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[GTRP] Google Trend Report (2024-02-09) #9

Open brienzb opened 5 months ago

brienzb commented 5 months ago

In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.

brienzb commented 5 months ago

[Korea] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 살인자o난감 10,000+ 최우식x손석구x이희준 '살인자ᄋ난감', 기발한 파격 스토리
끈적끈적 누아르 스릴러 '살인자ᄋ난감' [OTT PICK 5]
2 포스코 장인화 사장 5,000+ 포스코 회장 후보에 장인화 전 사장...“조직문화 개선 기대”
포스코 차기 회장에 장인화
3 크라임씬 리턴즈 5,000+ 박지윤→안유진 '크라임씬 리턴즈', 오늘(9일) 에피소드 2개 동시 공개
박지윤, '크라임씬 리턴즈' 공개 소감 "무너진 마음에 그만두고 싶다 ...
4 한서희 5,000+ [SC이슈]남배우에 "호텔서 XX하자"...한서희, '주작'이랬지만 고발당했다
男배우에 "호텔로 와"...한서희, 카톡 공개 후 명예훼손 고발 당해
5 정서주 2,000+ 미스트롯3 정서주 여왕전에서도 1위, 강력한 진후보 부상....시청률 ...
'미스트롯3' 정서주 4라운드 팀전·여왕전 올킬...'유진스' 후끈
6 개혁신당 2,000+ '개혁신당' 이름으로 제3지대 통합 합의...이낙연 “고민 끝에 당명 수용”
제3지대 4개 세력, 합당...당명 '개혁신당' , 대표 이준석·이낙연
7 오유진 2,000+ '미스트롯3' 오유진, 트로트계 김연아 등극 "정통 트로트의 정석"
"김연아 같아"...오유진, 정통 트로트로 '여왕전' 휩쓸었다 ('미스트롯3')
8 새해 복 많이 받으세요 2,000+ [사진]한수아, '새해 복 많이 받으세요'
9 새해인사 2,000+ 새해 인사드립니다!
[사진]한수아, '단아한 새해 인사'
10 홍준표 클린스만 위약금 1,000+ 홍준표 “클린스만, 위약금 주고 해임...축구협회장 물어내”
“클린스만 해임하고 축협회장이 위약금 내야”...연일 쓴소리 내는 ...
11 이엘 1,000+ 이엘 "남자들, 나한테 대시 안 해...무섭게 보이는 듯" - 머니투데이
이엘, 19금 광고 촬영 비하인드 “상의 다 벗어... 광고주도 도망”
brienzb commented 5 months ago

