brigadecore / brigade

Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes
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feature: support basic auth for private repos #1934

Closed krancour closed 2 years ago

krancour commented 2 years ago

On Slack, @emilwangaa wrote:

in v1 we could set a github token + HTTPS cloneUrl in our project definitions to access private git repositories. In v2 it looks like only SSH keys and git+ssh urls are supported for private repos. Is this a deliberate design decision? Or am I just missing something? (and sorry that I keep bugging you with questions).

This PR addresses this issue.

The feature prompted several modifications to the docs on creating/managing projects, so that section ended up with a comprehensive overhaul. I think they cover the new details well and are more succinct with no real loss of detail.

I will publish a custom build of this branch shortly so @emilwangaa can take this for a test drive.

krancour commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa, if you'd like to test drive this:

$ export DOCKER_ORG=krancour
$ export TAG=5d0e697

$ helm install brigade oci:// \
    --version v2.4.0 \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace brigade \
    --set apiserver.image.repository=$DOCKER_ORG/brigade2-apiserver \
    --set apiserver.image.tag=$TAG \
    --set gitInitializer.linux.image.repository=$DOCKER_ORG/brigade2-git-initializer \
    --set gitInitializer.linux.image.tag=$TAG

Preview of updated docs on how to use is here:

This custom build also includes the changes from #1935.

emilwangaa commented 2 years ago

@krancour I've tested this and it works fine for Github, but cannot get it to work with Azure DevOps. The vcs init container throws this error:

2022/04/21 12:53:35 Starting Brigade Git Initializer -- version 5d0e697 -- commit 5d0e697
error cloning repository at<redacted>/<redacted>/_git/first-brigade2-project: unexpected client error: unexpected requesting "<redacted>/<redacted>/_git/first-brigade2-project/git-upload-pack" status code: 400

Looking through the Azure DevOps documentation it looks like the username:password needs to be a base64 encode string: - Do you know if this is done by the git library you're using?

krancour commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa the base64 encoding you mentioned is just a standard part of basic auth. It's account for. I'll give this a shot.

krancour commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa ok... I'm getting the same result you are.

Scratching my head at the moment, but we'll figure it out.

krancour commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa it turns out to be a known issue with the lib we're using:

Well, this is frustrating.

I do think this PR is a net improvement for everyone except ADO users, so I'm not closing, but I'll continue to look at what more we can do.

emilwangaa commented 2 years ago

Good find @krancour, but yeah, that is a bit frustrating 😕

Reading the issue it looks like it also affects ssh when using ADO or do you think that is not the case?

krancour commented 2 years ago

Reading the issue it looks like it also affects ssh when using ADO or do you think that is not the case?

Yes... that's my read on it.

Will open a separate issue for this, but I am looking at the feasability of swapping to git2go, which are the official Go bindings for libgit2. That's a change that would take some time and would have a bit of a ripple effect. We wouldn't be able to compile a statically linked binary anymore, so the git initializer image (for Linux) would get quite a bit larger. I also haven't verified yet that I can easily install libgit2 on a Windows image. (The git initializer component needs both Linux and Windows variants because it could run as an initializer for any job pod, which could be Windows-based.)

i.e. The only reasonable path I see forward is a pretty big change.

krancour commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa I've mostly got this all worked out... if I can just work out how to make this build for Windows also.

krancour commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa see WIP PR #1939

This PR still adds a lot of value between, so leaving it open, especially because #1939 borrowed a lot from this one.

emilwangaa commented 2 years ago

@emilwangaa see WIP PR #1939

This PR still adds a lot of value between, so leaving it open, especially because #1939 borrowed a lot from this one.

That looks great @krancour - you work fast👍 I'll gladly take it for a spin when ready.

And yes totally agree on the this PR adding a lot of value, so fine with me if you proceed in merging this in.