Database Error
Could not connect to the core;g=LOC_Os04g56210 database.
This view requires a gene, transcript or protein identifier in the URL. For example:
If so, the linkout for Gramene Rice should be$id and the sample identifier should be GR:0100777.
Maybe Rice Ensembl Gene is the datasource that should be used for LOC_Os04g54800 in WP2211, because the Rice Ensembl Gene sample identifier LOC_Os04g54800 resembles LOC_Os04g56210, unlike the sample identifier listed for Gramene Rice osa-MIR171a. However, the linkout pattern from datasources.txt would indicate the linkout should be
which gives this error:
Gene 'LOC_Os04g54800' not found
The identifier 'LOC_Os04g54800' is not present in the current release of the Ensembl Plants database.
This view requires a gene, transcript or protein identifier in the URL. For example:
Then the linkout pattern in datasources.txt for Rice Ensembl Gene would need to be updated to$id;db=otherfeatures
I noticed a linkout that fails for a GeneProduct in the Geranylgeranyldiphosphate biosynthesis II pathway WP2211 at WikiPathways. The GeneProduct has a datasource of "Gramene Rice" and an identifier of "LOC_Os04g56210", as highlighted in green here.
Based on datasources.txt, the linkout should be;g=LOC_Os04g56210` but that link gives the following error:
The following URIs do work:
The URI from combining the linkout and sample identifier listed for
Gramene Rice
in datasources.txt also does not resolve:;g=osa-MIR171aIs this the URI describing osa-MIR171a?
If so, the linkout for Gramene Rice should be$id
and the sample identifier should beGR:0100777
Rice Ensembl Gene
is the datasource that should be used forLOC_Os04g54800
in WP2211, because the Rice Ensembl Gene sample identifierLOC_Os04g54800
, unlike the sample identifier listed for Gramene Riceosa-MIR171a
. However, the linkout pattern from datasources.txt would indicate the linkout should be which gives this error:Then the linkout pattern in datasources.txt for Rice Ensembl Gene would need to be updated to$id;db=otherfeatures