brightcove / videojs-thumbnails

A video.js plugin that displays thumbnail images over the scrubber.
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Video of 8 minutes progress bar only partitions for the first 20 seconds #11

Closed yan-shcherbakov closed 10 years ago

yan-shcherbakov commented 10 years ago

When I have an 8 minute video and thumbnails in 5 second intervals. When you hover over the progress bar, it only covers 20 seconds of the video. So when I hover over the end of the video, it displays the thumbnail at 20 seconds into the video.

yan-shcherbakov commented 10 years ago

Found what the problem was. Closing issue.

AlapArslan commented 9 years ago

if the video length is 5 min or 10 min or 1 hour then how can we set the thumbnail interval of 5 sec for different lengths of videos?