[France] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Robert Badinter 500,000+ Disparition de Robert Badinter
La Ville de Lyon rend hommage à Robert Badinter
2 Joe Biden 50,000+ Rapport médical alarmant, bourdes: la campagne présidentielle de ...
Santé de Joe Biden : le président américain peut-il être destitué ?
3 Lionel Jospin 50,000+ C à vous Invités : Lionel Jospin
4 Zaho de Sagazan 50,000+ Zaho de Sagazan et l'écriture : "Partir de soi pour parler aux autres"
DIRECT. Victoires de la musique 2024: la rappeuse Shay remporte ...
5 Jean Reno 20,000+ EXCLU VIDÉO – Jean Reno bouleversé, il dévoile ses derniers ...
Tom Cruise « totalement méprisant » : Jean Reno dézingue la star ...
6 Vladimir Poutine 20,000+ Guerre défensive, “défaite impossible”, paix avec l'Ukraine ...
Interviewé par Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Poutine déroule sa vision d ...
7 Moha La Squale 20,000+ Le rappeur Moha La Squale, arrêté en décembre en Allemagne, va ...
En fuite depuis plusieurs semaines, le rappeur Moha La Squale ...
8 Alizé Lim 20,000+ Tony Parker annonce sa séparation avec Alizé Lim, ancienne ...
Tony Parker annonce sa séparation avec Alizé Lim
9 Tournoi des Six Nations 20,000+ Tournoi des Six Nations 2024 : Écosse – France
Tournoi des Six Nations : les Bleus n'ont pas le droit à l'erreur en ...
10 Trump 20,000+ Primaires républicaines 2024 : la victoire de Donald Trump dans les ...
États-Unis. Après sa victoire écrasante dans le Nevada, Trump ...
11 Gérard Miller 20,000+ Noémie Halioua: «Gérard Miller, le procureur sur le banc des ...
"Il m'a massé toutes les parties": une accusatrice de Gérard Miller ...
12 Pro D2 10,000+ Pro D2 - En direct. Vannes - Aurillac : suivez le match de la 18ème ...
DIRECT - Pro D2 : le RC Vannes tout en maîtrise contre Aurillac
13 Remaniement gouvernement ministres 10,000+ Remaniement : Jean-Noël Barrot nommé ministre délégué chargé ...
14 Bacterie E.coli 10,000+ Bactérie E.coli dans le fromage : une deuxième enfant âgée de 18 ...
E. coli : deux fillettes contaminées par la bactérie, l'une d'elles frôle ...
15 Booba 10,000+ Booba clashe (encore) Kylian Mbappé dans le titre « Abidal » de ...
Booba sort son nouvel album "Ad Vitam Eternam", son premier ...
16 Adele Haenel 5,000+ Après les accusations d'Adèle Haenel, un procès se profile pour ...
Adèle Haenel : agressions sexuelles, chantage affectif... ce que ...
17 Carton bleu 5,000+ Football : après le jaune et le rouge, bientôt un carton bleu ?
Exclusion temporaire dans le football : le carton bleu, bonne ou ...
18 Danse avec les stars 5,000+ «Danse avec les Stars» : «J'ai beaucoup de chance», la Nordiste ...
Danse avec les stars 2024 - Nico Capone va danser avec Inès ...
19 De grace 5,000+ «De grâce» sur Arte : c'est grave, docker
"De Grâce" sur Arte : "Un docker a été assassiné : on a été rattrapés ...
20 OM - Metz 5,000+ OM-Metz : Faux pas interdit - Peuple Olympien
DIRECT. OM-Metz: les Marseillais veulent redresser la tête et mettre ...
brienzb commented 5 months ago

[Swiss] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Yverdon 10,000+ Prise d'otages vers Yverdon: auteur identifié, motivation précisée
Yverdon: des témoins racontent la prise d'otages
2 Robert Badinter 5,000+ Robert Badinter, père de l'abolition de la peine de mort en France ...
Robert Badinter, guillotineur de la peine de mort en France
3 Geiselnahme Schweiz 2,000+ Geiselnahme in Schweizer Zug - Polizei erschießt Täter
Geiselnahme in Regionalzug in der Schweiz
4 Joe Biden 2,000+ Joe Biden se défend après un rapport le taxant d'"homme âgé avec ...
Wahlen in den USA - Wie steht es um Bidens Gedächtnis?
5 Brigitte Fossey 2,000+ La Fontaine en fables et en notes - Brigitte Fossey et Danielle Laval ...
6 Priscilla Presley 2,000+ Party-Maus Priscilla Presley am Opernball: "Ich liebe es!"
Wow: Priscilla Presley zu Besuch in der Albertina! - Wiener ...
7 Art on Ice 2,000+ Die «Art on Ice» Erfolgsstory
Art on Ice in Zürich mit Natalie Imbruglia, Dave Stewart und Remo ...
8 Island Vulkanausbruch 1,000+ Spalteneruption auf Island - Island erlebt dritten Vulkanausbruch seit ...
Erneuter Vulkanausbruch in Island
9 Dortmund gegen Freiburg 1,000+ Borussia Dortmund vs. SC Freiburg: Die Aufstellung
BVB gegen Freiburg jetzt live: Dortmund schlägt nach ...
10 Adèle Haenel 1,000+ Après les accusations d'Adèle Haenel, un procès se profile pour ...
Justice. Quatre questions sur les accusations d'Adèle Haenel visant ...
11 Canmore 1,000+ Beda Klee verpasst Top Ten in Canmore nur knapp
12 Sergio Ermotti 500+ Kelleher taucht ab, Ermotti brilliert durch Italo-Eleganz – Inside ...
13 Nouvel An chinois 2024 500+ Nouvel An chinois 2024 : les 2 secrets de Cyril Lignac pour un riz ...
14 Bansko 500+ Daniel Yule et Loïc Meillard pour récidiver à Bansko
Bansko, Riesenslalom Herren 10.02.2024, Favoriten & Wettquoten
15 Jean Reno 500+ EXCLU VIDÉO – Jean Reno bouleversé, il dévoile ses derniers ...
Tom Cruise « totalement méprisant » : Jean Reno dézingue la star ...
16 Züri West 500+ 40 Jahre Züri West: Ein Literaturpreis für Kuno Lauener?
17 Nove Mesto 500+ Les Françaises signent un quadruplé magistral à Nové Město
Les Suissesses ont vécu une véritable débâcle dans le sprint 7,5 km ...
18 Sion – FC Baden 500+ Football: Avec Baden, Sion s'offre un choc des extrêmes
19 Moha La Squale 500+ En fuite, le rappeur Moha La Squale arrêté en Allemagne
Le rappeur Moha La Squale, mis en examen pour viol, arrêté en ...
20 Blaue Karte Fußball 500+ Zeitstrafen bald im Fussball? - Fifa bestätigt: Blaue Karte wird diskutiert
Blaue Karte im Fußball? „Falsch und verfrüht“
brienzb commented 5 months ago

