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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-04-29) #89

Open brienzb opened 2 months ago

brienzb commented 2 months ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 2 months ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 마약 자수 래퍼 10,000+ 마약 자수 래퍼, 식케이였다..필로폰 검출 NO→"대마 소지·흡입" 인정 ...
'마약 자수' 래퍼, 식케이였다 '대마 단순 소지, 필로폰 투약 NO' - 서울경제
2 엔화 10,000+ 엔화, 유로 출범 이후 최저...변동성 확대(상보)
1달러에 160엔 뚫어...“엔저, 미·일 금리 차이가 원인”
3 나훈아 은퇴 콘서트 10,000+ 나훈아, 은퇴 콘서트서 “북쪽 김정은이라는 돼지는...”
나훈아, 은퇴 콘서트서 "김정은이란 돼지는..." 저격, 왜? - 머니투데이
4 황우여 5,000+ 국민의힘 비대위원장에 황우여 전 새누리당 대표
국민의힘 비대위원장 친박 황우여 “총선 민의 뭘 깨달았나”
5 근로자의 날 5,000+ 다가오는 근로자의 날 누가 쉬나요?...공무원·교사·교수 정상 출근
근로자의 날 휴일수당? 알바생엔 언감생심
6 맨시티 5,000+ [PL 34R 리포트] 이어진 우승 경쟁 불꽃! 맨시티, 노팅엄 꺾고 19경기 ...
'충격' 지난 시즌 '트레블' 맨시티, FFP 115건 위반 혐의..."최소 승점 ...
7 눈물의 여왕 결말 5,000+ '눈물의 여왕' 결말은 따로 있었다?...'2034 홍해인' 스포글 : 네이트 연예
"관짝 엔딩이라니"...모두가 놀란 '눈물의여왕' 결말 (+충격)
8 유재환 5,000+ “예비 신부는 배다른 동생”... '작곡비 먹튀' 의혹 유재환, 추가 폭로
"예비신부=배다른 동생"...논란의 유재환, 결혼 발표 글 삭제 [엑:스레이 ...
9 하이브 주가 5,000+ 하이브 주가 장중 반등세, 어도어와 갈등에도 뉴진스 신곡 기대감 반영
'민희진 사태' 일파만파, 하이브 주가는?
10 중국 광저우 토네이도 2,000+ 하늘 뒤덮고 전선도 폭발..광저우 덮친 토네이도
“종말이 오는 줄”...中 광저우 휩쓴 토네이도 영상 보니
11 영수회담 2,000+ 영수회담: 윤석열 정부 첫 영수회담...역대 영수회담과 다를까? - BBC ...
720일 만에 첫 영수회담..135분 회담 끝에 "합의문 없어"
12 수능) '6등급 교대 합격 2,000+ '교권 추락' '학령인구 감소' 교대의 몰락... 수능 6등급도 합격
인기 시들해진 교대...수능 6등급도 합격했다
13 국민연금 2,000+ 부실자산 관심 커진 연기금...국민연금도 1.5조 사모출자
국민연금공단, 정태규 연금이사 임명 - 한국금융신문
14 이동경 2,000+ “내가 대신 가줄게”란 응원 받은 이동경, 입대하며 울산과 잠시 작별
'입대' 이동경 맹활약...울산, 제주에 역전승
15 박성훈 2,000+ 박성훈 "고등학생 때 엄청 가난, 돈 없어 햄버거 먹는 친구 계단서 ...
'재벌설' 박성훈 “7년간 반지하에 살아, 햄버거 사먹을 돈도 없었다 ...
16 Nike 2,000+ 슈프림 협업 나이키 SB 다윈 로우가 출시된다
나이키 x EA 스포츠 FC 게임 팩 'WHAT THE FC' 출시
17 문동주 1,000+ '피안타율 0.380' 던지면 맞는 문동주, 결국 2군 내려갔다
국대 1선발이 'ERA 8.78'이라니...와르르 무너진 문동주, 개인 1G 최다 ...
brienzb commented 2 months ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Depardieu 50,000+ Gérard Depardieu a été placé en garde à vue dans deux affaires d ...
Gérard Depardieu en garde à vue dans deux affaires d'agressions ...
2 Natasha St-Pier 20,000+ "C'est dangereux": Natasha St-Pier répond aux accusations de ...
Natasha St-Pier remporte Danse avec les stars : comment Inès Reg ...
