bridgecrewio / yor

Extensible auto-tagger for your IaC files. The ultimate way to link entities in the cloud back to the codified resource which created it.
Apache License 2.0
808 stars 123 forks source link

Update list-tags command inside #411

Closed exe-r closed 1 year ago

exe-r commented 1 year ago

List tags runs without --

propose change from yor --list-tags > yor list-tags

yor --list-tags | echo $?

yor list-tags | echo $?

if ran with --

yor --list-tags
Incorrect Usage. flag provided but not defined: -list-tags

   yor - enrich IaC files with tags automatically

   yor [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Yor, the IaC auto-tagger

   Bridgecrew <>

   list-tags        List the tags yor will create if possible
   list-tag-groups  List the tag groups that will be applied by yor
   tag              apply tagging across your directory
   help, h          Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)
2023/07/20 09:28:26 [ERROR] flag provided but not defined: -list-tags

Ran without as command

yor list-tags
|   GROUP    |       TAG KEY        |          DESCRIPTION           |
| git        | git_org              | The entity which owns the      |
|            |                      | repository where this resource |
|            |                      | is provisioned in IaC          |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | git_repo             | The repository where this      |
|            |                      | resource is provisioned in IaC |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | git_file             | The file (including path)      |
|            |                      | in the repository where this   |
|            |                      | resource is provisioned in IaC |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | git_commit           | The hash of the latest commit  |
|            |                      | which edited this resource     |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | git_modifiers        | The users who modified this    |
|            |                      | resource                       |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | git_last_modified_at | The last time this resource's  |
|            |                      | configuration was modified     |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | git_last_modified_by | The last user who modified     |
|            |                      | this resource                  |
| simple     |                      |                                |
| external   |                      |                                |
| code2cloud | yor_trace            | A UUID tag that allows easily  |
|            |                      | finding the root IaC config of |
|            |                      | the resource                   |
+            +----------------------+--------------------------------+
|            | yor_name             | A tag that states the resource |
|            |                      | name in the IaC config file    |

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

gruebel commented 1 year ago

thanks for the contribution 🏆