brikis98 / docker-osx-dev

A productive development environment with Docker on OS X
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TASK: Allow to use environment variables to override some defaults #179

Closed dfeyer closed 5 years ago

dfeyer commented 8 years ago

This change allow to override some default, pretty useful for example, this help to override default file ownership like this:

export RSYNC_FLAGS="--archive --log-format 'Syncing %n: %i' --delete --omit-dir-times --inplace --whole-file -l -h -e ssh --rsync-path=\"sudo rsync\" --chown=\"33:33\""
brikis98 commented 8 years ago

Why use env vars instead of command line flags (run docker-osx-dev -h)?

genezys commented 7 years ago

I understand the need. Environment variables can be defined once and for all instead of building aliases or scripts to not have to repeat the parameters you always wants.

You can also use tools like rbenv-vars to set environment variables based on the project you are working on.

brikis98 commented 7 years ago

Fair enough. I'd be happy to accept a PR for this :) Should be straightforward to set the default values of many parameters to try to read an env var.

genezys commented 7 years ago

@brikis98 This is a PR!

brikis98 commented 7 years ago

Hahaha. So it is. Not sure how I missed that.

@dfeyer My apologies for the delay! Would you mind updating the README to mention these new env vars? I'd be happy to merge after.