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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-05-20) #110

Open brienzb opened 1 month ago

brienzb commented 1 month ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 1 month ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 이란 대통령 헬기 사고 50,000+ '헬기추락' 이란 대통령, 악천후에 17시간 넘게 '생사 불명'
이란 대통령 에브라힘 라이시, 헬기 사고로 사망 - BBC News 코리아
2 프리미어리그 50,000+ [PL 최종전 리포트] 맨시티, 잉글랜드 축구 역사상 첫 4년 연속 리그 우승
"전설들 명단에 이름 올렸다" 손흥민, 통산 3번째 10-10 달성으로 'PL ...
3 맨시티 20,000+ [PL 최종전 리포트] 맨시티, 잉글랜드 축구 역사상 첫 4년 연속 리그 우승
막판에 더 강한 '범접 불가' 맨시티
4 HLB 5,000+ HLB, '리보세라닙 병용' FDA 허가 불발..."CMC 문제 보완해 재도전"
HLB 주가 장중 2거래일 연속 하한가, 간암신약 미국 FDA 불발 여파 지속
5 첼시 5,000+ “내 마지막 꿈은 아이들이 첼시를 위해 뛰는 것”...떠나는 실바의 ...
'HERE WE GO 기자 컨펌'...첼시, '브라질 초신성' 영입 합의 완료 ...
6 성년의 날 5,000+ 성년의 날, 만 19세가 되는 아이는 뭘 할 수 있을까?
오늘은 '성년의 날'...올해 해당 나이는?
7 리버풀 2,000+ '당케 위르겐'리버풀, 클롭 고별전서 '황희찬 62분' 울버햄튼 2-0 격파 ...
[] 'Danke Jürgen' 클롭과 리버풀의 9년간 여정, 그 끝은 ...
8 김경수 2,000+ '친문 적자' 김경수, 盧 추도식 참석···비명계 구심점 역할엔 물음표
'친문' 김경수 “아직 공부 안 끝나...현실 정치 언급 부적절”
9 에어부산 2,000+ 에어부산, 부산 연고 e스포츠팀 '피어엑스'와 협력관게 구축
에어부산, 부산 연고 e스포츠팀 기업 SBXG와 파트너십 체결
10 병원 진료 신분증 2,000+ “10년 다닌 병원인데 민증 내놓으라니...” 병의원 신분증 확인 의무화 ...
"신분증 없어 병원 퇴짜" vs "확인 안 하던데"...의무화 첫날 '혼란' - 머니 ...
11 오늘 날씨 2,000+ [오늘날씨] 일교차 최대 20도...한낮 최고 30도까지↑
[날씨] 오늘 절기 '소만' 낮 더위 계속...중부지방 약한 비
12 곽민선 2,000+ 시력 손상 심각하다던데...눈 부상 곽민선 아나 근황 전해
'축포 맞고 눈 부상' 곽민선 “치료하며 희망 갖고 있어...빨리 복귀하고파”
13 김건희 1,000+ 김건희 공개 활동에 국민의힘도 난감..."제2부속실은?"
김건희 여사 사리반환 행사 참석...169일 만에 대중 앞에
14 이우성 1,000+ 이우성 결승 솔로포...KIA, NC와 3연전 싹쓸이
이우성 9회 결승 솔로포...선두 KIA, NC와 주말 3연전 싹쓸이
brienzb commented 1 month ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Super League 20,000+ Le FC Sion officiellement promu en Super League
Antonio Marchesano (33 ans) continuera de porter les couleurs du ...
2 YB 5,000+ Super League: Der glanzlose Meister YB steht für das Versagen der ...
17. Meistertitel der Berner - Trotz einiger Unruhen: YB ist weiterhin ...
3 Karim Khan 2,000+ Vouloir arrêter à la fois Benyamin Netanyahou et Yahya Sinwar? Le ...
Antrag in Den Haag: "Unterstreichen, dass Völkerrecht für alle gilt"
4 FC Thun 2,000+ Der FC Thun tankt Selbstvertrauen für die Barrage : Radio BeO
FC Wil verliert deutlich gegen Thun -
5 FC Winterthur 2,000+ Europa kann kommen! Der FCSG schlägt Winterthur 3:1
Im letzten Spiel auf der Schützenwiese verliert der FC Winterthur ...
