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Add scalabridge blog post to website #96

Closed mfjenn closed 6 years ago

mfjenn commented 6 years ago

Original doc, with correct formatting and links is here.

Guest Post: Kelley Robinson, ScalaBridge founder

Kelley has been a software developer for 4.5 years, mostly doing Scala at a variety of startups in San Francisco.. Originally she went to school for Business, then learned how to program in a three month coding bootcamp about 5 years ago. Like all developers, most skills required for software development were learned outside of “formal training.” She took an interest in coding education because it was both formal and informal education that helped her develop her career as a software developer.

Starting ScalaBridge In 2015, I gave my first conference talk at Scala Days in New York. I was one of 3 women speaking at the conference, and one of only a handful even at the conference. There are also a lot of misconceptions out there that Scala is too hard for beginners, which is so not true! I’d heard great things about other *Bridges and knew one had to exist for Scala to help bridge these gaps.

We had our first workshop in February of 2017 (in San Francisco), and since then have helped other chapters in 10 cities hold their own workshops. We had our second workshop in SF in August of 2017.

Developing the Scala workshops The biggest challenge at the beginning was figuring out what to teach. We initially held some curriculum hack days with volunteers to help write the curriculum, but it became obvious that that would not scale. The (eventual) organizer of several ScalaBridge workshops, Noel Welsh, ended up donating the curriculum that his consulting company had created for introductory Scala. It was a great way to involve the community and get up and running!

Diverse Teaching Team Finding teachers was one of the most fun parts of the process. I used my network (mostly through Twitter) to connect with other people in the Scala community that wanted to help out. Meeting other people that value education and inclusivity in the Scala community was really exciting for me, and a huge benefit for growing diversity in the community.

Volunteer Training We had a new team of volunteers working together to create the first workshop in SF. We piloted some new Bridge Foundry inclusion training curriculum. This pre-workshop volunteer training helped the volunteer organizers and teachers be prepared to create a safe and effective learning environment at the workshop. We practiced how to initiate difficult conversation when needed and how to set the stage to increase likelihood of positive, respectful interactions.

Food Our first workshop was on a beautiful day, luckily our venue (Sharethrough) had a beautiful back deck so the snack breaks allowed people to get some fresh air, recharge, and get to know the other attendees.

Installfest We tried to streamline the installation as much as possible, but it was super useful to have the installfest so we could debug some of the corner cases that inevitably come up.

Day of Coding The BridgeTroll app was incredibly useful in helping split up groups by experience level. We had 4 rooms, so we used Harry Potter houses to divide the sections which was fun.

ultrasaurus commented 6 years ago

draft can be viewed here: (since it draft, so it doesn't show up in the list of blog posts yet)

Source markdown file is here:


ultrasaurus commented 6 years ago

I added in the image, then realized that it is nice to have the image show up on the blog index page, so I adjusted the text a bit, so there was some intro text with the image that shows on the blog index page. The post is still draft, but locally I can see that the index page looks like this:


ultrasaurus commented 6 years ago

added sponsor links!

@robinske pls review if you have time!

robinske commented 6 years ago

Made a couple of edits in the google doc, otherwise looks great!!

ultrasaurus commented 6 years ago

@robinske I only have comment access to the doc, so I can't see revisions! I actually changed it bit on github, so the Google doc has drifted a bit. If you can give me edit access, I can merge :)

robinske commented 6 years ago

Edit access granted!

ultrasaurus commented 6 years ago

updated Google doc with final text, blog post is live:

will wait a bit before tweeting about it, in case @robinske or @mfjenn want to give it a final review. I'll close this issue, but just re-open if additional changes are needed