3 Jean francois Achilli 20,000+ Le journaliste politique de franceinfo Jean-François Achilli licencié
Jean-François Achilli licencié par Radio France pour ...
4 Rafael Nadal 20,000+ Tennis : à Madrid, Rafael Nadal s'accroche
Masters 1000 de Madrid. Rafael Nadal lutte pendant plus de 3 h ...
5 Manchester City 10,000+ Manchester City: la folle série de Rodri, invaincu depuis...70 matchs ...
Nottingham Forest 0-2 Manchester City, Premier League : résumé ...
6 Rima Hassan 10,000+ Blocage de Sciences Po : Rima Hassan appelle à des mobilisations ...
France : La candidate LFI controversée Rima Hassan assume son ...
7 Sanchez Premier ministre espagnol 10,000+ Le Premier ministre espagnol Pedro Sanchez renonce à ...
Pedro Sánchez, le Premier ministre espagnol, annonce qu'il reste ...
8 Fort-la-Latte 10,000+ Côtes-d'Armor : au Fort-la-Latte, rencontre avec une famille formidable
Au Fort-la-Latte, une famille formidable - Journal de 13 heures
9 Viggo Mortensen 5,000+ Un western avec Viggo Mortensen, le nouveau roman d'Hervé Le ...
Viggo Mortensen: «Le personnage de Vicky Krieps s'inspire de ma ...
10 Coqueluche 5,000+ Nice : un nourrisson de trois semaines décède de la coqueluche
Mort d'un nourrisson à Nice : La recrudescence inquiétante de la ...
11 Xi Jinping Hautes-Pyrénées 5,000+ Le président chinois Xi Jinping en visite d'État à Paris et dans les ...
Le président chinois Xi Jinping attendu en visite d'Etat à Paris et ...
12 Humza Yousaf 5,000+ Le Premier ministre indépendantiste écossais Humza Yousaf ...
En Écosse, le Premier ministre indépendantiste Humza Yousaf ...
13 Jamel Debbouze 5,000+ GRDF s'offre Jamel Debbouze pour vanter son gaz vert
GRDF et Rosa Paris nous offrent une comédie hilarante avec Jamel ...
14 Billie Eilish 5,000+ Billie Eilish démarre sa tournée mondiale à Québec
Billie Eilish annonce une tournée mondiale et deux dates à Paris ...
15 Stade Rochelais 5,000+ Les résultats du week-end !
Battus par le leader rochelais, les Espoirs d'Aurillac ont relevé la tête ...
16 Glucksmann 5,000+ Européennes : Glucksmann et Hayer dans un mouchoir de poche ...
Européennes: la dynamique Glucksmann se confirme
17 Caroline Vigneaux 5,000+ Caroline Vigneaux croque la pomme sur Téva : ce que veulent ...
18 Sarah Knafo Éric Zemmour 5,000+ "À Reconquête, la politique se fait en couple ?" : la réponse cash de ...
Marion Maréchal, Sarah Knafo... Zemmour "le macho" sera-t-il ...
19 La rochelle Rugby 5,000+ Rugby à Biarritz : les filles championnes de ligue face à La Rochelle
20 Anthony Edwards 5,000+ Anthony Edwards, trop brillant pour les Suns
NBA. « C'est le joueur que je préfère regarder », Kevin Durant ...
brienzb commented 2 months ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Joe Biden 2,000+ Qu'est-ce que cette « armée climatique » que Joe Biden tente de ...
80e anniversaire du Débarquement. Joe Biden viendra-t-il à ...
2 Gerard Depardieu 2,000+ Gérard Depardieu a été placé en garde à vue pour des accusations ...
Accusations d'agressions sexuelles: Gérard Depardieu jugé en ...
3 Rafael Nadal 2,000+ Rafael Nadal steht in Madrid in den Achtelfinals
Tennis: "Dann haben alle Angst vor Nadal"
4 Manchester City 1,000+ Rodri von Manchester City nicht zu bezwingen
Manchester City: la folle série de Rodri, invaincu depuis...70 matchs ...
5 Pedro sanchez 1,000+ Spanien: Ministerpräsident Sánchez bleibt im Amt
Pedro Sánchez annonce rester à son poste de Premier ministre ...
