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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-04-03) #63

Open brienzb opened 3 months ago

brienzb commented 3 months ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 대만 지진 50,000+ 대만 지진 '원폭 32개 충격'...여진 5일간 더 올 수도
대만서 25년 만에 최대 규모 강진...TSMC 생산 라인 직원 대피령
2 푸바오 10,000+ 중국 간 푸바오, 어쩌면 8개월 뒤에나 다시 볼 수 있어요
푸바오: '굿바이' 비와 눈물 쏟아진 푸바오 배웅 길
3 김진 10,000+ 야당, 김진 '젊은이들이 망친 나라' 발언 비판.."정부·여당의 후안무치"
김진 "젊은이들이 망친 나라 노인이 구한다" 발언 파문
4 카즈하 열애 5,000+ 이번엔 르세라핌 카즈하 열애설... 상대는 앤팀 멤버
르세라핌 카즈하, 일본발 열애설...'앤팀 케이와 2년째 열애?' - 서울경제
5 원희룡 5,000+ [입소스] 인천 계양을 가상대결, 민주 이재명 55% 국힘 원희룡 37%
원희룡 "재건축 아파트 이름 대봐" vs 이재명 "R&D 삭감하는데 계양에 ...
6 전소미 5,000+ 아이돌이 이래도 돼?...채영·전소미, 포토부스서 속옷 노출
트와이스 채영·전소미, 무인 포토부스서 속옷 노출 '시끌'
7 삼성 갤럭시 핏3 5,000+ 4년 만에 돌아온 '갤럭시 핏3'...샤오미와 '가성비 손목 전쟁'
삼성전자, 신형 피트니스 밴드 '갤럭시 핏3' 국내 출시
8 전종서 5,000+ 로코 드라마에 실제 연인이? 웨딩임파서블 전종서 공개열애 이충현 등장
'웨딩 임파서블' 전종서-문상민, 새로운 로맨틱 코미디 공식의 완성
9 문재인 2,000+ 문재인 "이런 정부 처음"..한동훈 "최악은 문 정부"
한동훈 文, 기억력 나쁜 듯...최악은 문재인 정부 아닌가
10 한화 2,000+ 한화, 산업기계 물적분할해 '한화모멘텀' 신설
한화도 사업 재편 단행...김동관 중심 승계구도 속도 붙나
11 채영 2,000+ 트와이스 채영·전소미, 무인 포토부스서 속옷 노출 '시끌'
채영·전소미, 포토부스서 속옷 노출 사진... 논란되자 삭제
12 송민형 별세 70세 2,000+ '막돼먹은 영애씨' 영애父 배우 송민형 별세...향년 70세 - 서울경제
'막영애' 아빠 송민형 별세... 향년 70세 - 머니투데이
13 섀넌 도허티 1,000+ '암 투병' 여배우, 뇌+뼈로 전이 후 결국..남은 재산 정리 중 [Oh!llywood]
14 류준열 한소희 1,000+ 류준열·한소희, SNS 재개... “꽃 길만 펼쳐질 것”
한소희‧류준열, 결별 후 동시에 SNS 활동 재개...무슨 일?
15 오키나와 1,000+ [김숨의 위대한 이웃]'참외와 오키나와 소년' 우에즈 노리아키씨
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Taiwan 10,000+ Taiwan: 900 Verletzte nach schwerem Erdbeben
Taiwan: Schwerstes Erdbeben seit 25 Jahren fordert mehrere ...
2 WhatsApp Störung 10,000+ Probleme bei Meta-Diensten: Störung bei Whatsapp
Störung bei Whatsapp und Instagram: Tausende meldeten zeitweise ...
3 WhatsApp 10,000+ Whatsapp: l'application de messagerie victime d'une panne mondiale
WhatsApp ne répond plus, la messagerie victime d'une panne ...
4 Curling-WM 5,000+ Curling-WM ist eine Limmattaler Angelegenheit
WM in Schaffhausen - Schweizer Curler feiern den 4. Sieg in Folge
5 Lohnbuch 2024 2,000+ Lohnbuch Schweiz 2024: alle Löhne auf einen Blick
Lohnbuch: So viel solltest du in deinem Job verdienen
6 Leverkusen gegen Düsseldorf 2,000+ Bayer Leverkusen vs. Fortuna Düsseldorf: TV, LIVE-STREAM - alles ...
DFB-Pokal-Halbfinale: Bayer Leverkusen gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf ...
