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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-03-08) #37

Open brienzb opened 3 months ago

brienzb commented 3 months ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 세계 여성의 날 200,000+ 여성의 날, 지역신문으로 보는 여성의 어제와 오늘
[인천TV] 3월 8일 세계 여성의 날, "우리에게 빵과 장미를 달라"
2 드래곤볼 50,000+ '드래곤볼' 만화가 토리야마 아키라 사망... 급성 경막하혈종
'드래곤볼' 남긴 日 레전드 작가, 68세 나이로 별세... 사인은?
3 권도형 미국 송환 10,000+ 권도형 한국행 가능성 커졌지만...미국은 여전히 그를 원한다
'테라' 권도형, '미국 인도' 뒤집고 한국 송환 결정
4 이천수 5,000+ 원희룡 “이천수 후원회장 폭행 당해...드릴 든 남성이 협박도”
이천수 폭행·협박 가해자는 60·70대 남성...경찰, 곧 소환 조사
5 정용진 회장 5,000+ 정용진 신세계그룹 회장 승진...“1등으로 퀀텀 점프”
정용진 회장 승진소식에...“우리 부회장님은 언제?”
6 정동원 교도소 전혀 5,000+ 정동원 측 '父 교도소 수감 전혀 몰라...심적으로 힘들어' - 서울경제
"정동원 전혀 몰라"...父, 교도소 수감 중 가수와 '계약 갈등'
7 박기량 2,000+ 인기 치어리더 박기량, 롯데 떠나 두산 응원단 합류
[전문]치어리더도 이적...박기량, 롯데 떠나 두산으로 "은퇴 생각하다"
8 리버풀 2,000+ 승점 1점 차 1위 리버풀 vs 2위 맨시티...주말 EPL 후끈
[EPL 경기 일정] '우승 경쟁' 리버풀·맨시티·아스널 순위 관심
9 삼체 2,000+ 오랜만에 기대되는 넷플릭스 새 시리즈 '삼체', '왕좌의 게임' 제작진의 ...
넷플릭스 야심작 '삼체', 메인 포스터 공개
10 트럼프 2,000+ 바이든 “내 전임자, 푸틴에 머리 조아려”...국정연설서 트럼프 맹공
트럼프의 영국 정보업체 고소 기각...소송비용 트럼프가 부담해야
11 레버쿠젠 2,000+ '유일한 무패팀' 레버쿠젠, 추가시간 극적인 골로 무패 기록 유지 ...
'34경기 무패' 레버쿠젠은 귀여운 수준...12년 전 43경기 무패!→토트넘 ...
12 문지연 2,000+ 첫사랑과 결혼했던 개그우먼 문지연, 남편상 당해
'21년 첫사랑과 결혼' 문지연, 5일 남편상 비보
13 황운하 1,000+ 불출마 선언했던 황운하, 조국혁신당 합류
황운하도 합류..'지민비조' 주목도 높이는 조국혁신당
14 대통령 1,000+ 대통령, 화환·참모만 보내.."대통령 '직접 조문' 전례 없다"
이종섭 출국금지 몰랐다?.."대통령이 피의자 빼돌리기 주도"
15 황보승희 1,000+ '국민의힘 탈당' 황보승희, '전광훈 설립' 자유통일당 입당
황보승희, 자유통일당 입당...비례 우선순위 될 듯
16 기생수: 더 그레이 1,000+ %25EB%2593%259C%25EB%2594%2594%25EC%2596%25B4 ...
마침내 공개된 연상호 감독과 전소니의 '기생수: 더 그레이'
17 LIG 1,000+ 싱가포르 국부펀드, LIG넥스원 3대 주주 등극 - 매일경제
싱가포르 국부펀드, LIG넥스원 3대주주로
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Dragon Ball 20,000+ Akira Toriyama, le créateur de Dragon Ball, est décédé à 68 ans
Akira Toriyama et «Dragon Ball», jusqu'à la mort
2 Journée internationale des droits des femmes 20,000+ Mobilisations et revendications au menu de la journée ...
Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2024
3 Carlos Sainz 5,000+ Victime d'une appendicite, Carlos Sainz doit déclarer forfait
Oliver Bearman im Portrait: Dieser Teenager ersetzt Carlos Sainz
4 Lidl Rückruf 5,000+ Wichtiger Lidl Rückruf: Mehrere Getränke können Erbrechen ...
Wichtiger Rückruf bei Lidl: Beliebte Getränke können giftigen Stoff ...