6 Arne Slot 2,000+ Liverpool confirme l'arrivée sur le banc d'Arne Slot
Liverpool a officialisé l'arrivée du Néerlandais Arne Slot (45 ans ...
7 FC Lugano 2,000+ FCZ – FC Lugano: Das Duell im Liveticker
FC Zürich nach Heimsieg gegen Lugano im Europacup, FC Sion ...
8 Goldpreis 2,000+ Gefragtes Edelmetall: Goldpreis springt auf Rekordhoch
Goldpreis auf Rekordfahrt: Tod von Irans Präsident verunsichert ...
9 Servette FC 2,000+ Servette FC - BSC Young Boys 0-1 (0-0) - Servette FC
10 Julian Assange 2,000+ Wikileaks-Gründer - Londoner High Court: Julian Assange darf ...
Wikileaks-Gründer Assange kann Berufung gegen Auslieferung an ...
11 Roland-Garros 2,000+ Qualifications 2024 : revivez le premier tour - Roland-Garros - Le ...
Lundi 20 mai, revivez la journée des Français à Roland-Garros
12 Kevin Costner 1,000+ Kevin Costner hat Sohn nach einer Filmrolle benannt
Filmfestival Cannes: Kevin Costner präsentiert seine Saga „Horizon“
13 Lundi de pentecote 1,000+ Lundi de Pentecôte: combien la journée de solidarité rapporte aux ...
Lundi de Pentecôte: en quoi consiste la journée de la solidarité ?
14 Bologna Juventus 1,000+ Bologna verschenkt Sieg gegen Juventus Turin
Bologne - Juventus Turin à suivre en direct, Serie A (20/05/2024)
15 Superleague 1,000+ Antonio Marchesano (33 ans) continuera de porter les couleurs du ...
16 Andy Murray 500+ Le match d'Andy Murray suspendu à cause de la pluie
Retrouvailles Murray - Djokovic compromises
17 FC Baden 500+ FC Baden verabschiedet sich würdevoll aus der Challenge League
Liveticker: FC Baden bittet im letzten Saisonspiel Neuchâtel Xamax ...
18 Angelica Moser 500+ Erster Sieg von Angelica Moser in der Diamond League Swiss ...
Angelica Moser signe un bel exploit
19 Breithorn 500+ Zermatt VS: Skitourenunglück am Breithorn – Schweizer tot
Skitourengänger am Breithorn zu Tode gestürzt : Radio BeO
20 FC Aarau 500+ Ein Abbild der Saison FC Aarau
Brunello Iacopetta wird neuer FCA-Cheftrainer
FC Aarau
brienzb commented 1 month ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Jean-Claude Gaudin 200,000+ L'ancien maire de Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin est mort
Les hommages après la mort de Jean-Claude Gaudin : "Il était ...
2 Roland-Garros 100,000+ Lundi 20 mai, revivez la journée des Français à Roland-Garros
40 Français à suivre en qualifications à Roland-Garros
3 Netanyahu 50,000+ Israël: le faucon Benjamin Netanyahu confronté à l'isolement mondial
Cour pénale internationale : mandat d'arrêt requis contre Netanyahu ...
4 Real Madrid 50,000+ Le Real Madrid premier qualifié pour les demi-finales de playoffs ...
Thonon-les-Bains. Un stage de foot inédit avec le Real Madrid !
5 Jane Fonda 20,000+ "Il ne respirait pas la joie" : Jane Fonda revient sur le comportement ...
Jane Fonda : la raison (étonnante) pour laquelle son père ne lui a ...
