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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-03-18) #47

Open brienzb opened 3 months ago

brienzb commented 3 months ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 맨유 대 리버풀 100,000+ 맨유, 리버풀 4-3으로 꺾고 FA컵 준결승 진출
'7골 난타전' 맨유, 리버풀에 4-3 짜릿한 대역전승!...FA컵 4강 진출→2 ...
2 황대헌 10,000+ 황대헌 '이틀 연속 반칙' 쇼트트랙 금메달 두 개 날렸다
또또또 나온 황대헌 반칙에...'세계랭킹 1위' 박지원 金 모조리 날렸다
3 KBS 주말드라마 '효심이네 각자도생 5,000+ '효심이네 각자도생' 종영... KBS 주말극 부진 탈출, 쉽지 않네
'효심이네' 김서연, 파격 노인 연기 빛났다.. “인상적 역할로 참여해 감사 ...
4 쿠팡 와우 배달비 5,000+ '와우, 배달비 공짜' 쿠팡이츠의 파격...배민 철옹성 뚫을까 - 서울경제
쿠팡 “와우 회원은 쿠팡이츠 배달 무료”...점주들 '부담감'
5 황상무 5,000+ 이종섭 조속 귀국도, 황상무 사퇴론도 선 그은 대통령실
'사면초가' 황상무·이종섭..여당 '곤혹' 속 야권 '총공세'
6 김하성 2,000+ 김하성 LG 상대로 홈런 두 방 '쾅'...MLB 개막전 예열 끝
메이저리거 김하성, 3년 반만에 고척돔 돌아와 홈런 2방 폭발
7 일본 금리 인상 2,000+ 일본 금리인상 결정 앞두고...닛케이 2.6% 상승
0~0.1%? 일본, 17년 만에 '금리 있는 세계' 진입 전망
8 서정화 2,000+ [부고]5선 의원 지낸 서정화 전 내무부 장관 별세
'내무장관, 5선 의원' 서정화 국민의힘 상임고문 별세
9 바르셀로나 2,000+ '싸게 좀 팔아줘...' 칸셀루 에이전트, 맨시티와 협상 예정...바르셀로나 ...
10 류현진 2,000+ 시범경기서 보인 건재함... 류현진, 개막전 등판만 남았다
류현진, 롯데전 5이닝 2실점...사직구장 꽉 찼다
11 푸틴 1,000+ 러시아 대선: 푸틴, 압도적 표 차로 5선 성공... '러시아의 민주주의가 ...
푸틴 5선 확정...“3차 대전에선 한걸음 떨어져 있어” 서방 견제
12 홍진호 1,000+ '유부콩' 홍진호, 10살 연하과 결혼 “잘 살아야겠다는 생각 번쩍 들어 ...
홍진호, 결혼식 축의금도 '2' 징크스 실현...서유리 "강제로 22만원 내"
13 벚꽃 1,000+ 깨끗한나라·이마트, 핑크빛 '벚꽃 삼총사' 기획전 펼쳐 - 글로벌이코노믹
3월 벚꽃, 4월 유채, 5월 철쭉 경남 봄꽃축제 릴레이
14 텐트 밖은 유럽 남프랑스 편 결방 1,000+ 텐트 밖 은 유럽 남 프랑스 결방 이유는
텐트밖은유럽 남프랑스편 결방이유, tvn편성표 '눈물의여왕'
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Pfaffnau 5,000+ Vollbrand bei Mehrfamilienhaus - Zwei Tote geborgen nach ...
Pfaffnau: Hausbrand fordert zwei Todesopfer
2 Christian Streich 2,000+ Christian Streich sagt „goodbye“: Das sind seine besten Sprüche
Bundesliga - Kult-Trainer Streich hört beim SC Freiburg auf
3 Ons Jabeur 2,000+ - Ons Jabeur en direct - WTA Miami : Tennis Scores & Résultats - 19 ...
Classement WTA : Ons Jabeur toujours 6e, avant le Masters 1000 ...
