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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-04-11) #71

Open brienzb opened 3 months ago

brienzb commented 3 months ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 남영희 20,000+ 인천 개표 한때 지연...남영희, 재검표 요구했다가 승복(종합)
인천 개표 한때 지연...'재검표 요구' 남영희 승복
2 감스트 10,000+ 완전히 끝났다...감스트·뚜밥, 재결합 열흘만 또 파혼
감스트, 뚜밥과 파경→재결합 후 10일 만에 또 결별..."후회 없다" - 머니 ...
3 정진석 5,000+ 민주 박수현, '6선 도전' 정진석 누르고 삼수 끝에 국회 입성
'5선' 정진석에 설욕한 박수현.."민심의 무서움을 실감" [현장영상]
4 장예찬 5,000+ 정연욱 "장예찬, 결과 승복 후 내게 문자...張에 '선전했다' 답신 보내"
[선택 2024] '부산 수영구' 국민의힘 정연욱, 장예찬·유동철 꺾고 당선 확실
5 조정훈 5,000+ 마포갑, 與 조정훈 당선...영입인재 맞대결서 승리
서울 마포갑 국민의힘 조정훈 당선
6 김영주 5,000+ 파란→빨간점퍼 갈아입은 이상민·김영주, 텃밭서 '쓴맛' 한국일보
빨간 점퍼로 갈아입은 김영주‧이상민 결국 '패배'[선택2024]
7 김태호 5,000+ [총선] 전직 경남지사 대결 '양산 을'...김태호 승리
[녹취구성] 김태호 "유통기간 지난 정치를 변화시키라는 요구"
8 신동욱 5,000+ [뉴스외전 화제의 당선인3] 초선 신동욱(서초을) "당정 소통에 동맥 ...
[출구조사] 서울 서초을, 국힘 신동욱 54.8%로 민주 홍익표 45.2%에 앞서
9 한덕수 5,000+ 한동훈·한덕수·용산 동반 사퇴...'참패 내홍' 선제 차단에도 대혼돈
[속보] 한덕수 총리 사의 표명...대통령 비서실 실장·수석 사의 표명
10 이스타항공 5,000+ 이스타항공, 작년 영업손실 577억원... 새 비행기 도입 탓
이스타항공, 지난해 영업손실 577억원...“올 1분기 흑자달성 목표 ...
11 이재정 2,000+ 민주당 이재정, 3선 도전 성공...“상식과 품격, 시민의 승리”
[4·10=개표 결과] 안양동안을 민주당 이재정 후보 당선 확실
12 송파병 2,000+ [총선] 서울 송파병, 민주당 남인순 당선...강남 3구 '유일'
서울 송파병, 민주당 남인순 당선...강남3구 유일 野후보
13 김민석 2,000+ [당선인 인터뷰] 김민석 "국정 방향 바뀌길 바라는 민심에 보답"
민주 김민석, 박용찬 꺾고 영등포을 수성...4선 고지 올라
14 김용태 2,000+ 김용태 "尹, 22대 국회 개원 후 野대표들 만나 대화해야"
[선택 2024] '포천가평' 국민의힘 김용태 당선...33세 국회의원 탄생
15 부승찬 2,000+ [선택 2024] '용인시 병' 민주당 부승찬 당선...'육사'에 승리한 '공사'
[경기 용인시병] 제주출신 부승찬 후보, 초접전 끝 당선
16 전재수 2,000+ 부산의 '유일 생환' 野 후보 전재수 "채상병 특검 관철" [현장영상]
[속보] '낙동강 벨트 최전선' 부산 북갑...민주 전재수 당선 확실
17 권영세 2,000+ '새 정치 1번지' 용산 가져간 국힘...권영세 5선 달성
뒤집힌 출구조사...권영세·안철수·나경원·김은혜 등 환호
18 나사 성폭행 2,000+ “여성 6명 성폭행”...NASA 한국인 직원 얼굴 공개한 美언론 - 서울경제
“미국 NASA에서 일한다”...'6명 성폭행 혐의' 한인 직원 신상 공개 ...
19 진선미 2,000+ '女법조인 맞대결' 서울 강동갑, 진선미 당선...4선 고지
[속보] '女법조인 맞대결' 서울 강동갑, 진선미 당선 확실
20 성일종 2,000+ '3선 성공' 충남 서산태안... 국민의힘 성일종 당선
'3선 성공' 성일종 국민의힘 서산·태안 국회의원 당선인, 약자와 국가 ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 OM 200,000+ DIRECT. Benfica - OM : les Marseillais cèdent déjà en première ...
DIRECT. Benfica-OM : Aubameyang a relancé Marseille qui pousse ...
