brille / brille

A library for symmetry operations and linear interpolation within an irreducible part of the first Brillouin zone.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Null node when useparallel=True #60

Closed rebeccafair closed 2 years ago

rebeccafair commented 2 years ago

When I run the following script:

import spglib
import numpy as np
from euphonic import ureg, ForceConstants
import brille as br

fc_file = 'castep_files/La2Zr2O7.castep_bin'
fc = ForceConstants.from_castep(fc_file)

crystal = fc.crystal
cell_vectors = crystal._cell_vectors
cell = crystal.to_spglib_cell()

dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(cell)
rotations = dataset['rotations']  # in fractional
translations = dataset['translations']  # in fractional

symmetry = br.Symmetry(rotations, translations)
direct = br.Direct(*cell)
direct.spacegroup = symmetry
bz = br.BrillouinZone(

vol = bz.ir_polyhedron.volume
grid = br.BZTrellisQdc(bz, node_volume_fraction=vol/n_grid_points)

phonons = fc.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes(grid.rlu)

evecs_basis = np.einsum('ba,ijkb->ijka', np.linalg.inv(cell_vectors),
n_atoms = crystal.n_atoms
frequencies = np.reshape(phonons._frequencies,
phonons._frequencies.shape + (1,))
freq_el = (1,)
freq_weight = (1., 0., 0.)
evecs = np.reshape(evecs_basis,
                   (evecs_basis.shape[0], 3*n_atoms, 3*n_atoms))
cost_function = 0
evecs_el = (0, 3*n_atoms, 0, 3, 0, cost_function)
evecs_weight = (0., 1., 0.)
grid.fill(frequencies, freq_el, freq_weight, evecs, evecs_el,

N = 500
qpts = np.zeros((N, 3))
qpts[:, 0] = 1.5
qpts[:, 1] = np.linspace(-1.5, 2.0, N)
qpts[:, 2] = np.linspace(4.0, -3.0, N)
vals, vecs = grid.ir_interpolate_at(qpts, useparallel=True, threads=4)

I get the following error:

The node subscript The node subscript The node subscript  24  0  1  0 10  0 for the point [[-0.4701,  0.2109, -0.1826]]
 is either invalid or points to a null node! for the point [[ 0.4995, -0.0441,  0.0382]]
 is either invalid or points to a null node! 12  0 21 for the point [[ 0.2491, -0.0259,  0.4367]]
 is either invalid or points to a null node!

This only seems to happen when useparallel=True and threads>=1 and is a bit intermittent. I am using Brille 0.5.4 from PyPI on Windows.

g5t commented 2 years ago

After some investigation, it seems that the points listed in the error message are

  1. variable (perhaps random)
  2. always clearly outside of the irreducible Brillouin zone polyhedron

To try and work out what the problem could be, and confirm that the points are outside of the irreducible Brillouin zone, I resorted to using bz.ir_moveinto and brille.plotting:

q1, _,_,_ = bz.ir_moveinto(qpts, 1)
q4, _,_,_ = bz.ir_moveinto(qpts, 4)

ax =bp.plot(grid.BrillouinZone, show=False, units='rlu');
bp.plot(q1, axs=ax, show=False);
bp.plot(q4, axs=ax)

Plotted separately, for 1 thread: brille60_1th

and 4 threads (though this is run dependent) brille60_4th

There are clearly points outside of the irreducible Brillouin zone, which points to a problem with bz.ir_moveinto.

g5t commented 2 years ago

The implementation of BrillouinZone::ir_moveinto includes an OpenMP parallel for loop which called BrillouinZone::isinside_wedge which also contains a parallel for loop. The nested parallel for loops caused ir_moveinto to fail silently in some cases.

Since the call to isinside_wedge from ir_moveinto can be refactored to only-ever check one point the inner loop is redudant and a new private method has been written to perform the same isinside_wedge calculation for a single point. This change is now in a pull request which should alleviate the problem.

g5t commented 2 years ago

This was fixed by #62 and is in the release v0.5.7 and on PyPI