6 Greve 21 mai 2024 20,000+ SNCF : quelles perturbations pour la grève du mardi 21 mai 2024 ?
SNCF, tramways, aéroports... qui fait grève ce mardi 21 mai?
7 Crise diplomatique Espagne - Argentine 20,000+ Crise diplomatique entre l'Espagne et l'Argentine après les ...
Espagne - Argentine : récit d'une crise diplomatique en quatre actes
8 The Substance 20,000+ Cannes 2024 : “The Substance” de Coralie Fargeat, des hectolitres ...
Cannes 2024 : « The Substance », le gore jusqu'à l'overdose
9 Stade Brestois 20,000+ Football : quelles équipes le Stade Brestois peut-il affronter en Ligue ...
Combien va toucher le Stade Brestois avec sa qualification en Ligue ...
10 Mohamed Camara 10,000+ Affaire Mohamed Camara : "C'est scandaleux, Monaco n'aurait pas ...
Ligue 1 : qui est Mohamed Camara, le joueur de Monaco qui a ...
11 Dangerous 10,000+ Dangerous : l'histoire singulière de Scott Eastwood, fils de Clint ...
12 Barjac 10,000+ Barjac : Un appel à témoin pour retrouver une sexagénaire disparue
13 Zverev 10,000+ ATP - Rome 2024 - Les résultats - Alexander Zverev sacré - Sports ...
Classement ATP - Zverev nouveau quatrième mondial, Müller entre ...
14 Julian Assange 10,000+ « Aujourd'hui marque un tournant » : à Londres, Julian Assange ...
WikiLeaks : Julian Assange suspendu à une nouvelle décision de ...
15 Dominic Thiem 5,000+ Dominic Thiem franchit le premier tour des qualifications à Roland ...
Roland-Garros : Dominic Thiem file au 2e tour des qualifications ...
16 A Star Is Born 5,000+ A Star Is Born : le personnage de Jackson Maine, joué par Bradley ...
« A star is born » : dans le film avec Barbra Streisand, cette star ...
17 Shrek 5,000+ Shrek TF1
18 Ethan Mbappé 5,000+ Lille s'intéresse à Ethan Mbappé (PSG) mais...
Mercato PSG. Lille, Ajax, Dortmund... Plusieurs clubs s'intéressent à ...
19 Diane Kruger 5,000+ Diane Kruger est-elle mariée à Norman Reedus ?
20 Juventus 5,000+ Bologne - Juventus : Pronostic, Chaîne TV, Streaming, Compo, 100 ...
Bologne - Juventus Turin à suivre en direct, Serie A (20/05/2024)
brienzb commented 1 month ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Asian hornets 50,000+ Asian hornets: Be vigilant ahead of peak season
Asian hornets: Public warned of invasive species after record sightings
2 Saudi King Salman 50,000+ Saudi crown prince cancels Japan trip over King Salman's health ...
Saudi King Salman to undergo lung inflammation treatment
3 Chelsea Flower Show 2024 20,000+ Essentials to bring to Chelsea Flower Show 2024
Everything you need to know about the Chelsea Flower Show 2024
4 FA Cup final 20,000+ Sir Jim Ratcliffe set to attend Manchester United's FA Cup final ...
5 Euros 2024 20,000+ Euro 2024: Sky Sports' writers pick their 26-player England squad ...
England provisional Euro 2024 squad: Who will Gareth Southgate ...
6 Frank Ifield 20,000+ Frank Ifield: 1960s chart phenomenon dies aged 86
Frank Ifield obituary
7 ICC 20,000+ ICC: Netanyahu angrily rejects move to seek his arrest
A crushing blow for Israel and a massive gamble by the ICC
8 La Liga 20,000+ Sarri confirms 4 offers from Premier League and La Liga clubs amid ...
9 Hepatitis C 20,000+ What is hepatitis C and what are its symptoms?
U.K. to allocate billions to compensate victims of infected blood ...