[UK] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Tucker Carlson 100,000+ Tucker Carlson interview: Fact-checking Putin's 'nonsense' history
How Tucker Carlson became Putin's useful idiot
2 Adam Maxted 20,000+ Get to know Love Island's Adam Maxted – height, age and what ...
Love Island's Adam Maxted age, Instagram, ex-girlfriends and what ...
3 Sheffield Wednesday 20,000+ Sheffield Wednesday vs Birmingham City LIVE: Championship ...
What is Cirata? Sheffield Wednesday's new shirt sponsors revealed
4 Alabama rot 20,000+ Alabama rot: Warning over 'surge' in deadly dog disease cases
Vets issue urgent warning to dog owners after spike in pets falling ill ...
5 Ring doorbell 20,000+ Ring video doorbell customers angry at 43% price hike

Ring to raise basic doorbell subscription prices by 43% – but we ...

6 Chernobyl mutant wolves 10,000+ Chernobyl's mutant wolves appear to have developed resistance to ...
Mutant wolves roaming Chernobyl nuclear wasteland develop ...
7 Laura Trott 10,000+ Laura Trott interview: Fact-checking Treasury minister's claim on debt
Laura Trott, Chief Secretary to the Treasury falters over 'basic' debt ...
8 Piers Morgan 10,000+ Piers Morgan to move TalkTV show Uncensored to YouTube
Harry and Piers Morgan in war of words after prince awarded payout ...
9 Alligator snapping turtle 10,000+ Invasive alligator snapping turtle found in Cumbria
Exotic 'dinosaur-like' turtle that can bite through bone found in Cumbria
10 WWE 10,000+ WWE signs deal with X to launch exclusive short-form wrestling ...
'Monday Night Raw' coming to Lexington's Rupp Arena during one ...
11 Australia vs West Indies 10,000+ Australia vs West Indies: David Warner top scores in 100th T20I ...
Warner stars in landmark outing, Zampa's class seals victory
12 National Pizza Day 10,000+ National Pizza Day
National Pizza Day 2024: Slice into some absurd facts
13 Donald Trump 10,000+ US election: Donald Trump faces little competition and wins big in ...
The Supreme Court Is Not Going to Save Us From Donald Trump
14 Tesco Bank 10,000+ Tesco Bank to be bought by Barclays in £600m deal

Tesco Bank borrower or saver? Its credit cards, loans and ...