7 Jean-Yves Le Fur 2,000+ L'homme d'affaires Jean-Yves Le Fur, ex-mari de Maïwenn, est mort ...
Les années Jean-Yves Le Fur : quand le « playboy » controversé ...
8 Servette FC 2,000+ Interview de Steve Rouiller, vice-capitaine du Servette FC
Stade Lausanne-Ouchy a déjoué les pronostics en s'imposant 2-1 à ...
9 Taylor Swift 2,000+ Taylor Swift erstmals auf „Forbes“-Liste der reichsten Menschen der ...
Taylor Swift ist Milliardärin: Das sind die reichsten Prominenten
10 Maddie McCann 1,000+ Maddie McCann: Auto des Verdächtigen Christian B. soll durchsucht ...
Neue Spur im Fall Maddie McCann: Ermittler wollen Auto des ...
11 Swiss Re 1,000+ Schweizer Rückversicherer: Ex-Allianz-Manager Andreas Berger ...
Swiss Re wechselt im Sommer Konzernchef aus
12 Hunter Schafer 1,000+ Hunter Schafer révèle avoir été en couple avec une célèbre chanteuse
Hunter Schafer et Rosalía ont été en couple (et sont restées amies)
13 Fenerbahce 1,000+ Fenerbahçe lässt im Juni über Austritt aus Süper Lig abstimmen
Süper Lig: Steigt Fenerbahçe bald aus?
14 Bernard Arnault 1,000+ Pourquoi la fortune de Bernard Arnault a grimpé soudainement de ...
Voici pourquoi la fortune de Bernard Arnault a encore bondi de ...
15 Arsenal 1,000+ Arsenal vorerst wieder Tabellenführer
Arsenal – Luton : à quelle heure et sur quelle chaîne suivre le match ?
16 Ursula von der Leyen 1,000+ Ursula von der Leyen im Porträt - was sind ihre Ambitionen für die ...
Selon un sondage, la Commission européenne ne gagne pas les ...
17 Coupe de France 500+ DIRECT. PSG - Stade Rennais : les Parisiens poussent pour faire le ...
Coupe de France : Lyon valide son ticket pour la finale
18 Séisme taiwan 500+ Un important séisme fait au moins neuf morts et plus de 800 blessés ...
Neuf morts et plus de 1000 blessés à Taïwan après un séisme
19 Manchester City 500+ Jack Grealish (Manchester City) : « À l'extérieur, je me fais huer »
Akanji und Manchester City empfangen Aston Villa im Etihad
20 Servette – Stade Lausanne-Ouchy 500+ Weiterer Rückschlag für Servette
Kann Servette vorübergehend den Leaderthron erobern?
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Taiwan 100,000+ Taïwan frappé par le plus puissant séisme depuis 25 ans
Près de Taïwan, un séisme sous-marin de magnitude supérieure à 7 ...
2 Jean-Marie Le Pen 20,000+ France : Jean-Marie Le Pen, 95 ans, placé sous tutelle pour raison ...
À 95 ans, Jean-Marie Le Pen placé «sous régime de protection ...
3 Edouard Philippe 20,000+ Le Havre. Edouard Philippe et une élue visés dans une enquête ...
Le Parquet national financier a ouvert une enquête préliminaire ...
4 James Cameron 20,000+ Nos images de l'exposition L'Art de James Cameron à la ...
James Cameron : "Je crois dans la capacité de l'Homme à résoudre ...
5 Samuel Le Bihan 20,000+ Samuel Le Bihan dans "Tu ne tueras point" sur France 2 : "Montrer ...
Ce mercredi soir sur France 2, Samuel Le Bihan bouleverse dans ...
6 Brigitte Macron 20,000+ Brigitte Macron : son apparition sur le tournage de la série « Emily in ...
Brigitte Macron en guest star de la série «Emily In Paris»
7 Ary Abittan 10,000+ Accusation de viol : l'acteur Ary Abittan bénéficie d'un non-lieu
Accusé de viol, l'acteur Ary Abittan obtient un non-lieu
8 Taylor Swift 10,000+ Taylor Swift est milliardaire, après une année 2023 faste
Taylor Swift : milliardaire uniquement grâce à sa musique
9 Manon Azem 10,000+ «On était mariés» : Manon Azem dévoile avoir rompu avec un acteur ...
Manon Azem : la comédienne officialise sa séparation avec un ...
