bridgecrewio / checkov

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Failing to parse bicep for loops with new formating #6351

Open tomaxsas opened 1 month ago

tomaxsas commented 1 month ago

Recently bicep changed its for loops formating. I always run az bicep format -f main.bicep

Previous formating which parses

resource vaultSecrets 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = [for entry in keyVaultEntriesArray: {
  parent: keyVault
  properties: {
    attributes: {
      enabled: true
      // expires in 2024-11-24
      exp: 1732433200
    contentType: 'Credentials'
    value: entry.secret

new formating which checkov fails to parse

resource vaultSecrets 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = [
  for entry in keyVaultEntriesArray: {
    parent: keyVault
    properties: {
      attributes: {
        enabled: true
        // expires in 2024-11-24
        exp: 1732433200
      contentType: 'Credentials'
      value: entry.secret