5 Joe Biden 2,000+ Joe Biden apparaît offensif et convaincant dans son discours sur l ...
«State of the Union»-Rede: So, ist Joe Biden also immer noch zu alt?
6 Fortnite 2,000+ Messt euch mit Mythen in Fortnite BR Kapitel 5 – Saison 2
Fortnite – Škoda bietet Abenteuer im beliebten Online-Game ...
7 MotoGP 2,000+ MotoGP Ticker-Nachlese - Jorge Martin im Trockenen, Marc ...
MotoGP-Liveticker Katar: Regen in der Wüste! Nasse Trainings ...
8 Liverpool 2,000+ FC Liverpool: Virgil van Dijk ist der ruhige Gegenpool zu Jürgen Klopp
Premier League: le choc City-Liverpool lancé par un gros clash ...
9 Internationaler Frauentag 2,000+ Internationaler Frauentag: Unbewilligte Demo verläuft diesmal friedlich
10 Akira Toriyama gestorben 2,000+ Star-Manga-Zeichner - «Dragon Ball»-Schöpfer Akira Toriyama ...
«Dragon Ball»-Schöpfer Akira Toriyama ist gestorben
11 Pregabalin 1,000+ Verursacht Medikament Pregabalin Todesfälle? Das sagt Swissmedic
Tausende Todesfälle wegen Medikament: „Du fühlst dich wirklich ...
12 Portimonense Porto 1,000+ Direct Portimonense - FC Porto, Liga NOS, 25ème journée, match ...
13 Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 1,000+ Messt euch mit Mythen in Fortnite BR Kapitel 5 – Saison 2
Wann gehen die Fortnite-Server wieder online?
14 Inter Miami 1,000+ Messi und Suarez bewahren Inter Miami vor Niederlage
Inter Miami holt 0:2 auf, Schrecksekunde um Torschütze Messi
15 Tag der Frau 1,000+ Internationaler Tag der Frau: Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd auf ...
16 Tag der Frau 2024 1,000+ Internationaler Tag der Frau: Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd auf ...
Tag der Frau und der Blumenhof hat die Mitbringsel... - Rorschacher ...
17 Marie-Theres Nadig 500+ Skirennfahrerin und Olympiasiegerin Marie-Theres Nadig wird 70
Marie-Therese Nadig schaut ganz bescheiden auf ihre Karriere zurück
18 Frauentag 500+ Internationaler Tag der Frau: Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd auf ...
Kampf für Solidarität und Gleichberechtigung: Der Frauentag in ...
19 Sarah Harrison 500+ Sarah Harrison und Dominic verraten das Babygeschlecht: Es wird ...
Junge oder Mädchen? Sarah Harrison + Dominic lüften das ...
20 Weltfrauentag Schweiz 500+ Weltfrauentag: Frauen haben in der Schweiz schlechtere ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Dragon Ball 500,000+ "Dragon Ball" : comment le manga est devenu une référence
Manga : qui était Akira Toriyama, le créateur disparu de « Dragon ...
2 Benoit Saint Denis 100,000+ Benoît Saint-Denis et Dustin Poirier valident leur pesée avant l'UFC ...
VIDÉO. Benoît Saint-Denis valide la pesée avant son combat de ...
3 IVG 50,000+ Loi constitutionnelle du 8 mars 2024 relative à la liberté de recourir ...
IVG dans la Constitution : Emmanuel Macron souhaite inscrire l ...
4 Twitter 50,000+ Jusqu'à 100.000 caractères: Twitter permet désormais d'écrire des ...
Préparez-vous à découvrir de nouveaux et très (trop ?) longs articles ...
5 Marco Mouly 20,000+ Son sursis révoqué, le "roi de l'arnaque" Marco Mouly annonce ...
« Jamais je retourne en prison » : Marco Mouly, surnommé « le roi ...
6 Giulia fois 20,000+ Giulia Foïs : « En France, on viole, on cogne, on tue, à tous les ...
Giulia Foïs raconte « ce que le féminisme m'a fait »
7 Fortnite 20,000+ Fortnite a lancé la Saison 2 du Chapitre 5 : Mythes et Mortels ...
Affrontez les mythes dans Fortnite BR Chapitre 5 - Saison 2
8 MotoGP 20,000+ MotoGP. Les essais qualificatifs du Grand Prix du Qatar décalés à ...
À quelle heure et sur quelle chaîne suivre le Grand Prix du Qatar ?