15 ADHD 10,000+ How an ADHD diagnosis saved my marriage – for a while anyway
16 Nations League 5,000+ England away to Republic in Nations League opener
England's 2024-25 UEFA Nations League draw
17 Blazing Saddles 5,000+ 5-at-10: Super Friday mailbag with 'Blazing Saddles' tribute, LIV's ...
18 XL Bully 5,000+ XL bully dogs killed Esther Martin in Jaywick - Essex Police
Independent readers divided over XL Bully and other dog breed ...
19 Teofimo Lopez 5,000+ Teofimo Lopez defends title with unanimous points win over ...
Teofimo Lopez subjected to boos after controversial win against ...
20 Kate Garraway 5,000+ Kate Garraway thanks 'incredible' viewers on return to hosting Good ...
Kate Garraway: GMB viewers delighted to see presenter return to ...
brienzb commented 5 months ago

[US] Google Trend Keywords

Rank Title Traffic News
1 Earthquake 200,000+ Magnitude-5.7 earthquake shakes Big Island of Hawaii
Magnitude-4.6 Malibu earthquake shakes Southern California from ...
2 National Pizza Day 100,000+ It's National Pizza Day! Here are the restaurants in Louisville with ...
Is today National Pizza Day? Here are deals to try in El Paso
3 Earthquake Los Angeles 100,000+ Magnitude-4.6 Malibu earthquake shakes Southern California from ...
4.6-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Near Malibu, Rattling Los ...
4 Lunar New Year 100,000+ Governor Newsom Proclaims Lunar New Year 2024 California ...
Celebrating Lunar New Year - United States Department of State
5 Chip Kelly 50,000+ Ohio State hires UCLA's Chip Kelly to replace Bill O'Brien as OC ...
Chip Kelly leaves UCLA football for Ohio State offensive coordinator ...
6 Bucks 50,000+ Catch the Milwaukee Bucks on WEAU
Watch Milwaukee Bucks vs. Charlotte Hornets: TV channel, live ...
7 Tow 50,000+ Tow truck driver arrested for violating Spartanburg Co. towing ...
Man arrested for stealing car back from tow lot
8 Suns 50,000+ The resetting of the Suns bench was the right move
Championship-Chasing Phoenix Suns Add Premier Wing Defender ...
9 Vultures Kanye 50,000+ Fans at Kanye's Sold Out 'Vultures' Premiere Still Want to Believe
5 Takeaways From Ye & Ty Dolla $ign's 'Vultures Listening ...
10 Brittany Mahomes Sports Illustrated 50,000+ Why Brittany Mahomes Is Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2024's Next ...
Brittany Mahomes' Has a Sexy Baywatch Moment in SI Swimsuit ...
11 WWE 20,000+ 'Monday Night Raw' coming to Lexington's Rupp Arena during one ...
12 Naples plane crash 20,000+ Plane Crash on I-75 Near Naples, Fla., Kills 2
At least 2 dead after small plane crashes onto Florida highway ...
13 Caitlin Clark 20,000+ On cusp of record, Caitlin Clark trying to soak up each moment - ESPN
Caitlin Clark, please don't break scoring record on Super Bowl ...
14 Mark Ruffalo 20,000+ Mark Ruffalo Laughs with His Older Kids as They Strike Silly Poses ...
Watch Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner do '13 Going on 30 ...
15 Bill O'Brien 20,000+ Boston College Names Bill O'Brien Head Football Coach
Sources: Boston College to hire Bill O'Brien as head coach - ESPN
16 Joe Flacco 20,000+ Flacco winning CPOY is 'complete insanity'
Why Delaware star Joe Flacco was stunned he won NFL award after ...
17 Upgraded 20,000+ 'Upgraded': How to Watch & Stream the Movie Online for Free
Camila Mendes on 'Upgraded,' Life After 'Riverdale' and Future Roles
18 O.J. Simpson 20,000+ O.J. Simpson Denies Report He's in Hospice Care: 'All Is Well'
O.J. Simpson reportedly diagnosed with prostate cancer as he ...
19 Jonathan Majors 20,000+ Jonathan Majors Had History of Abuse in Relationships, Women Say
Jonathan Majors accused of abuse by 2 more women
20 Wink Martindale 20,000+ Former Ravens, Giants defensive coordinator Wink Martindale being ...
Sources - Michigan set to hire ex-Giants DC Wink Martindale - ESPN