Closed KellyC-IBP closed 2 months ago
I have already installed the ecoinvent_interface prior to running the code above for importing EcoInvent 3.10
Hi Kelly, I don't think just installing ecoinvent_interface does anything, you need to use it.
bi.import_ecoinvent_release(version="3.10", system_model="cutoff", username=(username="FILL",password="FILL")
Of course, if you don't have access to an ecoinvent account or the proper licence, I guess this doesn't help you.
hi @KellyC-IBP, I think the issue you describe is solved by applying the comment you referenced ( ) So, if you need more asistance, you can also reach-out to the bw mailing list.
I'm closing this issue, because it has a solution.
Hi, I imported EcoInvent 3.10 database, and there are quite a lot of unlinked exchanges as shown in the screenshot. I went through the forum and got that the solution is to have a newer version of bw2io.
I made sure that I am have all the updates for Brightway2.5 installed
Is there another straight forward way to solve this problem?