brigadecore / brigade

Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes
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certain arm64 builds not working on M1 Macs #1920

Closed krancour closed 2 years ago

krancour commented 2 years ago

@vdice has an M1 Mac and has recently had trouble getting certain images to build.

Between v2.3.1 and now, we've been very focused on image security. We've been scanning images after building them, as part of our CI processes. Smaller base images generally lead to more favorable results.

For cases where we could not get away with using a "distroless" base image, we've turned to Alpine base images (or bases themselves derived from Alpine).

This introduced a new kink in our builds because multi-arch Alpine images don't have linux/arm64 variants. They have linux/arm64/v8 variants.

Our method of working around this, which I will not describe here because it is not adequately fresh in my head, is not working on M1 Macs.