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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-06-13) #134

Open brienzb opened 2 weeks ago

brienzb commented 2 weeks ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 2 weeks ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 쌍방울 대북송금 5,000+ 이재명 '쌍방울 대북송금' 사건, '이화영 유죄' 재판부에 배당
檢, '쌍방울 대북송금' 비판한 민주당에 '유감'...“기소장 내용 누락”
2 권도형 2,000+ '테라 사태' 권도형, 벌금 6조 원 내기로 美 당국과 합의
美와 벌금 6조 원 합의한 권도형
3 테슬라 2,000+ 테슬라 독일공장 셔틀 '디젤→전기열차' 교체
4 FOMC 2,000+ 매파적 vs 불확실성 해소···엇갈린 FOMC 해석에 고심 깊어진 한은
6월 FOMC, 금리 동결...미국채는 정체
5 CPI 2,000+ [대만증시-마감] 美 CPI 둔화에 신고가 경신
6 정유정 2,000+ “정유정 심신미약 아냐” 무기징역 확정
과외앱 '또래 살인' 두 얼굴 정유정...무기징역 확정
7 국민권익위원회 김건희 2,000+ [사설]권익위 아전인수식 '김건희 구하기', 특검 이유 높인다
권익위 명품백 종결, 부위원장 "뇌물 표현 쓰지 말라"
8 카자흐스탄 1,000+ 한국, 카자흐스탄과 과학기술·디지털 협력 강화하기로
尹대통령 부부, 카자흐스탄에서도 '강아지 사랑'[청계천 옆 사진관]
9 최형우 1,000+ '신기록 제조기' KIA 최형우...끝나지 않은 전성기
'최다루타' KIA 최형우 “어차피 1년 뒤 최정이 깰 텐데...기록보다 ...
10 정문술 1,000+ "부자인채 죽는 것은 너무 부끄러운 짓이다"'정문술식 기부' 정신 ...
“부 대물림 않겠다” 카이스트에 515억 기부...정문술 전 미래산업 회장 ...
11 한국 1,000+ 외신도 주목! 세계랭킹 TOP10 안에 이름을 올린 한국
12 태국 1,000+ 웨이센, 태국 방콕서 웨이메드 엔도 실사례 발표
웨이센, 태국 방콕서 AI 소화기 내시경 성과 소개
13 인천공항 1,000+ 인천공항 착륙 중 화물기 타이어 펑크 '아찔'...활주로 하루종일 혼란
화물기 타이어 파열로 인천공항 1활주로 12시간 폐쇄(종합)
brienzb commented 2 weeks ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Marion Maréchal 100,000+ Éric Zemmour-Marion Maréchal: l'histoire secrète d'une rupture
Législatives: Marion Maréchal ne sera pas candidate
2 Melenchon 50,000+ Législatives : Mélenchon Premier ministre ? « Inenvisageable ...
Mélenchon ou Ruffin à Matignon: alerte rouge
3 De Zerbi 20,000+ Mercato : Roberto de Zerbi favori pour devenir entraîneur de l'OM
Roberto De Zerbi va faire des sacrifices pour rejoindre l'OM !
4 François-Xavier Bellamy 20,000+ Au second tour, François-Xavier Bellamy votera RN face à la gauche
Législatives : Bellamy annonce vouloir voter RN contre le Front ...
5 Olivier Ménard 20,000+ Olivier Ménard violemment agressé : le présentateur de "L'équipe ...
Le journaliste de l'Equipe TV Olivier Ménard agressé à son domicile
6 Darmanin 20,000+ Dépenses et impôts excessifs du RN : les « garnouzettes » de ...
7 Bridgerton 20,000+ Bridgerton sur Netflix : pourquoi cette scène sensuelle entre Colin et ...
« La Chronique des Bridgerton » saison 3 a fait encore plus hot que ...
8 Jerry West 20,000+ Jerry West et le shoot miraculeux qui définira à jamais "Mister Clutch"
Basket : décès de Jerry West, le "logo" de la NBA
9 Guillaume Meurice France Inter 20,000+ Après le licenciement de Guillaume Meurice, Charline ...
Licenciement de Guillaume Meurice : un jour d'après mouvementé à ...