10 FA Cup 10,000+ Links With The Past: The Oldest FA Cup Programme In The Club's ...
The most successful FA Cup winning clubs and players revealed
11 Ian Wright 10,000+ Ian Wright's last Match of the Day and his legacy as a pundit
Ian Wright wells up as he makes final Match of the Day appearance
12 Xander Schauffele 10,000+ PGA Championship: How Xander Schauffele silenced critics with ...
Xander Schauffele admits he had 'chip on shoulder' before landing ...
13 Ross Barkley 10,000+ Aston Villa closing on deal to sign Ross Barkley from Luton
Aston Villa are in talks to sign Ross Barkley following his excellent ...
14 Andy Murray 10,000+ Geneva Open: Andy Murray on brink of defeat before weather ...
Andy Murray on brink of defeat when storm stops play in Geneva Open
15 Julian Assange 10,000+ Julian Assange: Wikileaks founder can challenge US extradition
Julian Assange wins right to appeal against extradition to US
16 Euros 10,000+ Euro 2024: Sky Sports' writers pick their 26-player England squad ...
Goalless draw for Edinburgh University in the Euros - Scottish Hockey
17 Cher 5,000+ A Brief History of Cher's Iconic Style and Best Fashion Moments
18 The Substance movie Demi Moore 5,000+ The Substance: Demi Moore's gory new horror movie could win her ...
Demi Moore transforms for Cannes body horror 'The Substance'
19 Luton Town fc 5,000+ Joe Johnson selected for England Under-18s
Luton teenager called up by England U18s for double-header ...
20 Woo 5,000+ Pulitzer Prize-Winner Ilyon Woo on Craft Lessons From the Late ...
brienzb commented 1 month ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Minecraft 100,000+ Why Minecraft Earth Deserves a Reboot
2 The Substance movie Demi Moore 100,000+ Demi Moore Addresses Extreme Nudity, Violence in Cannes ...
'The Substance' Review: Demi Moore Stars in Grossest Movie at ...
3 Kyle Busch 50,000+ Fight breaks out between NASCAR drivers Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and ...
Ricky Stenhouse Jr.-Kyle Busch fight fallout: How will NASCAR ...
4 ICC 50,000+ NEWS: Sanders Statement on ICC Seeking Arrest Warrants for ...
Biden denounces ICC for 'outrageous' implication of equivalence ...
5 Woo 50,000+ Pulitzer Prize-Winner Ilyon Woo on Craft Lessons From the Late ...
6 Zac Brown 50,000+ Estranged wife of country star Zac Brown says his attempt to remove ...
Zac Brown Seeks Temporary Restraining Order Against Estranged ...
7 Tyrese Haliburton 50,000+ Should Tyrese Haliburton's success make the Sacramento Kings re ...
Pacers Crack Up After Tyrese Haliburton Has Unauthorized Press ...
8 Robert Costello 50,000+ 'Wild card': Will Trump's team call Robert Costello as a witness?
Who Is Robert Costello, a Defense Witness in Trump's Hush-Money ...
9 Jim Otto 20,000+ Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Otto, 'Mr. Raider,' dead at 86 Pro ...
Remembering Jim Otto: 'Mr. Raider' endured 75 surgeries, no ...
10 Eminem 20,000+ Eminem's daughter Hailie Jade marries Evan McClintock
Eminem's Daughter Hailie Jade Marries Evan McClintock: 'Waking ...
11 Deadpool and Wolverine 20,000+ Ryan Reynolds Was “Surprised” and “Grateful” Disney Allowed R ...
'Deadpool & Wolverine': Ryan Reynolds Praises Disney For Letting ...
12 Jon Wysocki 20,000+ Jon Wysocki, drummer and founding member of Staind, dies at 53
Jon Wysocki, founding drummer of Staind, dead at 56
13 French Open 20,000+ Rafael Nadal Practices At French Open Amid Questions About Fitness
Collegians Look To Qualify Into the French Open Singles Main Draw
14 Cher 20,000+ A Brief History of Cher's Iconic Style and Best Fashion Moments