2 Impots 50,000+ Impôts : barème, saisie sur smartphone, ce qui change cette année ...
Impôts 2024 : après plusieurs heures de panne, le site pour déclarer ...
3 O.J. Simpson 50,000+ O.J. Simpson, ex-star du foot américain acquittée lors du "procès du ...
O.J. Simpson, ex-star du foot américain, acquitté en 1995 d'un ...
4 Patrick Pelloux urgentiste 50,000+ L'infectiologue Karine Lacombe accuse l'urgentiste Patrick Pelloux ...
#MeToo hôpital : le médecin urgentiste Patrick Pelloux est accusé ...
5 Aston Villa – Lille 50,000+ DIRECT. Aston Villa-Lille: tout est contre le Losc y compris la VAR
Aston Villa - Lille en direct, Quarts de finale aller de Ligue Europa ...
6 Maire d'Avallon 50,000+ Quel avenir politique pour la maire d'Avallon, placée en détention ...
Trafic de drogue, interpellations, mises en examen... Ce que l'on sait ...
7 Fallout 50,000+ On a vu la série « Fallout », et voici pourquoi c'est l'une des ...
La série « Fallout » garde le meilleur de l'univers du jeu vidéo, pour ...
8 Europa League 20,000+ Europa League : Aubameyang dévoile son top buts
Lukaku à la poursuite d'Aubameyang pour l'histoire de l'Europa ...
9 Iran 20,000+ Iran: la Maison Blanche a "mis en garde" Téhéran à propos de ...
Iran-Israël : Joe Biden réaffirme son soutien « inébranlable » à l'Etat ...
10 Mademoiselle Holmes 20,000+ "Mademoiselle Holmes" : une série événement tournée en partie ...
« Mademoiselle Holmes » : le pari à moitié réussi de TF1
11 Novak Djokovic 10,000+ Masters 1000 de Monte-Carlo. Novak Djokovic qualifié pour les ...
Novak Djokovic se défait de Lorenzo Musetti et file en quarts à ...
12 Simone Weber 10,000+ Simone Weber, "la diabolique de Nancy", est morte
Simone Weber, « la diabolique de Nancy », est morte
13 Philippe Caverivière RTL 10,000+ VIDÉO - Philippe Caverivière : "Macron ça devait être Churchill, c'est ...
14 Pekin Express 10,000+ Pékin Express : les téléspectateurs privés d'émissions ce soir et le ...
Mâcon. Ces deux soignantes rêvent de l'aventure “Pékin Express”
15 Pacte asile immigration 5,000+ Pacte asile et migration : le Parlement européen adopte l'ensemble ...
Le Parlement européen valide le pacte sur la migration et l'asile
16 Bridget Jones 5,000+ Le retour de Bridget Jones à l'écran, c'est pour bientôt !
Bridget Jones bientôt veuve et mère célibataire dans un tout ...
17 Prechacq 5,000+ Landes : une cure de nature à la station thermale de Préchacq-les ...
une cure nature à la station thermale de Préchacq-les-Bains
18 Festival de Cannes 2024 5,000+ Festival de Cannes 2024 : Francis Ford Coppola, Demi Moore ...
Festival de Cannes 2024: Audiard, Coppola, Honoré... Découvrez la ...
19 TRAMADOL 5,000+ TRAMADOL : des conditionnements plus petits en réponse au ...
Tramadol : pour lutter contre le risque d'addiction, les boîtes ne ...
20 Griezmann 5,000+ Le PSG devient la risée de l'Europe, Antoine Griezmann met l ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 O.J. Simpson 10,000+ O.J. Simpson, l'ex-superstar du football américain acquittée lors d'un ...
États-Unis: O.J. Simpson, ex-star du foot, est décédé
2 Europa League 10,000+ Europa League heute live: Bayer Leverkusen vs. West Ham ...
Europa League heute live: Die Übertragung des Viertelfinals im TV ...
3 Benfica 2,000+ Benfica - OM : le match face au TFC prétexte pour l'interdiction de ...
Benfica - Marseille: Chaîne TV, Pronostic, Composition probable ...
4 Novak Djokovic 2,000+ Tennis Monte Carlo Novak Djokovic - Lorenzo Musetti - die Highlights
Novak Djokovic wackelt kurz – aber gewinnt gegen Musetti
5 Amy Winehouse 2,000+ «Back to Black»: Was der Film über Amy Winehouse falsch macht
Kinofilm über Amy Winehouse: Glamouröses Elend
6 Freddy Nock 2,000+ Publikation offenbart Schulden: Konkurs über Freddy Nock eröffnet ...
Hochseilartist: Freddy Nock war vor seinem Tod verschuldet
7 Fallout 2,000+ Avec «Fallout», l'histoire d'amour entre séries et jeux vidéo se poursuit
Zum Serienstart von "Fallout": Diese Brettspiele fangen die Magie ...