10 The Weeknd 20,000+ Qui est Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, dit The Weeknd ?
Les 12 coups de midi : Qui est The Weeknd, de son vrai nom Abel ...
11 Theo Curin 20,000+ JO de Paris 2024 : le nageur handisport Théo Curin sera le ...
Meurthe-et-Moselle. Le nageur Théo Curin nouvel animateur de ...
12 Alpine A290 10,000+ Analyse de l'Alpine A290: La Nouvelle Venue dans l'Arène des ...
Alpine A290 : la Renault R5 électrique sportive est...moins chère ...
13 Dua Lipa 10,000+ Dua Lipa : sa vie sentimentale de Isaac Carew à Callum Turner
Après Dua Lipa, sa petite sœur Rina fait parler d'elle - Actu Dua Lipa
14 The Boys 10,000+ « The Boys » revient pour une saison 4 et les « petits nouveaux ...
The Boys : le récap' de la saison 3
15 Yann Schrub 10,000+ Le lorrain Yann Schrub sacré vice-champion d'Europe de 10 000 m
La réaction de Yann Schrub, vice-champion d'Europe de 10 000 m à ...
16 Cordes-sur-Ciel 10,000+ Patrimoine : Cordes-sur-Ciel, une cité médiévale perchée à 300 ...
17 Eric Ciotti président LR 10,000+ Chez les LR, la crise déclenchée par Eric Ciotti se poursuit sur le ...
Législatives : pourquoi Éric Ciotti n'a plus la main sur les investitures ...
18 Éléctions législatives 5,000+ Les élections législatives 2024 - Electeurs
Faire acte de candidatures aux élections législatives 2024
19 Louis Arnaud 5,000+ Louis Arnaud, originaire de Saône-et-Loire et otage en Iran, est libre ...
Les images du retour en France de Louis Arnaud, ancien otage ...
20 G7 5,000+ Le G7 discute de l'aide à l'Ukraine, de la guerre à Gaza et des ...
G7 en Italie : vers un accord sur les actifs russes
Le Grand Continent
brienzb commented 2 weeks ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Lobalu 10,000+ Le CIO interdit à Lobalu de représenter la Suisse
Athlétisme: Sans passeport, Lobalu ne représentera pas la Suisse ...
2 FlowBank 10,000+ La Finma met en faillite FlowBank
FINMA eröffnet Konkurs über die FlowBank SA
3 Thomas Aeschi 5,000+ Polit-Analyst zu Bundeshaus: «Aeschi und Graber suchten die ...
Schweizer Comedy-Szene macht sich über Thomas Aeschi lustig
4 BVB 2,000+ Eden Terzic nicht mehr BVB-Trainer – das sagt er zu seinem Abgang
Bundesliga - Ende einer Musterehe: Trainer Terzic verlässt BVB
5 Bridgerton 2,000+ Sex, Skandale und Aristokratie: Der Hype um die Netflix-Serie ...
Netflix: mon avis sur la série «Bridgerton» saison 4, partie 2
6 Deutschland Schottland 2,000+ Deutschland gegen Schottland im TV: Hier können Fans das EM ...
Deutschland lanciert Heim-EURO - Das Schottland-Spiel als ...
7 Marion Maréchal 2,000+ Éric Zemmour exclut Marion Maréchal de Reconquête
Législatives anticipées: Marion Maréchal ne sera pas candidate
8 Vermisste Valeriia Döbeln Leiche 2,000+ Valeriia aus Döbeln ist tot: Polizei findet getötete Leiche - Das sind ...
Vermisste Valeriia (9) ist tot: Polizei untersucht zwei neue Spuren ...
