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mp-bib-coupling #8

Open brieaspasia opened 4 years ago

brieaspasia commented 4 years ago

Create a map of bibliographic coupling and history of mp research

brieaspasia commented 4 years ago

Plotting the igraph object (gD created at line 61) results in a meaningless graphic, I'm not sure how to modify it to make it meaningful. Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 11 13 58 PM

brieaspasia commented 4 years ago

I was able to create the Gephi graph at line 157, but I didn't realise that it was completely different software and I don't know how to modify or read what it has created. I think for a start, I just need to look at the top 50 nodes instead of all of them. Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 11 23 05 PM

mlagisz commented 4 years ago


I don't know what this is meant to do??? See line 47 at #

F1 <- function(x) {data.frame(V4 = dsAll[which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$V1)), which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$V2))])}

6 dataSet.ext <- plyr::ddply(out, .variables=c("V1", "V2", "V3"), function(x) data.frame(F1(x)))

It looks like this matches dataframe to graph values by references and creates a new column. You would need to adjust this function to make it work, because you probably have different column names.

igraphs allows you great level of customisation but it comes at a cost of complex code and need to understand of what id does exactly. If you are short of time just stick functions provided by blibliometrix, but explore more the parameters you can set there, e.g. see this:

NetMatrix <- biblioNetwork(bib, analysis = "coupling", network = "references", sep = ";") net = networkPlot(NetMatrix, weighted = NULL, n = 50, label.n = 10, Title = "Authors' bibliographic coupling", type = "fruchterman", cluster= "walktrap", size.cex = TRUE, remove.multiple = FALSE, remove.isolates = FALSE, labelsize = 1, edgesize=2)

You can display labels only for the top n nodes (label.n.) to make graphs readable.

To me it seems like most of the time you simply get two clusters of papers - its like tow communities of researchers in 2015-2017?

Screen Shot 2020-07-20 at 3 08 52 pm


Also, you do not need to make the plots perfect in R - you can e.g. add annotations in other programs, even PowerPoint.

brieaspasia commented 4 years ago

I was able to make a chord diagram of bibliographic coupling, however each author is linked in exactly the same way to each other author... its such a pretty graph, too bad it doesn't tell us much! bib coupling