4 Trump 2,000+ Trump incapable de payer son amende de 454 millions de dollars ?
Betrugsprozess in New York: Trump kann 450 Millionen nicht zahlen
5 Freddy Nock 2,000+ Emotionaler Abschied von Freddy Nock
Freddy Nock: So war die Gedenkfeier des Seiltänzers
6 David Guetta 2,000+ Star-DJ David Guetta im Vaterglück, Céline Dion plant Comeback
Star-DJ David Guetta ist Vater geworden - der Name des Jungen ...
7 Venoge Festival 1,000+ Le Venoge Festival à Penthaz complète sa programmation 2024
Venoge Festival 2024: Das komplette Lineup
8 Angela Davis 1,000+ Pour Angela Davis, il faut "tout faire" pour éviter le retour de Trump ...
9 Meyer Burger 1,000+ Solarunternehmen in Schieflage: Dauerkrise bei Meyer Burger
Meyer Burger: Riesige Kapitalerhöhung lässt Aktionäre bluten
10 Solana 1,000+ Airdrop-Saison 1 auf Solana endet: SMOG vergibt 1 Mio. $, Preis ...
Il détruit à jamais 10 millions de $ sur Solana : la folle histoire du ...
11 Banksy 1,000+ Neues Banksy-Kunstwerk in London aufgetaucht
Neues Werk von Banksy in London: Mein Freund, der Baum, ist tot
12 Karfreitag 500+ Fisch für Karfreitag: Lieblingsrezepte aus Georg's Fischerhütte auf ...
Musik zur Passion am Karfreitag mit Landesposaunenwart
13 Arbeitsunfall Belp 500+ Belp: Schulkind bei Unfall tödlich verunglückt
Bern Belp: Schulkind stirbt bei Unfall in Stall
14 Clementine celarie 500+ Clémentine Célarié : comment ses années d'adolescence à Lille ont ...
"Merci d'avoir applaudi mais c'était un geste normal" : 30 ans après ...
15 Acerbi 500+ Rassismus-Vorwürfe bei Inter: Francesco Acerbi wird intern gesperrt
Francesco Acerbi a quitté lundi le rassemblement de la sélection ...
16 Buckingham Palace 500+ Gillian Anderson met la pression à Buckingham Palace dans Scoop ...
17 Rio de Janeiro 500+ Brésil: record de chaleur de 62 degrés à Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro suffoque: jusqu'à 62,3°C degrés ressentis
18 Unfall A1 500+ Nach Unfall auf A1: Falschfahrer flieht vor Stau durch Rettungsgasse
Drei Verletzte bei Verkehrsunfall auf der A1 bei Henau
19 Manu Chao 500+ Weltstar in Frutigen: Manu Chao spielt in der Badi
20 Slobodan Despot 500+ La RTS regrette les propos «outranciers» de Slobodan Despot
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Guide Michelin 20,000+ Qui sont les nouveaux chefs étoilés du Guide Michelin en Provence ?
Guide Michelin 2024
Vendée : palmarès des restaurants étoilés
2 Charles III 20,000+ "Mort du roi Charles III": l'ambassade du Royaume-Uni en Ukraine ...
La folle rumeur d'une mort de Charles III et de Kate Middleton se ...
3 La Courneuve 20,000+ Sécurité renforcée à La Courneuve après l'attaque du commissariat
Le commissariat de La Courneuve ciblé par des tirs de mortiers ...
4 MC Solaar 20,000+ Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie - MC Solaar ...
5 Line Renaud 20,000+ “À l'âge que j'ai...” : comment Line Renaud, 95 ans, reste fortement ...
6 Parents divorcés 10,000+ Garde partagée : le gouvernement veut tester la semaine de quatre ...
Semaine de quatre jours : les parents divorcés pas les seuls ...
7 Najat Vallaud-Belkacem Internet 10,000+ "Rationner internet" : pourquoi Najat Vallaud-Belkacem veut-elle ...
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem veut « rationner » l'usage d'Internet
8 Spurs 10,000+ Le boss des Spurs fou de Wembanyama : « Ce que la NBA vit avec ...
Victor Wembanyama (San Antonio Spurs) : "On découvre des ...