9 Jerry West 2,000+ Jerry West et le shoot miraculeux qui définira à jamais "Mister Clutch"
Basket : décès de Jerry West, le "logo" de la NBA
10 Grossbrand Altdorf 2,000+ Brand in Altdorf – Türen und Fenster schliessen
Grossbrand in Altdorf: Bahnhofplatz und Rynächtstrasse gesperrt
11 Michael Graber 2,000+ Leserkommentare bei Story rund um Michael Graber ...
12 Krätze 2,000+ Der Kanton Zürich ergreift Massnahmen gegen Krätze
Kanton ergreift Massnahmen zur Eindämmung von Krätze
13 Éric Ciotti 1,000+ Éric Ciotti se filme fièrement dans son bureau
Eric Ciotti a préparé avec Vincent Bolloré son ralliement au RN en ...
14 G7 1,000+ Les dirigeants du G7 réunis en Italie sont parvenus jeudi à un ...
Aus russischen Mitteln: G7 einigen sich auf Milliardenkredit für Ukraine
15 Mihambo 1,000+ Leichtathletik-EM: Bank für Gold: Mihambo nach Supersatz mit ...
Leichtathletik-EM: Warum der Gegenwind Malaika Mihambo zu Gold ...
16 Shaqiri 1,000+ 7. Grossanlass für Routinier - Shaqiri: Rolle und Zukunft offen, aber ...
Xherdan Shaqiri: «Die Fitness-Debatte ist mir ein bisschen peinlich!»
17 Nussbaumen 1,000+ Explosion in Nussbaumen AG: Polizei bestätigt ein Todesopfer.
Mehrere Verletzte nach Explosion in Nussbaumen im Kanton Aargau
18 Cari 1,000+ Adam Yates baut mit Sieg in Cari die Gesamtführung aus
5. Etappe der Tour de Suisse: Klare Zäsur im Gesamtklassement
19 The Boys 1,000+ „The Boys“ Staffel 4 ab jetzt im Stream auf Prime: Wann kommt ...
Vierte "The Boys"-Staffel: Die Superhelden sind mordlustiger denn je
20 Etienne Daho 1,000+ Festi'neuch: Etienne Daho, quarante ans de succès et d'excès
brienzb commented 2 weeks ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Labour manifesto 2024 100,000+ Labour Party manifesto: an initial response Institute for Fiscal Studies
What's in the Labour manifesto for humanists?
2 Bridgerton 100,000+ 'Bridgerton' Season 3, Part 2 Ending Explained—How Does Colin ...
'Bridgerton' Recap, Season 3 Episode 7
3 Rishi Sunak 50,000+ Rishi Sunak aide's £100 bet on election date: what are the rules?
Rishi Sunak denies he is being snubbed after awkward start to G7 ...
4 U.S. Open Golf 50,000+ US Open golf 2024: first round – live
US Open 2024: Tiger Woods struggles to opening-round 74 and ...
5 The Boys 50,000+ 'The Boys' Recap, Season 4, Episode 3
The Boys season 4 review: A gleeful antidote to Marvel and DC
6 Wayne Lineker 50,000+ Wayne Lineker speaks out after 'disturbing' Ibiza incident
How Wayne Lineker built 'adult Disneyland' Ibiza empire... while ...
7 Ryan Prescott 20,000+ Row breaks out between Lioness Ella Toone's boyfriend and ...
8 Holly Valance 20,000+ Holly Valance helps Nigel Farage's Reform 'raise £1.5m within days ...
U.S. Election Fundraisers Hit London: Holly Valance & Anna Wintour ...
9 Bangladesh vs Netherlands 20,000+ Bangladesh beat Netherlands by 25 runs: T20 World Cup 2024 ...
Bangladesh vs Netherlands Highlights, T20 World Cup: Sri Lanka ...
10 Pope Francis 20,000+ The Pope Heads To G7 For First Time To Talk About AI—After ...
Pope Francis to meet at G7 summit with Biden, Zelenskiy, Macron ...
11 Nicola Coughlan 20,000+ After waiting in the wings, this 'Bridgerton' duo is the talk of the ton
Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton on the Bridgerton carriage scene
12 Jerry West 20,000+ My charmed, tormented life with Jerry West
Jerry West and the Burden of Being the Logo
13 US Open leaderboard 20,000+ US Open Leaderboard And Live Updates: Rory McIlroy And Bryson ...
Tiger Woods opens U.S. Open in 4-over 74 - PGA TOUR
14 Celine Dion 10,000+ Céline Dion on her health issues and plans for a comeback: 'I will ...
Celine Dion goes public with her private health struggles: What we ...
