brightway-lca / brightway2-calc

The calculation engine for the Brightway2 life cycle assessment framework.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Remove json-logging dependency and initialization #99

Closed n8downs closed 1 week ago

n8downs commented 1 week ago


After updating to 2.0.dev17, we're suddenly seeing our LCA server logs transformed into JSON. While JSON logging is not in and of itself a bad thing, I'd prefer to have control over the format of our logs, rather than have them dictated as a side-effect of importing a dependency package. Prior to, it looks like this logging init was optional.


bw-calculator  | Started server process [8]
bw-calculator  | Waiting for application startup.
bw-calculator  | Application startup complete.


bw-calculator  | {"written_at": "2024-07-03T09:25:37.116Z", "written_ts": 1719998737116708000, "msg": "Started server process [8]", "type": "log", "logger": "uvicorn.error", "thread": "MainThread", "level": "INFO", "module": "server", "line_no": 82}
bw-calculator  | {"written_at": "2024-07-03T09:25:37.116Z", "written_ts": 1719998737116938000, "msg": "Waiting for application startup.", "type": "log", "logger": "uvicorn.error", "thread": "MainThread", "level": "INFO", "module": "on", "line_no": 48}
bw-calculator  | {"written_at": "2024-07-03T09:25:37.117Z", "written_ts": 1719998737117367000, "msg": "Application startup complete.", "type": "log", "logger": "uvicorn.error", "thread": "MainThread", "level": "INFO", "module": "on", "line_no": 62}

I couldn't find a way to override this change via something like json_logging.init_non_web(enable_json=False) either before or after the bw2calc import, so I'm open to workaround ideas.


Remove the dependency on json_logging and the initialization of JSON logging. I'd argue that log format should be a decision that the user makes rather than one determined by this package.

codecov[bot] commented 1 week ago

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Thanks for integrating Codecov - We've got you covered :open_umbrella:

cmutel commented 1 week ago

Thanks @n8downs. I totally get where you are coming from, and would be frustrated in your shoes as this change was not listed in the changelog.

Logging can be done in many different ways, and is taken personally by some (though not many) of our users; the philosophy of Brightway is definitely to allow people to do what they want.

I am merging this PR. I have been using loguru in recent development, and would appreciate your input on whether a simpler library like this, but one which still allows for other logging patterns would make sense to you. In particular, I would love some pointers on how we can help make it easy for you to use whatever logger you want while still producing nice and easy logs for the 90% of our users who don't even know that logging is a thing. One possibility would be to add logger as in input argument with loguru as a default, but I am open to other suggestions.

@jsvgoncalves FYI

n8downs commented 1 week ago

Wow, thanks for the quick turnaround!

Happy to provide some thoughts on logging, but feel free to take them with a grain of salt coming from a javascript guy getting back into python.

Loguru looks to be pretty slick! They've got a recommendation for logging as a library:

Alternatively, you could follow the general python guidelines for logging as a library:

Then, to enable logs your users would need to

from loguru import logger
# OR
import logging

Either way, I think a setup note for how to enable the brightway logs in your users' applications would suffice to make sure users can still get at important logged info while allowing more power users control over their standard out.

cmutel commented 1 week ago

Thanks Nathan-

Disabling logs by default will work in some cases but not others. For example, in bw_simapro_csv we use multiple logs to provide both real-time and after the fact feedback to users, and these logs can't be disabled by default while keeping the library usable.

In these cases, I will try a combination of explicit documentation on configuration and removal, and following the expected loguru conventions more closely.

FYI I would like to do the same with bw2calc, and get feedback from you, before making a new release.

n8downs commented 5 days ago

Yeah, I think as long as it can be disabled and if logging is an important avenue of feedback from the library, it's fine to leave it turned on by default.

Happy to give feedback on this update when it's ready.