6 Humza Yousaf 1,000+ Menacé par des votes de défiance, le Premier ministre écossais ...
Der schottische Regierungschef Humza Yousaf tritt zurück
7 Schweiz Tourismus 1,000+ Schweiz Tourismus präsentiert neues Logo
Nach der Goldblume: Schweiz Tourismus lanciert neue Markenwelt
8 Jannik Sinner 1,000+ ATP Masters Madrid: Jannik Sinner zieht trotz Verletzungssorgen ins ...
Jannik Sinner - Pavel Kotov - die Highlights
9 Top gun 500+ Québec dévoile l'identité du « top gun » de Santé Québec
"Top Gun" trifft "Zurück in die Zukunft": "Black Panther"-Star Michael ...
10 Tag der Arbeit 500+ Versammlung zum Tag der Arbeit auf dem Frankenbadplatz ...
11 Justin Bieber 500+ Und warum? Justin Bieber zeigt sich weinend auf Instagram ...
Qu'arrive-t-il à Justin Bieber?
12 Natasha St-Pier 500+ "C'est sûr": Inès Reg affirme que Natasha St-Pier a créé la ...
Natasha St-Pier remporte Danse avec les stars : comment Inès Reg ...
13 Thomas Bühner 500+ Schmerzhafte Aktion für Thomas Bühner
14 Meyer Burger 500+ Kündigung bei Meyer Burger: „Ich komm in vier Jahren in Rente“
Riesiger Andrang bei Jobmesse für Meyer-Burger-Mitarbeiter ...
15 Bristen 500+ Ribital, Bristen: Rund 3000 Kubikmeter Geröll könnten nachrutschen
Wohnhaus in Urner Seitental nach Murgang evakuiert
16 Der Kommissar und die Angst 500+ Der Kommissar und die Angst mit Roeland Wiesnekker im ZDF
'Der Kommissar und die Angst' im ZDF: Schauspielerin hatte lange ...
17 Magenta 500+ Telekom gönnt Magenta TV programmatische Werbung
18 Mint Butterfield 500+ Mint Butterfield aufgetaucht: Christopher «Kio» Dizefalo verhaftet
Vermisste Teenager-Tochter von Slack und Flickr-Gründern wieder ...
19 Biden 500+ Qu'est-ce que cette « armée climatique » que Joe Biden tente de ...
20 Cabb 500+ Das sagt ein Chemieprofessor zum Cabb-Unfall in Pratteln BL
Strafverfahren nach Chemieunfall bei Cabb in Schweizerhalle BL
brienzb commented 2 months ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Humza Yousaf 100,000+ Humza Yousaf quits as Scotland's first minister
SNP looks to unity candidate after Humza Yousaf quits as first minister
2 Leicester City 50,000+ Match Report: PNE 0 Leicester City 3
Leicester City celebrate Championship title as Enzo Maresca plots ...
3 Kevin Spacey 20,000+ Kevin Spacey docuseries heading to Max, featuring never-before ...
Spacey dismisses new claims in documentary as 'a work of fiction'
4 Billie Eilish 20,000+ Billie Eilish tour dates announced for new album Hit Me Hard and Soft
Billie Eilish announces Hit Me Hard And Soft tour UK dates
5 Miriam Rivera 20,000+ Who was Miriam Rivera? The horrifying true story behind Channel ...
What happened to Miriam Rivera, the first transgender reality TV star?
6 Carter 20,000+ Blue Ivy Carter lands voice role in Lion King prequel Mufasa ...
'Mufasa: The Lion King' trailer: Blue Ivy Carter joins voice cast
7 Thiago Silva 20,000+ Thiago Silva to depart Chelsea at the end of the season
'An indescribable love': Thiago Silva announces departure from ...
8 Billy Vunipola 20,000+ Billy Vunipola breaks silence on 'unfortunate misunderstanding' after ...
Billy Vunipola tasered twice during arrest at weekend in Spanish bar
9 Disability benefits vouchers 20,000+ DR UK Responds To Proposed Changes To Personal ...
Disability Benefits system to be overhauled as consultation ...
10 Japanese yen 10,000+ Yen rebound signals Japanese government intervention, traders say
Why has the Japanese yen been so weak?
Hellenic Shipping ...
11 Francis Ngannou 10,000+ Francis Ngannou posts heartbreaking plea in tribute after tragic ...
Francis Ngannou's 15-month-old son dies as UFC icon posts ...
12 Stuart Hogg 10,000+ Ex-Scotland rugby captain Stuart Hogg reveals rehab has sparked ...
Ex-Scotland captain Stuart Hogg 'reset' in rehab after arrest
13 Death In Paradise 10,000+ Ralf Little shares emotional message after move away from Death In ...
14 Shishkin 10,000+ Two-time Cheltenham Festival winner Shishkin dies after freak ...
Talking Horses: Shishkin's flaws and foibles only added to his appeal
15 Train strikes 10,000+ Rail strikes – find out when West Midlands faces railway standstill as ...
Train strikes: London rail passengers face yet more walkout misery ...
