Open mplscorwin opened 3 years ago
Sounds great. I'll look up how best to include them in a way that supports org-mode itself, or even directly in emacs, with (info "(place)Thing") links. That doesn't translate quite so well for use outside of Emacs, as Github wouldn't be able to look up info docs to insert into the text. I've already run into that problem once so far.
I suspect that "tangle" isn't actually specific to Emacs, it just used the term that has been around since Knuth first coined the term back in his Literate Programming paper.
I've thought a little about this, and links are going to have to be different between html/pdf exports and the original org document. For the exports, I should probably find stable web links to the corresponding info docs instead of relying entirely upon org-style links that are really only suited for Emacs use. I'm not quite sure how to do that yet.
I think it would be nice if Emacs specific terms of art (example: "tangle") were transformed into links. Links could be selected based on "seduction factor", e.g. those most likely to draw the interest of someone new to things Emacsian toward wanting to learn more.