would be in console mode, which of course is limited to 512 glyphs.

Multiple power bays and consoles

I'd also like to add to the available tiles too, as I'm running into issue #20 quite often (four walls intersect at a point) as well as the far more rare example of a power bay with three walls behind it. DI'll get the "multiple power bays" issue added real shortly.


Glad to hear you're not getting totally bored at home developing software for some random strangers on the internet. Just kidding...

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

I just jumped to conclusions and thought it was corruption. I'll ask you in future.

LOL :)

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E,

Last change to 4.0. I'm investigating adding XFCE Desktop icon (as requested by GCB). So, don't amend this tree until I have finished my work.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Hi E,

Ok, I'm out of the code. changes pushed. So much for freezing 4.0 this weekend !. GCB is smashing me with small changes. He wants to make a DEB file.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Heh. I might have asked this already, but have we caught up with Adrian Bridgett? And, do we know if he's still "maintaining" the deb package?

I know I'll probably have to shouldertap the FreeBSD package maintainers and let them know there's a new package going live soon for 4.0.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

Packaging concerns

Sounds like the packaging might need to be handled by someone who (1) knows how, or (2) can work it out. I've got access to a Ubuntu machine, so with a polite request I can no doubt generate a nighthawk deb package. I can also generate (eventually) an rpm for the Fedora/CentOS/OpenSUSE crowd. The Slack, AUR and Gentoo crowd will no doubt take tarballs. The only ones I don't have covered these days are the BSDs (and Mac OS X), and I'd have to kill a bit of space to bring up a recent FreeBSD vm.

I have absolutely no idea what to do for Windows, given that this was certainly an Xorg-based program from the get-go.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

I made an RPM package a very long time ago (it could have been nighthawk). I'll step up for snap packages :)

A Windows developer needs to come onboard first and port it. Then I guess they will package it.

giantclambake is now making a deb. Hopefully tonight.

I've frozen 4.0 now !

brickviking commented 3 years ago

If we can get a .spec file, that can be tweaked so we can make "proper" RPM files. I'm glad to hear giantclambake can make debs. Might be another file I can upload to SourceForge. Actually, I think you still have committer status there, you could check that out?

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I think I do have committer status, but I didn't want to **** with it, because I've never used sourceforge. But I can have a play if you like ?

I'm going to rearrange the git repos now to setup 4.1dev.

and that's another thing. What is the next version going to be ? 4.1dev ?, or 5.0dev ?

Do you want to do small changes testing and a release ? (4.1, 4.2, 4.3....), or one big change after a long period of time ? (5.0) ?

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Cleaning up the git tree for 4.1dev. Hands off, until I'm finished.

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

Ok, finished. nighthawk-4.1dev remains. It's ready for any changes now. Go nuts ! :)

Things didn't go to plan though. When I renamed nighthawk-4.0 to nighthawk-4.1dev, git deleted nighthawk-4.0. So, I obviously don't have an understanding of how git works ?. I was totally not expecting that !. Unfortunately all the diff updates of it are gone now. F*** ! :(

All the stuff I have removed, I have tarred up. They are ready to go onto sourceforge repos.

brickviking commented 3 years ago

For future reference, this is how I would have done what you intended. That way you don't get the "Whoa, all those files got deleted!" from a git mv command. There is no git cp,and though people have discussed it, it seems to be easier to duplicate using standard OS commands, then add the copy to the repo with git add ....

Duplicating a directory

cp -a old-directory new-directory   # Note: I always include -a so everything's copied from the source folder
git add new-directory
git commit -m "Duplicated worktree for new work"

Then it's simply git push, etc. To "fix" your small faux-pas, I've duplicated the existing nighthawk-4.1dev/ to nighthawk-4.0/, it should be good to go as you hadn't actually done any work in 4.1dev. No need to panic, at least you didn't outright nuke the project. At least this way we can backport patches from 4.1dev if we have to.