15 Taylor Swift Liverpool 10,000+ Taylor Swift fans arrive in Liverpool for first Eras tour show
Taylor Swift takes to stage for Eras Tour - live updates
16 Patsy Kensit 10,000+ Patsy Kensit reveals surprising game she played with Elizabeth Taylor
17 Sheryl Crow 10,000+ Sheryl Crow FAULT Magazine Cover Interview - FAULT Magazine
18 Scotland v Germany 10,000+ Germany vs Scotland LIVE: Euro 2024 score & updates - BBC Sport
Germany vs. Scotland prediction, odds, time: UEFA Euro 2024 picks ...
19 Inside No. 9 10,000+ Inside No 9: Every guest star that returned for final episode ...
Critics: Inside No. 9
20 Emma D'Arcy 10,000+ House of the Dragon's Queen Rhaenyra Got New Pants
brienzb commented 2 weeks ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Jerry West 1,000,000+ My charmed, tormented life with Jerry West
There Will Never Be Another Jerry West
2 Celtics 1,000,000+ Celtics' Island Faithful Believe Championship is Near
Celtics on the brink of an 18th title, can close out Mavericks in Game ...
3 NBA 500,000+ Looks Like NHL, Plays Like NBA - NLL
4 U.S. Open golf 500,000+ How to watch the U.S. Open Golf Championship today
2024 U.S. Open TV schedule, coverage, live stream, where to watch ...
5 Bridgerton Season 3 part 2 200,000+ Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Recaps
'Bridgerton' Season 3, Part 2 Ending Explained—How Does Colin ...
6 The Boys 200,000+ 'The Boys' Recap, Season 4, Episode 3
Every Season 4 Episode of 'The Boys' Has “At Least One Totally F ...
7 Fort Lauderdale state of emergency 100,000+ State of emergency for parts of South Florida due to severe weather
Miami Weather, Florida Flooding Cause Flight Delays
8 Luka Doncic 100,000+ The backbreaking strategy that has driven Luka Doncic and the ...
Luka Dončić is getting a hard lesson in the extra level the NBA ...
9 Dream vs Fever 100,000+ Atlanta Dream vs. Indiana Fever: game preview
Game recap: Aliyah Boston, Kelsey Mitchell lead Indiana Fever win ...
10 Tiger Woods 100,000+ Tiger Woods opens U.S. Open in 4-over 74 - PGA TOUR
Tiger Woods' U.S. Open Thursday ended with 2 unusual scenes
11 Pope Francis 100,000+ The Pope Heads To G7 For First Time To Talk About AI—After ...
What to expect when Biden and Francis meet this week
12 Beetlejuice 50,000+ Review: Broadway's 'Beetlejuice' is a Different and Brash Wild Ride
13 Jaylen Brown 50,000+ Los Angeles Lakers Could Have Had Jaylen Brown
14 Deter 50,000+ Bomb threat fails to deter Pride event in Newton
15 Chinatown 50,000+ Chinatown's newest eatery is ode to street food
16 Johnny Canales 50,000+ Fallece el presentador Johnny Canales, pionero en promover la ...
Johnny Canales, Tejano music singer and TV host, dies at 77
17 Andrew McCarthy 50,000+ Andrew McCarthy Doesn't Think the Brat Pack Could Exist Today
Former 'Brat Pack' stars reunite in documentary directed by Andrew ...
18 Tom Brady 50,000+ Tom Brady enshrined into Patriots Hall of Fame during star-studded ...
Here's who attended Tom Brady's Patriots Hall of Fame ceremony
19 Amber Portwood 50,000+ 'Teen Mom' star Amber Portwood makes plea for missing fiancé ...
'Teen Mom' star Amber Portwood's missing fiancé, Gary Wayt, seen ...
20 Supreme Court 50,000+ Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion pill accessibility
APA praises supreme court decision to maintain access to abortion ...