brickviking / night-hawk

Nighthawk is a tribute to one of the most playable and contagious games ever written—Paradroid by Andrew Braybrook. Feel the excitement as you battle through hordes of droids to gain your object of removing all droids on the level.
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New feature: More music ! #26

Open jsno8192 opened 3 years ago

jsno8192 commented 3 years ago

GCBs suggestion: more music !. Music playing during game. Have music and FX sounds configurable (volume controls).


GCB: "Then, right.. when the intro mod has reached all goes quiet ..somehow I think there's room for improvement here ; even if it boiled down user forgetting they had it open (and other windows have covered it) ... I kinda thought an easteregg of sorts wherein if you left it like this for more than 5mins, it'd start playing a different music mod(s)."

Me: "Yep we can do that. How good are you at writing music ? :) LOL. I suppose we could take a mod from public domain. Most of those guys would not mind as long as we credit them."

GCB: "LOL...absolutely atrocious myself. although I do recall one of my mods being on an amiga disk magazine (megadisc) as part of a hardware hack =)

I always figured there was a lot of fun to be had with intro/outro sequences of games like this

At the moment, we greatly under-utilize the sound area of the game -- I might recall many games of the time, wherein music & SFX were going at the same time, and there was a user configurable volume slider to define the mix between the 2 sound sources...

...really cool games in so far as user configurability goes, allow the player to introduce their own selection of mods for background/mood music. This would be envisaged as yet another use for a ~/.nighthawk.rc startup file -- it's an easy place to hang hooks for users to put their hats on =) There's a couple of good cross-platform libraries you can rope in this this...

The actual intro sequence needs some sort of scripted bot player to recreate the classic arcade sight of seeing the machine play against itself =) Back in the quake/quake2 days when I had a server as a lurk for an ISP I worked for, 'gamemaster' (not me) put together a bot named Rita that was the hellspawn child of the darkest parts of the quake code...totally unbeatable.."

Me: "You'll have to email me the mod. I would be interested in listening to it :)

That is a good idea - having music playing through the game. Make it moody, prompting users when there is a difficult/tricky part of the floor etc. I'll add that to the new features list. However, my music composition skills were average at best when I was in my 20s, and I've never got my head around chords LOL ;). If more music is added, then we'll have to find our selves another muso. Vince Voois has moved on, and I would prefer not to use public domain mods (unless we can get permission to use).

Nighthawk 2.2 used to have a "demo mode". I took that out in 3.0 because the OpenGLUT real time calculation code ran differently in that version and I could not get the demo mode working in it. However, the real time code in 4.0 is the same as 2.2. Eric asked me to add the demo mode back into the game. I can do this. Added to todo list :)"