bricoleurs / bricolage

Content management and publishing system
111 stars 51 forks source link

"Missing or empty inst/mysql.sql!" #55

Closed streaps closed 9 years ago

streaps commented 9 years ago
# make install
==> Creating Bricolage MySQL Database <==

Creating database named bric...
Database created.
Creating user named bric...
User created.

Missing or empty inst/mysql.sql!

If you're using Subversion, you need to `make dist` first.
See `perldoc Bric::FAQ` for more information.
make: *** [db] Error 1

Do I need to "make dist" first? That returns an error too and leaves me without a Makefile.

pod2text lib/Bric/License.pod > dist/License
lib/Bric/License.pod around line 297: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Iv�n'. Assuming UTF-8
POD document had syntax errors at /usr/bin/pod2text line 84.
make: *** [dist/License] Error 255
theory commented 9 years ago

If you're building from a Git checkout, yes, you need to make dist, first.

Run perl Makefile.PL to generate a new Makefile.

streaps commented 9 years ago