9 Joe Biden 20,000+ State of the Union : face à Trump, Joe Biden a un plan pour 2025 ...
Journal d'Haïti et des Amériques - Joe Biden reprend la main dans ...
10 Carlos Sainz 10,000+ F1. Qui est Oliver Bearman, le jeune pilote qui remplace Carlos ...
Formule 1 : Carlos Sainz (Ferrari), victime d'une appendicite, est ...
11 La Demoiselle et le Dragon 10,000+ La Demoiselle et le Dragon sur Netflix : que vaut le film avec Millie ...
“La Demoiselle et le Dragon”, sur Netflix : Millie Bobby Brown, dure ...
12 Fete de la femme 10,000+ Fête de la femme, en version bulgare
13 Leila Bekhti 10,000+ Leïla Bekhti révèle avoir donné naissance à son 4e enfant
Leïla Bekhti et Tahar Rahim de nouveau parents : l'actrice a donné ...
14 Mickael Groguhe 10,000+ MMA: PFL Paris: Islem Masraf met KO Mickaël Groguhe en moins de ...
KO en 12 secondes parce qu'il n'a pas jugé utile de tenir sa garde ...
15 Boeing 10,000+ Boeing 777 qui perd une roue au décollage: "pas un phénomène ...
Aviation : un Boeing 777 perd une roue au moment du décollage
16 Inter Miami 5,000+ Ligue des champions Concacaf: Messi et Suarez sauvent l'Inter ...
Inter Miami : Lionel Messi échappe à une grosse blessure
17 Lille 5,000+ Ohamo, le nouveau café, bar et resto du centre de Lille ouvre le 14 ...
Top départ du Semi-Marathon International de Lille !
18 Chants of Sennaar 5,000+ Chants of Sennaar, grand vainqueur de la cérémonie des Pégases ...
Pégases : « Chants of Sennaar » sacré Meilleur jeu vidéo français ...
19 Esther Abrami 5,000+ C à vous la suite Invités : Esther Abrami, Stéphane Guillon, Jean ...
20 Philippe Caverivière RTL 5,000+ VIDÉO - Philippe Caverivière à Élisabeth Borne : "Vous avez fait ...
"L'oeil de Philippe Caverivière" du 8 mars 2024 face à Elisabeth ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 International Women's Day 1,000,000+ International Women's Day 2024 - Cornwall Council
International Women's Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
2 Akira Toriyama 100,000+ Akira Toriyama: 'Thank you for brightening my childhood'
Akira Toriyama: Manga artist who created Dragon Ball and Dr Slump ...
3 International Women's Day 2024 100,000+ International Women's Day 2024: UK Statement to the OSCE
International Women's Day 2024: Celebrating the work of the Millin ...
4 Fortnite 100,000+ 'Fortnite' Still Down: Epic Issues Statement On Downtime For ...
Why is Fortnite not working? When Chapter 5 Season 2: Myths ...
5 Carlos Sainz 100,000+ British teenager Oliver Bearman replaces Carlos Sainz for Ferrari in ...
Saudi Arabian Grand Prix: British teenager Oliver Bearman replaces ...
6 Women's Day 50,000+ International Women's Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
7 Leeds United 20,000+ Match Preview Leeds United Under-21s v Norwich City Under-21s
FA Youth Cup: Millwall (H)
8 Rupert Murdoch 20,000+ Congratulations, Rupert Murdoch! Let's hope this love match lasts ...
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is planning a fifth walk down the aisle ...
9 Theresa May 20,000+ Theresa May: Conservative ex-PM to stand down at next election
Theresa May: loyal constituency MP who lost Tory support over Brexit
10 Damsel 20,000+ Netflix's 'Damsel' Ending Explained – Does Elodie Survive The ...
Damsel review – Millie Bobby Brown goes Rambo in diverting ...
11 Martyn Blake 20,000+ Chris Kaba shooting: Martyn Blake named as murder-accused ...
Chris Kaba: Met Police officer charged with murder named for the ...
12 Autosexual 20,000+ This is what autosexual means after reality tv star Kourtney ...
Kourtney Kardashian 'comes out' as an autosexual
13 Bataclan 20,000+ Sophie Ellis-Bextor addresses Bataclan deaths before singing ...
Sophie Ellis-Bextor performs Murder On The Dancefloor at the ...