10 Lyon 10,000+ Lyon : ce boulevard très important perturbé pendant un an, une piste ...
Lyon. Des commerçants s'opposent à ce projet de "vélo-rue" et ...
11 Manchester City – Aston Villa 10,000+ Manchester City - Aston Villa en direct : Triplé pour Foden
Manchester City – Aston Villa : à quelle heure et sur quelle chaîne ...
12 Prisca Thevenot 10,000+ «Aucun attentat n'a été déjoué» le week-end de Pâques, affirme l ...
Couac gouvernemental : après avoir annoncé qu'une tentative d ...
13 Arsenal 5,000+ Arsenal – Luton : à quelle heure et sur quelle chaîne suivre le match ?
Premier League
Vainqueur de Luton, Arsenal reprend ...
14 Panne WhatsApp 5,000+ Whatsapp: l'application de messagerie victime d'une panne mondiale
Une panne affecte WhatsApp, Facebook et Instagram
15 Manchester City 5,000+ Jack Grealish (Manchester City) : « À l'extérieur, je me fais huer »
16 Au Sanglier de Russie 5,000+ Bordeaux : le Sanglier de Russie, la dernière brosserie de France
17 VAFC 5,000+ OL-Valenciennes: frappé par un stadier, un entraîneur adjoint du ...
Lyon - Valenciennes : agressé par un stadier, l'entraîneur adjoint du ...
18 Hunter Schafer 5,000+ Hunter Schafer et Rosalía ont été en couple (et sont restées amies)
Hunter Schafer révèle avoir été en couple avec une célèbre chanteuse
19 Ousmane Sonko 5,000+ Ousmane Sonko, de farouche opposant à Premier ministre du ...
Sénégal : le Premier ministre Ousmane Sonko dévoile son plan d ...
20 Pascal Demolon 5,000+ L'acteur Pascal Demolon vend sa collection d'art à Reims
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Premier League 200,000+ LIVE: Manchester City vs Aston Villa – Premier League
Premier League football kit gifted to girls at Rock Ferry Primary ...
2 Arsenal 200,000+ Arsenal return to top with victory over Luton
Ticketing information: Arsenal v Everton
3 Is WhatsApp Down 100,000+ Meta's WhatsApp down for thousands, Downdetector shows
Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook go down as huge Meta outage ...
4 Taiwan 50,000+ Taiwan: Rescue efforts continue after 900 injured in earthquake
Taiwan hit by strongest earthquake since 1999
5 Hunter Schafer 20,000+ Hunter Schafer: Euphoria star says she no longer wants to play trans ...
'Euphoria' star Hunter Schafer says she doesn't want to take on 'tons ...
6 Balmoral Castle Tickets 20,000+ King Charles opens Balmoral Castle to public for first time - but ...
How to visit Balmoral Castle: Transport and tickets to royal Scottish ...
7 Vapes heart failure 20,000+ Doctors reveal what vaping can do to your heart
From headaches, flatulence and now heart failure, ALL the health ...
8 Brentford vs Brighton 10,000+ Brentford 0-0 Brighton: Flekken, Bees stymy Seagulls
Brentford vs Brighton predictions: Premier League betting tips, odds ...
9 Conor Gallagher 10,000+ Chelsea respond to 'out of context' video after Conor Gallagher ...
Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino condemns online abuse aimed at ...
10 Rebel Wilson 10,000+ Rebel Wilson book release put back in UK and Australia
Rebel Wilson claims she felt 'sexually harassed' by Sacha Baron ...
11 Pl 10,000+ PL candidate complaining about rangers is environment minister's ...
12 Stefano Cherchi 10,000+ Jockey Stefano Cherchi, 23, dies from injuries after fall from horse
Stefano Cherchi: Italian jockey dies aged 23 after horse racing fall in ...
14 Joe Flaherty 10,000+ Actor and comedian Joe Flaherty dead at 82
'SCTV' star and comedian Joe Flaherty has died at 82 after an ...