9 It's a Sin 10,000+ « It's a Sin » : 5 bonnes raisons de regarder cette série sur les ...
Pourquoi il ne faut surtout pas louper la série It's a Sin sur France 2
10 Jean-Maurice Bonneau 5,000+ Jean-Maurice Bonneau nous a quittés - L'Eperon
Rencontre avec Jean-Maurice Bonneau au Grand Palais Ephémère
11 Kylian Mbappé 5,000+ JO de Paris 2024: les craintes de Victor Wembanyama pour Kylian ...
JO Paris 2024 : Victor Wembanyama redoute la possible absence ...
12 Sandrine Rousseau 5,000+ "Moi aussi, je t'aime": Sandrine Rousseau répond à Michel Sardou ...
«Désolé Michel, ce temps-là est fini» : Sandrine Rousseau répond à ...
13 Dua Lipa nimes 5,000+ Festival de Nîmes : la reine de la pop, Dua Lipa, en concert deux ...
Dua Lipa enflammera les Arènes de Nîmes pour deux concerts ...
14 Des hommes 5,000+ ANOREXIE : Plus mortelle encore chez les hommes ?
15 Fenerbahce 5,000+ Après les incidents à Trabzonspor, Fenerbahçe envisage de se ...
Turquie: Fenerbahçe envisage de quitter le championnat après les ...
16 Griezmann 5,000+ Équipe de France. Antoine Griezmann forfait contre l'Allemagne et le ...
Equipe de France
Griezmann officiellement forfait avec les Bleus ...
17 Simone Signoret 5,000+ Simone Signoret, une grande comédienne lapidaire sur l'icône du ...
Simone Signoret : Double meurtre, procès... Son lien insoupçonné ...
18 Accident Fonsorbes 5,000+ Mort d'une personne en fauteuil roulant heurtée par un camion
Près de Toulouse. Un homme en fauteuil roulant est mort percuté ...
19 Laurence Bertrand Dorléac 2,000+ Laurence Bertrand Dorléac / Bruno Le Maire / B. Guetta x H. Guaino ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Nottingham Forest 20,000+ Forest docked four points for financial rules breach
Nottingham Forest FC deducted four points by independent ...
2 Banksy 20,000+ Banksy: Artist confirms new London tree mural is his own work
Banksy confirms north London tree mural is his work
3 Laura Kenny 20,000+ Dame Laura Kenny, Britain's most decorated female Olympian ...
Laura Kenny, Britain's most successful female Olympian, retires age ...
4 England kit 20,000+ England kit release: Rate Euro 2024 kits
England get fresh look for 2024
5 FA Cup Semi Final 2024 20,000+ NEWS: Fans urged to log in and check online ticket accounts ahead ...
6 Gemini 10,000+ Alphabet shares up 4% on report Apple is in talks to license Gemini ...
Apple may hire Google to build Gemini AI engine into next ...
7 PSG 10,000+ Five of the best: PSG 5-star performances
Nüsken fills Chelsea's striker void, PSG kick back into gear - ESPN
8 Cyclone 10,000+ Weather tracker: cyclone warning in Australia while Finland freezes ...
Tropical Cyclone Megan strikes Australia causing a mega rain bomb ...
9 Slowthai 10,000+ Anne-Marie confirms she's welcomed her first baby with rapper ...
Anne-Marie and husband Slowthai spark baby rumours after being ...
10 Katie Price 10,000+ Katie Price declared bankrupt for second time
Katie Price declared bankrupt for second time
11 Stevie Nicks 10,000+ Stevie Nicks announces Glasgow show on European tour
Glasgow: Fleetwood Mac star Stevie Nicks to host Hydro concert
12 Ayo Edebiri 10,000+ Did Ayo Edibiri And Paul Mescal Just Soft-Launch A Relationship?
What is happening between Paul Mescal and Ayo Edebiri?
13 Scottie Scheffler 5,000+ Tiger Woods comparisons 'inevitable' for Scottie Scheffler after ...
Scottie Scheffler shows true colours as historic Players win earns ...