14 Lauren Simon 20,000+ Lauren Simon dealt huge blow ahead of first Celebrity Big Brother ...
Celebrity Big Brother viewers divided over 'orange-gate' clash
15 Sheffield Wednesday 10,000+ Sheffield Wednesday FC Women's Supporters Group launch ...
16 Inter Miami 10,000+ Nashville SC 2-2 Inter Miami CF (8 Mar, 2024) Game Analysis ...
Nashville SC Earns 2-2 Draw Against Inter Miami CF in First Leg of ...
17 Ariana Grande 10,000+ Ariana Grande, Eternal Sunshine review: Clues and confessions ...
Ariana Grande album review — Eternal Sunshine is technically ...
18 Cillian Murphy 10,000+ Pierce Brosnan: 'Cillian Murphy would do a magnificent job as ...
Pierce Brosnan Wants Cillian Murphy as Next James Bond
19 Condo 10,000+ Surfside condo collapse investigators provide key insights into ...
Investigators narrow search into cause of deadly Florida condo ...
20 Dragon Ball 10,000+ How Dragon Ball caused a diplomatic spat
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Fortnite 500,000+ When will Fortnite be back up? Maintenance for Chapter 5: Season ...
Why is Fortnite not working? Latest update on Chapter 5 Season 2 ...
2 Damsel Netflix 100,000+ Netflix's 'Damsel' Ending Explained – Does Elodie Survive The ...
Review: Netflix's 'Damsel' Is Sweaty, Snarly, Slithery Fun
3 Eternal Sunshine Ariana Grande 100,000+ Every Thought We Had Listening to 'Eternal Sunshine'
Instead of steeping in heartbreak, Ariana Grande hits delete
4 Barcelona 100,000+ Teenager Yamal scores for Barcelona to beat Mallorca in La Liga ...
Barcelona 1-0 Mallorca: score, goals, highlights, LaLiga
5 Día Internacional de la Mujer 100,000+ El municipio conmemorará el Día Internacional de la Mujer ...
Día Internacional de la Mujer: Director de la OPS aboga por ...
6 North Korean 100,000+ North Korea Holds Large Scale Artillery Drills - USNI News
North Korea's Kim guides artillery firing drill in range of Seoul
7 National women's day 50,000+ USAF celebrates International Women's Day with NATO service ...
8 Happy International Women's Day 50,000+ When is International Women's Day? Celebrate women, including El ...
DS Original Content: Happy International Women's Day
9 Happy Women's Day 50,000+ Happy Women's Day! American Soul Singer & Rochester Native ...
When is International Women's Day? Celebrate women, including El ...
10 Iowa women's basketball 50,000+ Penn State Falls to #3 Iowa in Big Ten Tournament Quarterfinals
Iowa women's basketball vs. Penn State recap: Caitlin Clark breaks ...
11 Jalen Green 50,000+ Jalen Green and Cam Whitmore are the Rockets duo waiting on the ...
Jalen Green and Cam Whitmore forge on-court chemistry with promise
12 Dia de la Mujer 50,000+ Día de la Mujer: “La Instrucción de la Mujer”, el rupturista texto ...
Binational Art Exhibition commemorates 'Dia de la Mujer'
13 Condo 50,000+ Surfside condo collapse investigators provide key insights into ...
Investigators narrow search into cause of deadly Florida condo ...
14 Dart 20,000+ Ole Miss' Jaxson Dart Listed As Top-Five QB By CBS Sports ...
15 Boston Celtics 20,000+ Boston Celtics biggest surprise, disappointment, and Coach of the ...
16 FC Barcelona 20,000+ Ter Stegen: 400 games for Barça
Ter Stegen celebrates 400 games with Barça with his third ...
17 Natalie Portman 20,000+ Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied divorce after 11 years of ...
Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied Divorce
18 Carlos Sainz 20,000+ Ferrari's Carlos Sainz Jr. out of Saudi GP with appendicitis. Oliver ...
F1 News: Carlos Sainz Gives First Update After Surprise Surgery ...
19 Dolly Parton 20,000+ Dollywood's longest season honors Dolly Parton's life and career ...
Dolly Parton gives sneak peek at new Dollywood season
20 Joey Votto 20,000+ Joey Votto reportedly joining hometown team Toronto Blue Jays
Votto agrees to non-roster invite deal with Blue Jays (source)