16 Esther Rantzen 10,000+ Dame Esther Rantzen says she has joined Dignitas and that dogs ...
Esther Rantzen begs MPs to attend assisted dying debate
17 CJ Sansom 5,000+ CJ Sansom obituary
Bestselling author CJ Sansom dies days before Disney adaption of ...
18 Haaland 5,000+ Haaland plans to stick around through November — report
Deb Haaland Confronts the History of the Federal Agency She Leads
19 Bank holiday 5,000+ Early May bank holiday weekend busiest roads, times to travel
Warning for 'Mayhem' bank holiday with traffic well above pre-Covid ...
brienzb commented 2 months ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Charlotte news 100,000+ Charlotte shooting: Four officers shot dead, four wounded, in North ...
4 law enforcement officers killed in shooting in Charlotte, North ...
2 Ezekiel Elliott 100,000+ Cowboys, Ezekiel Elliott reunite for 2024 season
Sources - Ezekiel Elliott, Cowboys reuniting with 1-year deal - ESPN
3 Barcelona 100,000+ Lewandowski hat trick gives Barcelona comeback victory over ...
Ter Stegen, foreign player with second most appearances in an FC ...
4 Mufasa: The Lion King 50,000+ Disney Debuts First Teaser Trailer for 'Mufasa: The Lion King' - The ...
Blue Ivy Carter to Join Beyoncé in 'Mufasa: The Lion King'
5 Billie Eilish 50,000+ Billie Eilish November 10 & 11, 2024 Xcel Energy Center
Billie Eilish Unveils 'Hit Me Hard and Soft' World Tour Dates
6 Travis Kelce 50,000+ Chiefs star Travis Kelce agrees to 2-year extension to remain in ...
What Travis Kelce's Contract Extension Really Means For The ...
7 Jamal Murray 50,000+ Nuggets Roundtable: Is Jamal Murray Denver's key to a Game 5 win ...
Michael Malone: Jamal Murray calf injury was “worsened” by one ...
8 Jerry Seinfeld 50,000+ Jerry Seinfeld Lists Jokes He Couldn't Put in 'Seinfeld' Today
Far-Right Influencers Celebrate Jerry Seinfeld Once Again Claiming ...
9 Francis Ngannou 50,000+ Ex-UFC champ Francis Ngannou mourns 15-month-old son's death ...
Ex-UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou announces death ...
10 Billy Joel Christie Brinkley 50,000+ Billy Joel sings 'Uptown Girl' while ex-wife Christie Brinkley dances ...
Watch Billy Joel Serenade Ex-Wife Christie Brinkley With 'Uptown Girl'
11 Japanese yen dollar 50,000+ Sign of intervention? Japan's yen jumps against dollar
Japan's yen falls to its weakest since 1990 against the dollar
12 Anne Hathaway 20,000+ How to Watch 'The Idea of You,' Starring Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway steps out for 'The Idea of You' premiere, shares how ...
13 District Attorney Sandra Doorley 20,000+ N.Y. DA cursed at officer and refused to comply during traffic stop ...
NY Gov. Hochul seeks state investigation into DA Sandra Doorley's ...
14 Willie Nelson 20,000+ Willie Nelson Is Fine! He's Trending Because It's His Birthday.
Happy birthday, Willie Nelson: Music legend turns 91
15 FC Barcelona 20,000+ Ter Stegen, foreign player with second most appearances in an FC ...
Ter Stegen equals a record set by Dani Alves and remains in the ...
16 Paul George 20,000+ 2024 NBA Free Agents: Rumors and Predictions for Paul George ...
17 Vietnam 20,000+ Rep. Joe Neguse honors and thanks Colorado Vietnam veterans
Pilot Accounted For From Vietnam War (Kerr, J.)
18 Jayson Tatum 20,000+ Jimmy Butler Got Mad at TNT's Coverage of Jayson Tatum's Sneakers
19 Teacher Appreciation Week 20,000+ Teacher Appreciation Week Brings Freebies, Discounts for Educators
20 SOFI) stock 20,000+ Stock Market News, April 29, 2024: Tesla Shares Jump, Indexes Rise
SoFi Stock Earnings Surprise: I Was Wrong