15 Wish 10,000+ Does Chris Pine Sing In 'Wish?' Why He Was Hesitant To Lend His ...
Chris Pine's New Disney Villain Song Is Even Better After His 10 ...
16 Andi Oliver 10,000+ The popular Kent restaurant loved by TV chef Andi Oliver to appear ...
17 Ally McCoist 5,000+ Ally McCoist reveals he won't attend Rangers vs Celtic
Ally McCoist will not go to Old Firm Ibrox clash after saying he would ...
18 Brentford FC 5,000+ Sergio Reguilón: Big Names, Big Games
19 Adam Peaty 5,000+ Adam Peaty: Swimming broke me but I am finding peace in the ...
“I'm Liking The New Version Of Myself” Says Adam Peaty After 57.94 ...
20 Peter Andre 5,000+ Peter Andre and wife Emily welcome their third child together
Peter Andre, 51, and doctor wife Emily, 34, welcome third child as ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Stefon Diggs 500,000+ Bills trade WR Stefon Diggs to Texans for 2025 second-round draft ...
Bills and Texans agree to terms on trade to send WR Stefon Diggs to ...
2 Kent 200,000+ Historic school renovation project in New Kent on hold
Inbox Health Announces Appointment of Kent Ivanoff to Board of ...
3 May-Thurner syndrome 200,000+ What is May-Thurner syndrome? Lauren Boebert's diagnosis ...
Colorado's Lauren Boebert was diagnosed with May-Thurner ...
4 Inter Miami 200,000+ No Messi on game roster for Inter Miami vs. Monterrey in Champions ...
Messi, descartado con Inter Miami para ida ante Rayados en ...
5 Man City vs Aston Villa 100,000+ Manchester City vs Aston Villa 4-1: Premier League – as it happened
Man City vs. Aston Villa Livestream: How to Watch English Premier ...
6 Arsenal 100,000+ Arsenal vs Luton Town 2-0: Premier League – as it happened
Arsenal get rare chance to rest key players before final stretch - ESPN
7 Nuggets 50,000+ What We Learned from the Spurs loss to the Nuggets
Fanática de los Denver Nuggets vetada de los partidos por ...
8 Rod Wave 50,000+ Rod Wave, Billboard Chart-Topping Rapper, Arrested on Weapons ...
St. Pete rapper Rod Wave released after charges 'determined not to ...
9 Broadway plays 20,000+ Broadway Spring 2024: All Of Deadline's Reviews
10 Travis Kelce Taylor Swift 20,000+ Travis Kelce finds a new definition of 'happy' with TSwift
Travis Kelce to host music festival, join Taylor Swift on Europe tour
11 Wish 20,000+ Does Chris Pine Sing In 'Wish?' Why He Was Hesitant To Lend His ...
American Airlines, Make-A-Wish® and Disney host Wish Flight in ...
12 Broadway shows 20,000+ Ticket prices for Broadway shows skyrocket, reach new all-time high
Broadway Spring 2024: All Of Deadline's Reviews
13 Jane Goodall 20,000+ Jane Goodall's legacy of empathy, curiosity, and courage
On Her 90th Birthday, Jane Goodall Tells Us Her Wish
14 Braves vs White Sox 20,000+ Chicago White Sox game against Atlanta Braves canceled
Braves vs. White Sox: Odds, spread, over/under - April 3
15 Denver Nuggets 20,000+ Fanática de los Denver Nuggets vetada de los partidos por ...
Strike 2: The Denver Nuggets should draft Zach Edey
16 The Good Doctor 20,000+ 'The Good Doctor' Stars Break Silence After Surprising Death In ABC ...
The Good Doctor Writer Explains Major Character's Death
17 National Burrito Day 20,000+ National Burrito Day 2024: Where to get freebies and deals on ...
Big bites for National Burrito Day: Here's five places to celebrate with ...
18 Apple River stabbing 20,000+ Apple River stabbing trial Day 3 recap
Day 3 of Nicolae Miu's Apple River stabbing trial brings more victim ...
19 Liza Koshy 20,000+ Liza Koshy and Jimmy Fallon Go "Psycho" in Tense Black and White ...
20 Disney stock 20,000+ Elon Musk says he would 'definitely' buy Disney stock if investors ...
Stock Market News, April 3, 2024: S&P 500 Closes Up Slightly After ...