8 Fenerbahce 2,000+ Fußball: Verletzungs-Drama überschattet Fenerbahce-Partie
Olympiakos holt knappen Sieg gegen Fenerbahce – Fiorentina nur ...
9 ZSC Lions 1,000+ «Sky hat mir geholfen, mein Selbstvertrauen zu steigern»
10 Julian Assange 1,000+ Julian Assange: Stella Assange begrüßt Aussagen von Joe Biden
Wikileaks plaide pour une "solution politique" pour la libération de ...
11 Til Schweiger 1,000+ Til Schweiger mit Blutvergiftung im Krankenhaus auf Mallorca
Til Schweiger seit zwei Wochen im Krankenhaus – so geht es ihm
12 Cubarsi 1,000+ Pau Cubarsi trumpft mit seinen 17 Jahren beim FC Barcelona auf
"Es ist nicht normal": FC Barcelona feiert einen 17-Jährigen, João ...
13 Truong My Lan 1,000+ Vietnam: Milliardärin Truong My Lan wurde zum Tode verurteilt
Betrug in Milliardenhöhe: Vietnamesische Immobilienmagnatin zum ...
14 Baptiste flamme olympique 1,000+ Baptiste, auteur de la vidéo virale "mais si j'suis très net" en 2017 ...
«Mais t'es pas net Baptiste» : pourquoi Paris 2024 a choisi Baptiste ...
15 Milan 1,000+ Branges (Saône-et-Loire) Naissance. Bienvenue à Milan
Football. Un collectif dépose un recours contre la construction du ...
16 AC Milan 1,000+ AC Milan - AS Roma : Pronostic, compos probables et chaîne TV du ...
AC Milan - AS Rome : Diffusion TV et en clair, streaming et compos
17 Clint Eastwood 500+ Ce soir à la télé : l'un des tout meilleurs westerns de Clint Eastwood
18 Masters 500+ "The Masters" - Golf-Stars spielen um das grüne Jackett
Masters d'Augusta 2024 : le jeu retardé en raison de la mauvaise ...
19 Sofia Goggia 500+ Foto-Patzer: Ski-Star Sofia Goggia hat plötzlich zwei linke Füsse
Sehen Sie es? - Ski-Star Goggia sorgt mit Model-Foto für Lacher
20 Bordeaux 500+ Echo-Cardio Bordeaux 2024 : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Attaque à Bordeaux : l'assaillant avait obtenu le statut de réfugié en ...
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 OJ Simpson 500,000+ OJ Simpson, NFL star acquitted in 'trial of the century', dies aged 76
OJ Simpson murder trial: How the dramatic court case unfolded
2 Liverpool vs Atalanta 200,000+ Liverpool vs Atalanta LIVE: Europa League result and reaction as ...
Liverpool 0-3 Atalanta: Europa League quarter-final, first leg – live ...
3 Masters 100,000+ My Kid's First Communion Is on Masters Sunday
4 West Ham 50,000+ Leverkusen strike late to beat stubborn West Ham
Let's make it special – West Ham get set for Leverkusen clash
5 Grand National 2024 runners 50,000+ Grand National runners: Pinstickers' guide to 2024 Aintree race
Grand National 2024: horse-by-horse guide to all the runners
6 Rory McIlroy 50,000+ Masters live - Leaderboard and scores as Bryson DeChambeau ...
Masters tee times: Round 1 groups and schedule including Rory ...
7 Masters Leaderboard 50,000+ Masters Leaderboard 2024: Latest Scores From Augusta National
2024 Masters leaderboard: Live coverage, Tiger Woods score, golf ...
8 Aston Villa 20,000+ From the vault: 5 classic wins against Aston Villa From the vault ...
9 Ellen Mercer nitrous oxide 20,000+ Ellen Mercer: Woman died from nitrous oxide and immobility ...
Ellen Mercer: Bucks woman died from nitrous oxide gas
10 Caroline Flack 20,000+ Caroline Flack's celebrity status likely contributed to police charging ...
Met Police to reinvestigate decision to charge Caroline Flack as ...
11 Sky Mobile down 20,000+ Sky Mobile investigating as some users still experiencing internet ...
Sky mobile down: Internet and phone stops working in outage
12 Europa Conference League 20,000+ Watch Europa Conference League Soccer: Livestream Aston Villa ...
Europa Conference League quarter-final first legs: Villa, Club ...
