briisk / briisk-css

Briisk CSS and Sass Style Guide
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OOCSS and BEM #2

Open mikoSTAR opened 7 years ago

mikoSTAR commented 7 years ago

"We encourage some combination of OOCSS and BEM for these reasons:

It helps create clear, strict relationships between CSS and HTML It helps us create reusable, composable components It allows for less nesting and lower specificity It helps in building scalable stylesheets ... "

Taking into consideration shadow DOM of Angular2 there are no huge advantages of using BEM or BEM with OOCSS as it is describe. Components are small and thus that we don't need to name classes inside using that methodology.

dakolech commented 7 years ago

Remember that Angular 2 is not the only framework we are using

augkamil commented 7 years ago

yes, we should split this rule into two - one where we can use shadow DOM, the other where we're not able to use shadow DOM. @mikoSTAR can you prepare it like this?