briederer / LatSpec.jl

A Julia Package for Lattice Spectroscopy
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set up documentation using Documenter.jl #4

Closed fzierler closed 3 years ago

fzierler commented 3 years ago

This sets up the file structure for automatically creating docs using Documenter.jl. As an example I have added docs for the autocorrelation functions. To create docs locally make sure that Documenter.jl is added to your global environment (the same environment as e.g. Revise) and run the docs/make.jl file. The documentation can then be found at docs/build/index.html

briederer commented 3 years ago

I am fine with merging for now. Thoug I still would suggest to use a separate Project.toml for the docs folder to keep src clear (see for instance PlotDocs.jl)

fzierler commented 3 years ago

I have added a separate Project.toml file. I don't know if CompatHelper will work for this? I am also happy with merging this for now.

briederer commented 3 years ago

Good question. Seems like all the julia projects I saw which use these kind of separation don't have any [compat] sections at all in the docs/Project.toml. Will open an issue for further discussion and merge the branch.