13 Truong My Lan 10,000+ Truong My Lan: Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for $44 ...
Vietnam: Property tycoon Truong My Lan sentenced to death after ...
14 JJ Watt 10,000+ NFL superstar JJ Watt labels Sunderland 'wildly interesting' as Ian ...
15 Ella Purnell 10,000+ All About 'Fallout' Star Ella Purnell's Musician Boyfriend, Max ...
16 Harold Wilson 10,000+ Harold Wilson had affair while in No 10, advisers reveal
Harold Wilson confessed to secret 'love match' while PM, former ...
17 Tre Lowe 10,000+ BBC The Apprentice's Tre Lowe reveals Lord Sugar's secret five ...
The Apprentice's Tre Lowe wanted to champion male mental health ...
18 Pompeii 10,000+ Banquet room with preserved frescoes unearthed among Pompeii ...
Stunning frescoes revealed at Pompeii
19 Baby Reindeer 10,000+ Baby Reindeer: The chilling true stalking story behind Richard Gadd ...
Baby Reindeer: Meet the Scottish Comedian Who Turned His ...
20 Adidas Samba 10,000+ How Adidas Sambas Took Over the World
brienzb commented 3 months ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 O.J. Simpson 10,000,000+ OJ Simpson Dead: Former NFL Star Acquitted Of Murder Was 76
OJ Simpson, former football star acquitted of murder, dies at 76
2 Masters leaderboard 500,000+ 2024 Masters leaderboard breakdown: Byson DeChambeau, Scottie ...
2024 Masters leaderboard: Live coverage, Tiger Woods score, golf ...
3 Tiger Woods 500,000+ Tiger Woods 1 under at Masters but faces 23-hole test Friday - ESPN
Tiger Woods score today at 2024 Masters Tournament: Scorecard ...
4 The Masters 200,000+ My Kid's First Communion Is on Masters Sunday
5 Europa League 200,000+ Watch Europa League Soccer: Livestream Liverpool vs. Atalanta ...
Atalanta stuns Liverpool 3-0 at Anfield, Leverkusen beats West Ham ...
6 Tornado watch 100,000+ Tornado watch expires, heavy rain threat continues
Tornado watch in effect in Southwest and Central Virginia
7 Bryson DeChambeau 50,000+ Bryson DeChambeau leading Masters using 3-D printed irons only ...
Masters 2024: Bryson DeChambeau makes good on his threat
8 National Pet Day 50,000+ Today is National Pet Day Check out these deals to show your pet ...
Celebrate National Pet Day with KING 5 and share your photos
9 Bridgerton Season 3 50,000+ 'Bridgerton' Season 3 Trailer: Penelope And Colin's Friendship ...
'Bridgerton' Season 3 Introduces a Surprising New Friendship
10 Matt Gaetz 20,000+ Matt Gaetz Is Winning
'Are you afraid of me?' 'Firebrand' Matt Gaetz mocked for running ...
11 Speak No Evil 20,000+ 'Speak No Evil' Trailer: James McAvoy Torments a Couple
Speak No Evil: James McAvoy Gives Off Serious Split Vibes in First ...
12 Khloe Kardashian 20,000+ Khloe Kardashian hit with O.J. Simpson rumor: 'Sorry about your ...
O.J. Simpson and Khloé Kardashian Paternity Rumors Explained
13 Ben McLemore 20,000+ Ex-Trail Blazer Ben McLemore faces rape charge, other counts - ESPN
Former Sacramento Kings guard Ben McLemore accused of rape ...
14 Tom Brady 20,000+ Tom Brady says he's 'not opposed' to a late-season NFL return - ESPN
Tom Brady is 'not opposed' coming out of retirement to help NFL ...
15 PGA 20,000+ Nicklaus, Player, Watson lament state of golf amid PGA-LIV rift - ESPN
Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Tom Watson want 'best outcome' of PGA ...
16 Cicadas emerge 20,000+ Cicadas incoming: Billions to emerge in double-brood invasion
The cicadas are coming! A CU entomologist's take on a once-in-200 ...
17 Ohtani 20,000+ Ohtani translator accused of stealing $16 million from Dodgers star
Shohei Ohtani's ex-interpreter charged with stealing $16M to pay ...
18 J.K. Rowling 20,000+ J.K. Rowling Says She Won't Forgive Daniel Radcliffe, Emma ...
J.K. Rowling Takes Shots at Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson for ...
19 Augusta National Golf Club 20,000+ Beyond the gates of Augusta National, private-club golf is booming
20 Arizona Coyotes 20,000+ Tourigny: Coyotes staffers dealing with 'real life' emotions amid ...
Arizona Coyotes' social media posts slammed amid Utah relocation ...