Brightway throws no error when trying to import an empty directory and applying strategies after. Although the output says that 0 datasets were extracted, this information is easy to miss in the lengthy output:
Instead of going on business-as-usual, the importer should first check if the directory contains a .7z file. If yes, it should unpack it and check the extracted datasets-directory after. If the importer does not find a .7z file or the extracted directory does not include ecospold files, brightway should throw a descriptive error.
Brightway throws no error when trying to import an empty directory and applying strategies after. Although the output says that 0 datasets were extracted, this information is easy to miss in the lengthy output:
Instead of going on business-as-usual, the importer should first check if the directory contains a .7z file. If yes, it should unpack it and check the extracted datasets-directory after. If the importer does not find a .7z file or the extracted directory does not include ecospold files, brightway should throw a descriptive error.