14 David Seidler 5,000+ David Seidler: Oscar-winning screenwriter behind The King's ...
'The King's Speech' writer David Seidler dies aged 86
15 Mike Lynch 5,000+ Autonomy founder Mike Lynch called 'driving force' of 'massive fraud ...
Mike Lynch: Autonomy founder's fraud trial begins in US
16 Miami Open 5,000+ Miami Open: Simona Halep to play first match since doping ban ...
Miami Open 2024 ATP Men's Draw brackets revealed
17 Alex Jones 5,000+ The One Show Alex Jones' five-word response as co-host quizzes ...
18 Fenerbahçe 5,000+ FIFA condemns Turkish league violence after soccer fans storm ...
Trabzonspor fans storm pitch and attack Fenerbahce players in ...
19 Kemi Badenoch 5,000+ Kemi Badenoch dismisses speculation about ousting Rishi Sunak
Kemi Badenoch dismisses row over Frank Hester's Diane Abbott ...
20 The Guest 5,000+ Quinta Brunson Wants to Adapt 'The Guest' by Emma Cline
Wedding guest accidentally shows up wearing same dress as ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 First day of spring 2024 200,000+ When is the first day of spring in 2024? What to know about the ...
When is the first day of spring 2024? What to know about the vernal ...
2 Cyclone 100,000+ Tropical Cyclone Megan is crossing Australia's northern coast with ...
Weather tracker: cyclone warning in Australia while Finland freezes ...
3 Gemini 100,000+ Alphabet shares up 4% on report Apple is in talks to license Gemini ...
Apple may hire Google to build Gemini AI engine into next ...
4 Benjamin Netanyahu 50,000+ Netanyahu to send delegation to D.C. to discuss Rafah invasion ...
Biden gets Netanyahu to send delegation to Washington to resolve ...
5 Fanì Willis 50,000+ Trump, co-defendants seek review of judge's decision on Fani Willis
Trump and co-defendants re-up their efforts to disqualify DA Fani Willis
6 Chase Young 20,000+ Five Things to Know about Saints defensive end Chase Young
Saints expected to sign pass rusher Chase Young
7 Kacey Musgraves 20,000+ 7 Must-Hear New Country Songs: Kacey Musgraves, ERNEST, Jelly ...
Would Kacey Musgraves Ditch Tennessee for Greener Pastures in ...
8 Miami Open 20,000+ Miami Open 2024 ATP Men's Draw brackets revealed
Top-ranked Iga Swiatek the favorite as Miami Open women's main ...
9 Galaxy 20,000+ Hubble Space Telescope Captures Stunning Shot of Spider Galaxy
JWST observations shed more light on the nature of a distant galaxy ...
10 Royal family 20,000+ Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan's Individual Bios Are Removed ...
Princess Kate seen out on weekend shopping trip
11 Michigan State basketball 20,000+ Michigan State vs Mississippi State picks, predictions, odds: Who ...
How To Watch: Mississippi State Men's Basketball versus Michigan ...
12 Cuban protests 20,000+ In Cuba, hundreds take to the streets in rare protests as economic ...
Cubans stage rare protests amid blackouts, persisting economic crisis
13 Nuggets 20,000+ P. Terrys introduces limited-time offer of chicken nuggets at all 32 ...
14 Ketamine 20,000+ Elon Musk suggests his prescription ketamine use is good for investors
Elon Musk says his ketamine use is good for Tesla investors
15 Kentucky basketball 20,000+ This Isn't Kentucky basketball, Or Is It?
Liam McNeeley contacted by Kentucky Basketball after ...
16 Dr. Dre 20,000+ Dr. Dre says he had 3 strokes while in hospital for brain aneurysm ...
Dr. Dre says he suffered three strokes while hospitalized for brain ...
17 Spurs 20,000+ Wembanyama, Spurs confirm that they're headed to France next ...
Spurs, Victor Wembanyama to Play in Paris Next Season - Wemby ...
18 Psg 20,000+ Nüsken fills Chelsea's striker void, PSG kick back into gear - ESPN
19 Odell Beckham Jr 20,000+ WR Odell Beckham Jr. says goodbye to Baltimore
Odell Beckham Jr. says goodbye to Baltimore
20 Leighton Vander Esch 20,000+ Former Cowboys linebacker Leighton Vander Esch retires from NFL ...
Former Dallas Cowboys linebacker Leighton Vander Esch medically ...